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Posts posted by McNeo

  1. Who's your email through?


    A lot of times if you contact their support via email and breifly but thoroughly explain the situation they will take steps to help you get back in. They'll go through a lot to confirm identity, possibly ask about recent emails, who's in your contacts, things like that. They'll also realize that your email is being accessed from a different IP address so they'll take that into consideration as well.

  2. And unfortunately there's no way to "decrypt" a password.


    Passwords are saved and transmitted as hashes. Basically when you create a password it goes through an irreversible math algorithm and that result is saved on the server. When you enter your password to login it goes through the same algorithm, then the result is compared to what is saved on the server. If they match, you're in. Hashing algorithms are complex and cannot be reversed - most of the ones used today would take a supercomputer something like 4.7 thousand years to crack by brute force or some bullshit like that.

  3. What I've been told by @Aegean! and @@serbiansnaga is that it's only a problem if it sincerely affects someone.


    Basically, my understanding of this, has been that if someone drops the n-word but it doesn't offend anyone in-game then it's tolerable. But if someone does have a problem with it then a warning is given followed by gag/mute/kick/ban if it continues.


    It's just a matter of if the people who have to hear are offended by it or not. And that goes for any slur, just using n as an example.

  4. I've never had a problem with you in game and I do enjoy playing with you, and you warden pretty well.


    But yes, dat mic. Using an integrated mic adds background noise from keystrokes and cooling fans (depending on location), not to mention that they're typically cheaper mics anyways. Pick up a headset or even a webcam with a built-in mic and you'll get much better results.


    Personally, I use this headset and I've used it for quite some time in the past, and it works great. I know others in xG use this same one as well. [MEDIA=amazon]B000J4WPW8[/MEDIA]

  5. So I had no idea where to post this so pleased forfiv e me if it is in the incorrect area. So, here it goes:

    As many of you know


    ... I like penis in the butt

  6. I gathered that there were no admins from your post. You can find a lot of us (mods/admins) on the xG Steam group and you can message other group members without actually adding them personally. Feel free to ask anyone who's online if you need something like that quick.


    Unfortunately there's really nothing that can be done about it now anyway, but yeah.

  7. This is already clear in the motd. Swizz's actions could have resulted in a slay or teamban.


    @@SwizZ You must not force T's to be stripped of their knifes unless the game (soccer in this case) requires it. If T's leave this area the must be allowed to pick up a knife.

  8. I was asked into MG server by @@MinerTeddy and FurHappens for a micspammer. WhenI arrived I just sat back and watched to see what was happening.


    Phoenix was talking pretty much none-stop using a different voice all the time (not sure if voice changer or not). He was just talking nonsense and everyone was asking and telling him to be quiet. I muted him, told him he was muted for mic spamming and to please stop, then unmuted him about 30-60 seconds later. He continued to spam and began arguing with me and other players.


    I warned him again and kicked him. He came back and proceeded to spam again and be disrespectful to myself and other players so I banned him for 24 hours.


    Shortly after, I was asked to join TS3 by @@Rain because Phoenix wanted to know why he was banned. I joined TS3 to discover Phoenix using another voice/accent and I immediately called him out on it. I explained to him why he was banned, and reiterated all the previous warnings I gave him. He continued to troll by making pointless comments and asking random questions. Witnesses to this convo in TS include @@Rain @@TurdWig and others.


    If any admins feel this deserves a longer ban please feel free to do so. If not, please just keep note of this when he comes around again.


    Xeno Gamers