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Everything posted by McNeo

  1. There is now a Facebook plugin on the top right of the main forum page (below chatbox, above doantions). YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE!
  2. McNeo

    $100 Contest

    Lots of great entries thus far. And an update! For the requirements "I am mostly lax on these rules if I like what I see"
  3. It's usually a little brother. I like how he mixes up the excuse, keeps it more original.
  4. Just keep retrying, should fix itself within 10 minutes or so. You can try restarting Steam but I don't think that will make a difference. It's just because that last VAC server your computer connected to is offline so you Steam needs to query a new server.
  5. Sigs only allow 3 images, this is problematic for some who want to do stats and stuff. Increase image limit? Also, I don't think anyone's mentioned this before, but we could us a mod/admin+ board for discussing server stuff, players, plans, etc.
  6. McNeo

    Need girl advice

    It did for us :C
  7. McNeo

    Need girl advice

    Not getting back together. Just hanging out. And sex.
  8. McNeo

    Need girl advice

    You're my only friends. It's a big scary world out there. And mainly, cuz I'm bored.
  9. I don't play surf much at all cuz I suck at it hahaha. @@silence is the one that would have to look at all this. As far as #4 , the reason the rules are in a link is so it's not the first thing you see. Don't want people bein like "Oh I'm gonna go play some surf" then "BAM READ OUR RUELZ". It just makes for a little more welcoming of a server, and of course the rules are still easily accessible if anyone needs them. Also, welcome to the forums!
  10. McNeo

    Need girl advice

    Well, my most recent ex and I broke up this January. We would email or text like once a month since then but now last week she sent me a friend request on Facebook. We've been talking more and now she wants lunch. Is this good? What do? Do I have to pay (lol)? Now, my ex before her, her and I broke up almost 2 years ago, but now I just got an email from her too saying she wants to talk again and be friends again. Is this good? What do? I got 99 problems and I don't need no biznitch... but sex is good. No no no jk, in all honesty they're great girls and it's good to talk to them again. But yeah. Is it okay to chill with two ex's? As long as it's friends only and stuff? Never been good in relationships, that's why I have so many ex's lol.
  11. McNeo

    xG Memes Thread

    Because my original thread for this wasn't good enough? xG Meme Generator
  12. We had a good push these last couple days guys. Got about 5 new likes adn we reach almost 1,800 unique people every week! More and more content is coming to help keep it active and keep you involved! If you haven't already... This... http://xg.mcneo.me/xgmemegen.html If you have any other pictures, screenshots, videos, or other xG anything please email it [email protected]
  13. Hasn't quite been fully implemented yet
  14. McNeo

    xG Meme Generator

    @Aegean! This should maybe be moved to Fast Lane? Sorry
  15. McNeo

    xG Meme Generator

    Moved from the chatbox to a thread. The xG Meme Generator is here for everyone to abuse! http://xg.mcneo.me/xgmemegen.html Make your own memes and post your favorites! Every now and then I'll copy a handful over to the Facebook page (Xeno Gamers) If you want your pictures added just email to [email protected] #mcneodidwhat
  16. It's really a very beautiful thing.
  17. McNeo

    Holocaust ಠ_ಠ

    Then I should be banned because I call the warden a "fucking idiot" almost every time I play.
  18. McNeo

    Holocaust ಠ_ಠ

    Name calling is not disrespect.
  19. Please see xG CS:S Tools @Aegean! OP requesting close and unsticky. (And sticky dat^ instead?)
  20. McNeo

    Rule change?

    Ummm. Aim means to point at something specifically. So !slay @aim might slay the person you're aiming at with your crosshair. Just a thought.
  21. So it's back to PM<M<PA<A ? How many M's to overrule a PA (if this is still a thing)?