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Reputation Activity

  1. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to Pepper in Rabid - Counter-strike   
    -1 cuz gay
  2. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to gryfons in Rabid - Counter-strike   
    I love you, but your not active, and the csgo division needs active staff members, and u already have to take care of the RS division
  3. Agree
    MinerTeddy reacted to orangejuice in Rabid - Counter-strike   
    Im still going with a +1 i believe he will tone it down he knows the rules and has been with us for 5 years now i believe he would make a great mod
    now for my legitimate rating
    A 6/10
    M 7/10
    A is low but l belive he will become more active if he gets the position unlike some where they become less active xD
  4. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to lilbleed in Rabid - Counter-strike   
    I'm your #1 fan rabid, can you sign my profile pls. (I'm going to pick u first for every 10 man btw)
  5. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to gryfons in Rabid - Counter-strike   
    Rabid, that was 1 hell of a post, good job. Now I truly fell you would be an average to great mod. Well done
    +1 Now
    A: 4 (You need to get this up)
    M: 9.9
    Cant wait to see you get promoted the next promo/demo :)
  6. Boring
    MinerTeddy reacted to gryfons in Tatost - Team Fortress 2   
    What did you say?
  7. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to gryfons in Impulse   
    Finally. +1. Very good ct. Likable
  8. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to lilbleed in Impulse   
    +1 Loyal player, been apart of xG forever, knows rules, good rebeller ;)
  9. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to gryfons in K   
    So this is what true saddness feels like... :(
    Shit, another 1 bites the dust
  10. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to lilbleed in K   
    peace dad
  11. Winner
    MinerTeddy reacted to LeToucan in Kgm78 - Counter-strike   
  12. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to gryfons in ***dave*** - Counter-strike   

    Counter-Strike In-Game Name:

    ***Dave*** Offender's Steam ID:

    STEAM_0:0:46864960 Rules Broken:

    Freekilling/mass freekilling Ban Type:

    Server Ban Evidence:

    In chat he says "I want to get banned."
    He was in a skype call with mr. noodle and the other guy. He did not take warden so it was a freeday every single round. He had no right to kill any of us unless we shot at him.
  13. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to gryfons in ***dave*** - Counter-strike   
  14. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to gryfons in ***dave*** - Counter-strike   
    @Bleed @Chrono @Lithium @Hidingmaster
    Do something yall, ban him, or team ban him
  15. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to gryfons in Bullseye - Counter-strike   
    He has done these things(breaking the rules; massing, freekilling) before when he knows people are not recording and when there are no staff on. Then when staff are on he acts like he knows the rules and follows them when he really doesnt. I think a 2 week ban is necessary. He also says that he "reads the rules once per week" which I think is bullshit.
    +1 For temp ban/last warning
  16. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to lilbleed in Bullseye - Counter-strike   
    Honestly I don't think the rules need to be any more specific unless you don't have common sense. 1 thing bullseye does when he is a T is always question the wardens commands or just be a smart ass.
    Warden: All Ts bum rush to my beacon.
    Bullseye: Uhh that's not a beacon that's a marker so yeah *runs off because he thinks its a freeday because of that*
    Another Example:
    Warden: All Ts go into isolation
    Bullseye: "Warden didn't say by when so I'm just going to run and do my own thing because your a garbage CT."
    Gryfon's and probably a lot of other members/players have most likely seen this on jailbreak when bullseye is on.This constantly happens.
    Also tells people to kill themselves 24/7.
  17. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to solidikans in Xg Bullseyex - Counter-strike   

    Counter-Strike In-Game Name:

    Xg BullseyeX Offender's Steam ID:

    Xg BullseyeX Rules Broken:

    Freekilling Ban Type:

    Server Ban Evidence:

    Everytime I go into the server he freekills. I don't know if he senial or what, but he claims he made commands that literally no one hears him say, and then freekills without warning.
  18. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to lilbleed in Roy1231123312   
    -1 Lies a lot. Told me he was using his Gf's account then later said his account got hacked. He lies about a lot of things in general and I don't get along with him. The only time he wasn't rude to me is when he sent me a friend request and just asked me constantly to give him a +1.
  19. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to gryfons in Hot Or Not   
  20. Smelly
    MinerTeddy reacted to gryfons in I Think I Broke Valve....   
    Bonk, I'll give it to u for 10000000000000000000 pennies
  21. Smelly
    MinerTeddy reacted to gryfons in I Think I Broke Valve....   
    I did it again...but it was in game.... This is on my fn stat track xm quick silver...so$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    go to this link
    Steam Community :: [xG] Gryfons :: Screenshots
  22. Smelly
    MinerTeddy reacted to gryfons in I Think I Broke Valve....   
    It looks normal when I was my steam inventory instead of in game
  23. Smelly
    MinerTeddy reacted to gryfons in I Think I Broke Valve....   
    I think it is a glitch and if I sell it...I could get a ton of money
  24. Smelly
    MinerTeddy reacted to gryfons in I Think I Broke Valve....   
    Look at the white on the handle and around the gun...
    Never seen anything like it

  25. Winner
    MinerTeddy reacted to jaygoki in Randy_orton   
    +1 definitely should have been accepted in his first application. very chill, doesnt cause shit and is generally just a fun guy