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Posts posted by McNeo

  1. im on my phone using the ForumRunner app by vBulletin (the thing that powers the xG forums)


    I hope you got paid for that advertising.

  2. He's got a point Shiro, it is off topic to the thread, so take that elsewhere.

    Not sayingg its not a valid point, but that should be in the membership forums, not in an unrelated thread.


    To answer your question. Honestly, personally... I can't surf worth a shit, so you'll never see me in there haha.


    But, you can always use the chatbox on forums or add any of us on Steam if you need a mod/admin quick. If you're a member of the xG Steam group you can PM other members of the group without adding them personally as well.




    (sorry for any typos or formatting fucks, editted post on tablet)

  3. The reason for that is trying to get a kill with a flash bang is impossible without the guy having 1 hp and no armor


    I know. Doesn't change the fact that it helps rank.


    On JB my ping is in the 60-70 range all the time and my computer is built for gaming


    On JB my ping is in the 20-30 range all the time and my computer is built for porn. GOML.


    But seriously, I understand what you're saying and I know some people don't like it, but it is a fun game. Personally, I will NEVER do a no-scope, nor will I participate in one unless I'm very sober. Everyone has their preferences.

  4. I actually made all these updates about a week ago, just waiting on @Aegean! to approve it and post it. I added rules for a bunch of games and days, re-organized stuff so it's all together. Yeah.

  5. Well I'm working 2 jobs at the moment and I've got a handful of social events going on these next few weeks so I won't be around as much as I have been.


    I typically cruise the forums while I'm work so you'll see me here during the day. As for CS:S it will probably be just an hour or two at night opposed to the 5 hours into the late night and like all day on the weekends lol.


    But yeah, I'l be on forums plenty every day and in game probably every day, just not as much as you may have come accustomed to.

  6. Alright first you have to tell us if you like action anime with fantasy, or sci-fi or romance or what ever you want.


    Not really into like the ninja shit and hand to hand combat crap lol.


    Fantasy is good (love the Final Fantasy movies), sci-fi is good. Anything with a real story line.


    I really wish I knew what that series was I started, I enjoyed that. Again, all I remember is sand, and these train things that drove through the sand. Does that ring any bells?

  7. You've got proof of people saying you can kill for that, but no proof that that's actually what happened. Hate to say it but without that proof it's hard to judge.


    Of course I'd like to wait for Jihad's input but if the situation is exactly as you describe then I'd agree with you. But, again, without that key piece of proof, your request may be pooched.