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Posts posted by McNeo

  1. I picked up a new server today (got it from work for stupid cheap). It's an AMD Opteron 16-core CPU with 32GB of RAM. I'll likely be using it for a personal BDR server, but also running torrents.


    I'm looking for some input on HDD configuration and OS. I'd like to run a RAID1, since it's primary going to be for backup and file storage, but I don't know if I want to put the OS on the RAID array, or run a third HDD just for the OS.


    And as for the OS - I was thinking Linux, but I've never been too confident in my Linux-to-Windows file sharing (Samba) so I kind of want to stick with Windows. Again, not sure what. Windows 7 would be easiest to network with my existing machines, but I don't need the pretty GUI for a server. I was kind of thinking XP or try to get my hands on a Server 2008 R2 key from work.


    Your thoughts?

  2. Finish of surf could be above bhop, with a tele in the area to go to the top. Should incorporate a timer or reset button so CTs don't need to go up there.


    But I hate surf so don't do it.


    Make sure you do whatever with the texturing so it doesn't look weird. Like, we shouldn't see floating wedges from the rest of the map, and the rest of the map shouldn't be visible in surf.

  3. The map is awesome guys, I love it and I think it offers a lot and should become quite popular.


    Here's the things I found


    Can't fit through this spot of maze



    Boxes clipped into ground



    Soccer ball rolls after being spawned



    Gap between walls in African American soccer




    Ledge above DR entrance doesn't go all the way to the wall



    Would be awesome if these gates could open and close (independently), even if just by walking into them and pushing them. Should be closed at spawn.



    Textures under water near climb entrance don't match



    Would be cool to have a ladder in this corner



    I didn't get a screeny of it, but I showed Gkoo, the texture of the floor near the back wall of DR doesn't match. On the top level, where CTs would be, near the water pit.


    There's a weird ledge inside of S4S

  4. My Gmail contacts only shows my Gmail contacts. All my contact lists from various sites and accounts all sync together on my phone and I want all that to go in reverse back to my Gmail.

  5. My Android phone syncs all my contacts from Google, Facebook, Twitter, and entries to my phone into one nice list... Is there any way I can push that list to my Google account so it's accessible in Gmail?

  6. MEGA, Megaupload's Successor, is officially live!




    You and your data are practically safe from all prosecution this is why:


    - Your data is sent through a secure SSL connection 128bit secure, meaning if it is intercepted it cant be read, and it is only partial data equating to nothing, they need all the pieces

    - Once at MEGA the data is then encrypted with your custom key so if MEGA was ever intercepted or the data leaked its secured with the Key you generated during registration a 2048bit (THATS HUGE would take a long time to crack) also bloating the file and making it in decipherable as a particular type or file.

    - When you share your data with your friends or redownload it, its being decrypted from the 2048, to the 128, to real data once on your computer.


    All in all from your computer to theirs its a bunch of numbers and letters that cant be linked to a particular type of file to then go after you for.


    This is true internet freedom.


    (Copy-pasta from 4chan's Facebook)