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Everything posted by ChickenPanda

  1. It's good (way better than I could do) but I would give more info on the clan rather than just writing about rules the entire time. I feel like you said "this is xG, we're cool. here are our servers. RULES RULES RULES RULES RULES RULES END" I think an easy way to fix this would go more in depth with the game mods for each server? idk. I may be the only one who feels like this but I feel like it's just all the MotD's combined into a steam guide. if I genuinely wanted to read this guide, I'd get so bored after the second set of rules. also, it would be worth linking all the mods/admins profiles near the end like. "if you see anyone breaking these rules, please contact one of these people blahblah" obviously put them into categories by division but yeah. I feel it's kind of boring. but besides that, good job bruh. <3
  2. Looking back at what I posted when I was like 12 on the xG website, I was a huge faggot. I'm sorry everyone.
    1. SireScumbo


      Kek. I think we all have been at some point.
    2. Colorparty


      This is why you don't venture back into the dark days. I'm tempted but I'm sure as shit that I was a massive idiot, so, fuck that.
  3. this vid represents me when the booty is too good.
  4. There was something on Reddit that said, "I thought Robin Williams was going to be more of a stand-up comedian, but he kind of left us hanging." Whoever created that, fuck you. RIP Robin. >lolimalittlelatebutthatsk
  5. Uhm. Not really. I do like playing modern stuff, but I mainly only know my favourite classic rock songs. Only modern song I can play on my acoustic is Royals - Lorde.
  6. ChickenPanda

    Guitar Songs?

    Basically unrelated to anything gaming. But I need nice acoustic songs to play. Ideas? <3 thxbbys
  7. Sanic is also worth noting. From the side, it's very hard to headshot him.
  8. Edit: Didn't realize donators had skins now. +1 on this.
  9. "chicken how do you post a thread i need to tell everyone im gonna be inactive." 1. you're welcome. <3 2. have fun, dont die.
  10. I wanna go to Portugal o: have fun dude.
  11. too lazy to write my own so yeah. what he said.
  12. +1, I asked him to apply bc he's a really nice dude <3 M: 10/10 A: 10/10
  13. Definitely the video when Silence made a kid cry. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eg2GweVmc0s
  14. ChickenPanda

    The Old Xg

    This is my favourite.
  15. Played with him a bit on JB. Turns out I have seen that name before, and I love it. M:10 A:9
  16. I'd still consider that dead tbh. It's summer right now. Come September, you get about 5 or so people during the day. During the nights, maybe you'll hit 10, but it wont stay that way for long. if you look at JB, the numbers linger even in the late hours of the night.
  17. I start school tomorrow. Yes. July 31st. Don't expect me to be AS active as I have been, but I'll be on, hopefully at least once a day. (Early afternoon-late night)
  18. Haven't seen you, but I'll keep an eye out. Fix your steam ID, this is yours: STEAM_0:0:49949938