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Everything posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. You got banned for x-raying, and then openly admitted to it? Yeah that really doesn't help
  2. +1 Active, mature, fun to play with, knows the rules. Was wondering when you would.
  3. Making some of the admin commands a bit more public might actually help. Or maybe, this is just an idea, maybe add something where when we slay, we have to put a reason, like !slay <user> <reason> and when they die, its either a public chat announcement, or just to the person who was slain, saying "You were slain by <admin name> for reason <blah>" @autumn Does that sound like a good idea maybe? If it can be set up, of course.
  4. DarkWolf6052


    @autumn No seriously, CS:S servers are all continuously restarting, but the main one is Jailbreak. It keeps restarting, all models are set to default, no plugins are enabled(admin plugins and source mod plugins) I'm honestly hoping this is something you can fix easily, I can't imagine what its going to be like when people start getting on and breaking rules, and we can't do anything about it.
  5. This is your steam ID, found at Steam ID Finder STEAM_0:0:47629128 Please edit your post and fix that.
  6. +1 I could have sworn you were in before, wow. Very fun to play with, very friendly, active, mature, funny. M: 9/10 A: 9/10
  7. # 72 "HeLLsGamers -Gordon365-" STEAM_0:0:14462305 36:11 66 0 active This is from "status" console. 1. You were wearing an invalid HG tag, while wearing it in your multiplayer clan tag. 2. You seem to break a few rules while on the server. 3. Wore [xG] tags previously in your name while still a non-member. Wearing HellsGamers tags in your name, acting like you're a member of HellsGamers while having an open, active member application up here isn't going to help. -1 for now.
  8. +1 Fun to play with, active on the servers M: 9/10 A: 9/10 Never had any problems with him
  9. +1 is a good player, has been active, would make a good new member. M: 7/10 A: 8/10
  10. +1 Have seen him around, and he kept bombing Foxxeh tonight on JB. Bumping as well, +1 M: 9/10 A: 8/10
  11. +1. Just. +1. Bang bang.
  12. You are very active on Jailbreak, although you do tend to spam HLDJ, and end up playing the same stuff that you are told "Off" on a few rounds later. Agreeing with what Poncher says, you do sometimes get a little spammy in admin chat, I'll give a tip, try to say it once, wait a few before sending anything else, then try again if nothing is done. A: 9/10 M: 7.5/10 +1, unlike the others, I think you'd make a good member, just calm it down on the spam and HLDJ
  13. I believe it still stands, to apply for mod you have to meet these requirements: ●100 posts on the forums ●2 months in the clan ●Donated Other than that, you're fairly active on the servers, you're somewhat mature, but do tend to argue with admins. If you can meet the requirements for the forum posts(don't spam to get 100 posts) then +1 But in all honesty, you do argue with admins, which doesn't help. Show me you could be a better moderator. -1 for now, even though this isn't valid.
  14. Lol best paid mod that ever lived +1 +1 +1 I must not say more
  15. Silence will not unban without @@Starbuck giving his input on this, because it was requested that none of them be unbanned because of what happened. It did get a lot of innocent people banned. I'd like if starbuck added into this.
  16. Why does getting auto swapped bug you so much? You know, if you see it in chat that you were swapped, just simply press M to bring up the team overlay, then 1 <b>AS SOON AS YOU SPAWN</b> and you'll respawn back alive as a T. Its a simple method I've used a lot. But I do agree, yes, it would be an okay idea, as long as it was enough credits. We'd have a whole lot of regular members buying it if it was cheap, then we get people who have it not get swapped, and not enough CTs. I'm kinda at a -1 for now.
  17. +1 she was on the server and kept trying to marry Speedlimit, which rebels kept screwing up. I offered to join in but couldn't find a marriage ceremony xD
  18. DarkWolf6052


    @@serbiansnaga fixing your tag on Serbian :P
  19. IM INVOLVED D: Oh shhhh I do apologize for that, I got a sudden phone call from a job that I was applying for, had to take it, and couldn't move the phone I was using back to my computer to move to spec. I will make sure I try to not go away from game while on a team(Mainly CT though) But as you said in game, admins targetting other admins wouldn't be a good idea honestly, at all, because "We ban each other for 1 minute"
  20. +1 A very active member of the community, friendly, gets along with all other members, helps admins and would make a great moderator.
  21. Just another person who makes it hard to be CT. Great with bombs, knows the rules, I've never had problems with him. A: 8.5/10 M: 9.5/10
  22. I'll see if I can make this a little more clear. [=TnG=] in the tag he wears isn't exactly a community clan tag, its a clan tag of his step brothers. So its not "multiclanning" like he were wearing another communities tags (xG and another). +1, active, mature, very friendly both in server and on steam. M: 9.5/10 A: 9/10