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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. Ore wa, oh chin chin ga daisuki nondaiyo?
  2. I sense a lot of tension in this thread. Come to Papi, Papi make you feel gooood.
  3. Genesis

    The Cringe Thead!

  4. Genesis


    Old-fag reporting in; what's new, scrubs?
  5. @Tsuchikure Gyazo - ef1301a8194f37a4e1414c652393e03b.png
  6. Wellp. Here we are. I'll go ahead and officialize my leave of the clan. Quite honestly I've grown rather bored of it all. I've lost the desire to participate in clan activities as well as playing among the various divisions. Needless to say I never play CSS anymore which largely contributes. Anyways, I can say with certainty that my two years in xG have been fun and I wouldn't ever trade the experience of being with friends and never having a dull moment. I have thoroughly enjoyed playing with you all and I wish the best for all of you. I don't plan on joining any clans in the future, but if I do it's going to be right back here. You can always find me w̶i̶t̶h̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶d̶r̶i̶f̶t̶ on steam doing whatever, as well as teamspeak locked away in muh channel. Love you guys (no homo). Ye olde tag list: @xGShadowSpy - I lied to you. There will never be a second part to the MOTD. @DrLee - You're the senpai, now. Watch over them. @Tsuchikure - You actually kept a name down for more than several months now. @Forest - You were my favorite brit. @SuperMaddud - You were my second favorite brit. @MuffinMonster - Your Canadian bacon is still bad. @Kyoko - Please turn away from the yaoi. -- Again, you can always find me on teamspeak, but theirs no point in having membership in a clan I don't participate in.
  7. Lee 4 president of Kohai Klub. Genesis 4 president of Senpai Society.
    1. DrLee
    2. DrLee


      Also, what'd you want your tag to be in CS:S? Forgot what you wanted me to change it to.
  8. Genesis

    Azeroth Choppers!

    I didn't know you played WoW, Matsi.
  9. Tomorrow's last gateway exam. I should be set for CSS after. Muh activitiez
  10. Come on, Fuzz, why don't you and I meet on top of the valley fire station in elektro?
  11. Oh, uh, sure. I would like to meet up with you guys. Place, time, as well as gear composition, and who is wearing what, if you please.. Oh and if you will have your guns holstered when I meet up so I don't get scared.
  12. It should also be noted that many of the +1's and -1's alike are invalid.
  13. M:4/10 A:9/10 D:-1 Trolls, not friendly towards others, multiple bans. I don't care if you are on when staff aren't, but I'd rather there be no staff on than you scratch your ass all day and freeslay/kick/ban whomever you want. From my time observing you, I question your grasp on the rules.
  14. School's been killer lately and I need to get back to it if I'm to pass this semester. I've already been inactive enough as it is the past week or so and I thought I'd make it known for the CSS div. We got midterms and shit coming up soon and I need to study for it. Whenever I get free time I'll try and get on for a bit. Also if any of you are good at geometry, pls halp. >Inb4 Je ne parlez pas mathmatiques hon hon hon
  15. Micro$oft blew it with the Xbone. While I've never been a PS fan, Sony really knows how to do bidness. Of course as @Volt stated PC MasterRace is the only true path.
  16. Genesis

    The Cringe Thead!

  17. I sell cat, very good quality. One cat 50 MSK cat very good deal!
  18. Chrono I want RP but I can't play ranked yet, gibe me free RP pls?.
  19. If Shiro were here, he could tell you in a heartbeat.
  20. Best game ever, worst team-mate ever. >Group Push far up mid >Feelsgood.jpg >Enemy team is down, dealing with Morgana >Warwick comes up and puts a kink in the plan >Pull back some >Ryze dies(again) > Thresh gets suprise buttsecks from a newly spawned master yi. >Die to save Veigar >Veiger doesnt run,dies >Everyone is sitting out, save for Ryze >Enemy at the gates, starting to panick >Nexus Turrents going down >"Ryze go pls stall them!" >sits there. >Only 10 secs left for team we can do one last push >Defeat.wav >rages internally >Mfw when Ryze went1/22/0 >Mfw Loss was preventable if he had just done something Playing at low levels suck. imgur: the simple image sharer As for all the ashe, I'm currently saving up for one of the stronger champs (I.e Jinx, Ahri, Aatrox) rather than buying some of the more low level ones.