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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. Although scripters/hackers aren't common, it would be nice to have access to perm so we can deal with them when they arrive. Considering there is almost always more than a single mod/admin on the server, we can all vouch and provide evidence for our reason to perm ban someone. If anything else I'd just perm for like 999999999999999 minutes (but that isn't practical). TL: DR (for megafagin) Give us perms pls.
  2. @@Chrono's post is invalid. Yesterday was last day for submissions; you submitted at 24:01. Leeeeeeel
  3. Bye, Scrub. Nah but see you around some time.
  4. And you never will @@mtown81 ...Never...
  5. Homestuck. Needless to say it can be hard to follow.
  6. Genesis

    xG movie nights

    As long as we watch Trolls 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyophYBP_w4
  7. Daddio, please stop acting like a whigger. It's starting to scare @@diabeetus, and you know how sensitive he is.
  8. How do you kill that which has no life?
    1. Forest


      You revive it, then kill it.
    2. Rhododendron


  9. Wait so, you aren't in the clan yet I've seen you with our tags on? And you aren't in the clan? that's a big no-no. Also, you spam and freekill alot. M:3/10 A:7/10 D:-1-1-1 ^I swear I'm the only one who still does this If I or another staff member catches you with our tags again we will ban you.
  10. -1 We do NOT tolerate DDOS threats, joke or not. To many times have we had those happen and if you were angry..well then log off and take a break.
  11. MrAwesome just shhhh. No one will miss you over one day.
  12. Genesis


    When I'm out of high school, I'll probably go to University of Georgia or something relatively close. My idea is to get a job along the lines of Information Security or Computer Forensics for the FBI/CIA
  13. The concept is simple; we marry a CT (most likely warden) and a T of his choice (or whoever answers a trivia question correctly) and the T follows him around. He still have to do everything else with the T's but the only difference is that he just follows the CT around. If CT's wife/husband dies, CT must commit sudoku. We used to do it all the time so I dont understand why people say it's never been done before. Let's get some input on this. @@John @@DarkWolf6052
  14. Gettin reallll tired, Rainbow. I knew you'd come back though, they always come back. M:8/10 A:8/10 D:+1
  15. Genesis

    Never drink

    I had chocolate milk today.
  16. Wow, smallest I've ever seen. Congrats on everyone's promo.
  17. He's leaving for personal problems too, not just school. Shhhhhhh
  18. I really am disappoint in you Super. Just because of school doesn't mean you need to leave :l. You'll be back though, they always come back...