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Everything posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. +1 Active and was a good admin. M: 7/10 A: 8/10 @@serbiansnaga Gotta get your +1 or -1 and we can finish up this thread.
  2. We just gained another 1000 pounds.
  3. Active, knows the rules, mature, good CT. Not that active on Teamspeak, make sure you get more active on Teamspeak [voice.xenogamers.com]. +1 M:8/10 A: 8/10
  4. +1 Been active on the servers, haven't seen too much on Teamspeak though M: 9/10 A: 9/10
  5. Post your correct Steam ID please using this Steam ID Finder Anyway, +1 M: 9/10 A: 8/10
  6. So ur implying we wernt allready fat with With you around, we were. I read this "We're Black" Fuck. I'm tired. I should sleep cause I'm reading this this way.
  7. Fuck me :/ Had it saved and reposted it, then saw Forest found them. I thought they were long deleted. *face palm*
  8. Upload and share please. again, do you know what this post is for? it was not meant for a dm, hence why the 2 div leaders of csgo tagged silence. Actually, he mentioned he mass freekilled, and that was discussing about a CS:S server. So get it right and stop trying to say it isn't fucking meant for a DM. If he mass freekilled in CS:S, that would VERY MUCH involve CS:S Staff.
  9. When it says "hours" its less than a day, if longer than a day, it says "days" That is terrible indication, but okay. He still needs to defend his case. I know that. He will get a chance once he's unbanned. We won't be making a final decision until then, but getting input on him from others is good.
  10. Sorry, unbanned -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread
  11. Only people that have unban powers on the forums are @@serbiansnaga and @@Rhododendron because we don't have a forum moderator control panel yet. The only mod options on BusinessMans profile is "easyban_user_already_banned_hours" so I'm guessing he's banned for less than 24 hours as of right now. I don't know what would indicate he's banned for less than 24 hours as of now but okay. He still needs to defend his case. When it says "hours" its less than a day, if longer than a day, it says "days"
  12. It's okay bb gurl. On another note, he should be unbanned to defend his case. Only people that have unban powers on the forums are @@serbiansnaga and @@Rhododendron because we don't have a forum moderator control panel yet. The only mod options on BusinessMans profile is "easyban_user_already_banned_hours" so I'm guessing he's banned for less than 24 hours as of right now.
  13. God. Damn. Auto correct.
  14. Puppyluv is allowed to use her mic, but is NOT allowed to warden. Like Warriorsfury said, by orders of Silence, she can use her mic, but by orders of Serbian, she isn't allowed to call warden. -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread
  15. You're CT banned? @@ThePenguin I think if nothing else I can unban you from in game, but I should do it when you're able so we can make sure it doesn't glitch any farther.
  16. I think if we don't get any replies from @@WhyJewMad then we should just shorten the ban.. @@Gkoo any objections?
  17. More like 1000 pounces EACH
  18. Danke for letting us know lel I gotta keep up with deez forums
  19. Just saying he got forum banned earlier yesterday, not sure how long the ban is, but I'm sure being forum banned for trolling sure doesn't help his case. +1
  20. 3 times. Half Life 3 confirmed.