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Everything posted by ChickenPanda

  1. +1, cool guy. great singer ;D follows rules, also a fantastic warden
  2. +1 know him irl. very responsible (GETS GOOD GRADES, TOO.) used to have a fat pug named cuddles, his dad ran over his fat pug. etc. BUT. he's active, mature, knows the rules, and no, I'm not just +1ing this because he's my buddyyyyyy. I honestly believe he'd be a good addition to xG. (:
  3. +1 active, but I haven't seen him on blue much. maybe I'm stupid. idk. but he's active, mature, and knows the rules. :)
  4. too young to join, my apologies. required age is 14. @@MuffinMonster @@Nomulous close plox
  5. @@Nomulous @@miles1baseball @@Nora @@Lawliet @@MuffinMonster @@samit @@SpeedOfFreedom @@TheBraveToaster @@Alucar
  6. +1 for secksy faget. good warden, active and mature <3 i luv u butt
  7. +1 for the accent. jk. nice guy, mature and active.
  8. +1 active and mature. knows rules.
  9. -1 I saw him once on jailbreak. while he made me laugh to the point that my stomach began to ache, he micspammed multiple times. sorry.
  10. +1 fantastic person. he knows the rules very well, and while I am a good rebel, he is one of the few wardens that can stop me.
  11. -1 from me. freekills often, and has had multiple CT bans, I believe.
  12. +1 active across all the servers, very nice guy, and a decent warden. :)
  13. +1 knows the rules, fun guy, fantastic warden, <3
  14. well. I got her at goodwill, but she was cheap. good quality ones you need to buy online
  15. So. like. my girlfriend sent me this picture of when she was like 7 or whatever and i couldnt help but to caption it
  16. So recently, I bought a pink Alien Swarm Parasite and for now, I named it "Charlie" but I want to know what creative ideas you guys have for him. :3 Also, a desc to go along with it would be great. I was thinking maybe "Lamarr" with description "Lamarr! Get down from there!"
  17. +1, nice guy, and he reported a few troublemakers to me (before he realized I no longer had !admin powers ahah)
  18. +1 definitely. Met this dude officially today, but I've seen him on a lot. great sense of humor, and a good rebel. :)
  19. +1 I did see him harassing yesterday in jailbreak (telling people to kill themselves, etc) BUT. besides that, he's a good guy and fun to play with.
  20. +1 wardens often on jailbreak, and while he is a douchey warden, he does his job well :p also knows the rules and is active
  21. +1 active and knows the rules, also a good rebel
  22. +1 active on the TF2 jailbreak server and he's a decent warden. follows rules c: