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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. I am going to try to apply for moderator on the Counter Strike Source division. I'm very active on the TeamSpeak 3 and the servers. I know the MOTD and try my best to help mods and admins take care of rule breakers, free-killers, baiters, gun planters, fail CTs, and other rule breakers. I finally got around to donating, so that is taken care of until I get the money to donate again. I've been told by quite a few people that I would make a good mod, but I want to get the opinion of everyone else. I'm also active in the late nights when all the other mods/admins are asleep. My nights are spent on the servers, rather than sleeping like I'm supposed to be :p Someone mentioned to show my steamID here, so I'm gonna post it(even though I have my Steam account linked with XenoGamers already) STEAM_0:1:47897537
  2. Fix your steam ID, go into console(Enable developer console ~ in settings if not already enabled) and type status while in a server. Your steam ID will show up with something such as STEAM_0:0:1234567(example).
  3. Hello there, I think I've seen you around on the CS:S servers, you probably might not remember me though, let me know if you do though, my in game name is [xG:F] DJ DarkWolf6052
  4. @@Nomad Only if he needs any further help though. If this guy has any skills in that field, Nomad could see if he has a use.
  5. 8/10 xG stands for XenoGamers :P Just a note there, but Xeno Gaming works just the same. I like the effects and the girl isn't too bad either.
  6. Also it wouldn't let me edit my previous post so I'll have to put it here. Game time is how long have you been playing CSS, go to your steam profile and check game time for Counter Strike Source. ------ +1 I agree with Zeal, you do know the MOTD. You are very nice and respectful. I played with you before but didn't speak cause I was sick and you wouldn't be able to understand me xD. ////Good luck in joining, hope you're accepted////
  7. Fix your Steam ID, go onto a server and type "status" into console(without the quotations) your steam name will show up and a number looking similar to 0:0:12345678 will show up. That is your steam ID.
  8. He does know the MOTD. He's a good CT and a good T. I caught him today rebelling though >.> I didn't get him.. I died.. he killed me.. >.> +1 active and mature
  9. Mine started last Friday! What is this sorcery?! Well, HaaDron, I hope you succeed in school. Its not often enough that the schools can get closed down randomly. Mine I just have to wait for a day where the internet doesn't work at school.
  10. Yeah what the fuck is happening recently?
  11. @JoshThomson maybe you can help me, you say upload demos but when I try to do a demo, it says .dem is an invalid file on the upload page. Am I doing something wrong? I had one named "derp.dem" and found it on the Attachments button > then uploaded it, but it said its invalid. It seems to only do this for CSS demos, and seems to work fine for Gmod demos.
  12. I forgot about posting on this, I was going to two days ago, then my browser spazzed out. I would love to try out this new map you have to learn the secrets about it. Can't wait until it is up and ready though. The only map I can think of that has soccer that doesn't act as death soccer is blackops, so hopefully the ball will be prop_physics and count as DS. But Nomad, do keep us updated on the map :P Plenty of us are quite eager to see what you've been working so hard on.
  13. If you really think someone can do the coding for the game, that would be something I'd play, even though I don't get a lot of variety (I'm a bland ass mofo :l) +1 Who else thinks this would be fun?
  14. DarkWolf6052


    In the CS:S division, since that is what you're planning on donating in, $1.00 will get you 1,000 credits, $10.00 will get you 10,000 credits. You can first link your steam account to XenoGamers, and then, in game, type !hub or !store, and (After !hub) you can buy things such at hats, trails, tracers, models, coloring, stuff like that. You could let me know if you need any help with this stuff. I've been playing around with the !hub recently and buying stuff.
  15. When I played on previous votekick and or voteban features were always abused. Bad idea to add. One person will say "Oh lets !votekick this fag" then everyone will do it, just like with rtv, one person does it, everyone else does it. -1 on this idea, just because not a good idea, would be abused.
  16. -1 Again. None of us want you here. You've tried 3 times, and the first time, you made a 9/11 joke. Not at all funny. Please stop trying. Close request please
  17. DarkWolf6052


    Aww, !days were really fun. I know Predator Day was removed because of the physics breaking after it, something about the guns disappearing when picked up by an invisible CT on those days. A lot of days did cause a huge spike in ping. I won't mind them being gone until they are fixed though. It will be a lot better when they are fixed, that way Silence won't need to come and restart the server again
  18. This guy is posting again? Yeah no -1 agree with OHMAIGAWD. Sorry ChrisNelson, but I'm on OHMAIGAWD's side, you came to ask for an unban in a trolling manner. I hope you don't get unbanned.
  19. I recorded the demo for him and he asked. Ironic, cause I was recording cause I liked the audio. Didn't know he would need it. Glad I did. The guy did say was fine, and the audio was played using HLDJ.
  20. DarkWolf6052


    Fuck. I want the banana gorilla combo. Someone dress up as a gorilla, I'll be the banana. You will scream, hit your chest with your fists, and chase me. I will run away like the scared banana I am. Then somehow we will modify the banana suit to squirt out mashed bananas to seem like guts being squished out. Oh my god. Now I really want to do that. Fuck.
  21. From what I heard applications can't really expire, but they can be declined because of the amount of time it takes for them to be accepted. I played with you on Gmod a few times, if you remember me, or not of course. +1 mature active, etc.
  22. Those jokes.. I laughed, way too hard. >:l I almost choked. But you get 5+ internets.
  23. Usually when I'm watching, (I will note I'm not an admin) I notice that there is only 1 admin/mod online, with 50 players. I'm sure this puts a lot of stress on the admins. They should try to increase admins, but only ones who will remain active, etc. +1 to get more active mods/admins :D
  24. I can't tell if this is serious or troll post, but uh.. if its a troll post, get out. 9/11 jokes aren't funny. They're offensive to so many people. If it's serious, you should consider giving him a second chance, but I get a feeling it's not serious.
  25. I've seen him playing and he's mature and active, fun to play with as well, I just never spoke with him personally :P +1