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Everything posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. Does anyone have a demo of this? I was there for it, and handed out the ban. Xeno Gamers A CT brought the ball from pool into the cell block on VIP In The Mix, and Tute decided to shoot the ball at the Ts while we were all stacked up. It killed 4 people and damaged everybody else in the stack [At least 5 other Ts took damage from the ball] I will admit I was joking around and saying "Oh god I hope no CTs shoot that ball at the stack of Ts." If not for that, I would be -1ing this unban request. I haven't had any major problems with Tute other than just his attitude. +1 for shortened ban, only because I was edging one of them on. I didn't think anyone would actually do it, but still, not sure if he would have done it even if I hadn't said that.
  2. #BeatingGkooToTheClosingOfTheThread CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click https://xenogamers.com/threads/17314/ WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY! -Dis fur fag be closin' ur thread @@serbiansnaga Please promote him to member on the forums.
  3. +1 to the idea. I want to have a night that we don't have to worry about breaking rules to a certain extent. Only thing is sometimes we actually DO get players on late. I don't want to end up kicking out our regulars. Maybe add something to the Server Name [Where it says XenoGamers Jailbreak in the server list] that says JOIN US ON TEAMSPEAK "voice.xenogamers.com" TO JOIN THE SERVER FOR TONIGHT or something. I'm not wording it correctly, but something like that, to make sure we don't make other players think the Jailbreak server has been shut down or something.
  4. Contradiction here, just a heads-up! Sorry, fixed, derped
  5. I'm going to list a few things I've noticed have come up as problems recently. There is more than one section in this post. (ALL) Chat Abuse So recently, I've been getting multiple complaints about some of our Mods and Admins abusing certain powers. The most thing I've been getting complaints about is the abuse of (ALL) chat. A large part of the abuse seems to be coming from our moderators. Here is what was suggested be done as a precaution to the abusing (ALL) chat: Restrict (ALL) chat to Administrators and up Pros: Would prevent our Mods from abusing Cons: Mods wouldn't be able to use text to be able to communicate with rule breakers or others Mods wouldn't be able to call Freedays using chat. Taking away (ALL) chat isn't something I want to see happen. Private Chat or Muting/Unmuting yourselves would be the only way to communicate with alive people. What do I recommend for this? Well, I propose that we punish the mods/admins who abuse (ALL) chat excessively. Once or twice isn't that big of a deal, but having a 5-line conversation in (ALL) chat isn't acceptable. Punishment? If you are caught excessively abusing (ALL) chat, here are the steps I recommend should be done as punishment. Ban the Mod/Admin for 1-hour. Ban the Mod/Admin for 1-day Demote to the next rank down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mod/Admin Disrespect Another thing I've noticed is the fact that a lot of our mods/admins have been disrespecting players, and then acting upon anything negative in return. Here's how I see it, if you're going to disrespect other members and users, DON'T expect to get treated nicely in return. Don't try and punish someone for you being a dick. Punishment? If you're going to punish someone for replying negatively to you being a dick, depending on how it started, you should be punished Steps for punishment? Kick as a warning Ban for 1-hour Ban for 1-day Demotion to next rank down -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teamspeak 3 Activity So we had a discussion about this subject. It is now REQUIRED that you be on Teamspeak when our servers if you're a mod/admin or higher. I know a lot of you have argued that we can reach you in game, or on Steam chat, but if we have to get in contact with you quickly, Steam and in-game chat isn't good enough. The rule for Teamspeak is be connected to it. Being in the AFK room or in the Waiting Room counts. As long as you're connected to the server. Punishment? Here is the punishment that already has been decided upon being handed out if you're not on Teamspeak when on the servers. Give a warning to get on Ban for 1-hour as a warning. Ban for 1-day. Demotion to the next rank down Basically, be on Teamspeak, or else you're being banned and demoted. -Dis fur fag DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@serbiansnaga Should probably tag our staff if I can remember some of them. @ShdowSpy @@orangejuice @@Hidingmaster @@ItsAaron @@TurdWig @@Warriorsfury @@SonicRainbow @@MegaRobin @@John @@daddiodoug @@Cristo @Vector @@snakeboyeric
  6. OP has requested close, so I'm doing so. Dis fur fag be closin ur thread
  7. +1 M: 9/10 A: 8/10 You're getting more active on the servers, and you're active on Teamspeak. Always were a good admin. I'd love to see you back in xG.
  8. That made me laugh way more than it should have.
  9. @@serbiansnaga Even though he's got 16 right now, he still needs your vote.
  10. Speaking of that, we get other people from other clans on our Teamspeak asking us to join scrim.
  11. DarkWolf6052


    Everyone rate him Downs
  12. 1) Who made up the day length and why? It's a bit ridiculous in my case unless someone was purposely causing discomfort to you. 2) I was simply trying to find out why I was blacklisted. My mistake, I didn't know the higher ups would pick such a childish DM that won't reason. 3) You can't silence me unless I've been in your channel before, which I haven't. I applaud you for your grudge m0t. :banhappy: Like I said, everyone who bans for breaking blacklist does a day. The reason you're blacklisted in my channel is because you honestly get annoying and on my nerves. I don't want you in my channel. You were silenced before, I remember silencing you and you leaving after me doing so. It was a mixed kick at the start, you were talking about scrim but I also know your voice, so I checked, saw it was you, and kicked you for blacklist. All kicks have the option to add a reason. It's your responsibility to check the reason you were kicked, or check if there was one.
  13. Moved to Ban Protest. You came into my room, which you are blacklisted in. After doing so, I kicked you twice with the reason "Blacklist" <21:25:cat:7> "MineCrack" was kicked from channel "Homeless Penthouse" by "Dewbasaur" (Blacklisted) <21:25:cat:9> "MineCrack" switched from channel "Waiting Room" to "Homeless Penthouse" <21:25:46> "MineCrack" was kicked from channel "Homeless Penthouse" by "Dewbasaur" (Blacklist) After you came back a third time after the kicks, which you should have read the reason of the kick, I proceeded to ban you for a day from the server for breaking blacklist. <21:26:12> "MineCrack" was banned for 1 day from the server by "Dewbasaur" (Breaking blacklist) Now, if you go read the Teamspeak rules, it reads: "You can be banned for breaking a blacklist. This means joining a channel you are blacklisted on without a channel mod or channel admins consent" 1: Everyone who bans for breaking blacklist does a day by default. 2. I don't need to add a reason in the rules why you're blacklisted. I don't like you. 3. I wouldn't want you in my channel anyway. I don't know how you got unsilenced in my channel. Either way, I've unbanned you, but learn the rules. Break blacklist, and you get a day ban. -Dat furfag DarkWolf6052
  14. Moved it to Ban Protest. You were banned for the reason "Mass freekilling" by DrPepperPhreak, his only input is that it was 2 seconds. If it was an honest mistake, I might say either shorten the ban or unban. I'd like to know if anyone else was on that we can tag that can vouch.
  15. Sorry to see you go, hope you have fun elsewhere though, you're always welcome on our servers and on Teamspeak.
  16. Okay after reading over the thread and getting input from the others, you are now allowed to join the CS:S CT team when you're on the server. Remember that fucking up will carry over to CS:GO as well if you are banned/CTbanned. #AlreadyIsUnbannedButIsNowAllowedOnCTTeam #DisFurFagBeClosinUrThread
  17. You give him a -1 for seeing him on the server one time? You didn't even say anything about his behavior. As what was said, this should deserve a +/-0 unless you saw them and they weren't acting good.
  18. It's ALWAYS been the way. If someone mass freekills, which is defined as freekilling 3 or more Ts, you permanently ban them.
  19. PapiChulo mass freekilled for the reason of leaving the clan I believe. @@John Gotta get your input before a final decision is made.
  20. @@Chrono @Dontbleedpls How has he been on CS:GO as a CT? It can effect my decision here.