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Everything posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. +1 Active on the servers, calls warden a lot when CT, and knows rules M: 8/10 A: 9/10
  2. Uh, got a notification that I can't check, wondering if anyone else got it. Sorry about the screenshots, I don't know how to do anything on a mac, damn. Says "testestest" [ATTACH]4366.vB[/ATTACH] First is the notification pop up in the panel. [ATTACH]4367.vB[/ATTACH] And when I click it it takes me to a white page.
  3. Wait, now it says Silence is the one who posted this O____o It said last night Poncher did. Omggg stopppp being creeeeppppyyy
  4. Welcome back, been missing you :P
  5. This fits much better for you :3
  6. Server side auto jumping script. Cool, we can cheat without cheating?
  7. STEAM_0:1:47897537 Congrats to everyone who was promoted.
  8. Plays on surf a lot, active, had a very old member submission that went untalked then closed. +1
  9. I felt like posting my schools internet speed versus my homes internet speed. Will be updating my home one when I get home. Anyone wanna contribute? Maybe compare our internet speeds(my home speed isn't going to be very good at all) School: http://www.speedtest.net/result/2469013404.png Download speed: 22.68 Mb/s Upload speed: 11.64 Mb/s Ping: 48ms Grade: A+ (Faster than 98% of the US) Location: Pickerington, Ohio Server: Delaware, Ohio (50 miles) ISP: Metropolitan Educational Time scanned: 2:12PM EST Home: http://www.speedtest.net/result/2469172669.png Download speed: 15.80 Mb/s Upload speed: 2.12 Mb/s Ping: 33ms Grade: A+ (faster than 95% of the US) Location: Pickerington, Ohio Server: Columbus, Ohio (< 50 miles) ISP: Wide Open West (WOW) Time scanned: 3:18PM EST
  10. Fixing this tag for you Pinoy :P @@serbiansnaga ----------
  11. Omg yay you're coming back! I've missed you! :D Lets go to the back room and make up for the missed time! +1 M: 9/10 A: 8/10 Great warden, only Irish one there is. 8====D~~~O: <---NinjaKitty
  12. To be honest, there have been times I've used the !ungag @all command because there have been times an admin may have gagged someone and left before ungagging, or the person who was gagged changed their name, so myself, and other admins as well, do it to make sure everyone is ungagged(And to clear up, because it seems to confuse people, dead people aren't gagged, they're just set to not let alive see their chat.)
  13. My brain just stopped working...
  14. I've watched someone in person use an aim bot, and spectated them, when you fire, your mouse jumps at the head hitbox of the target. When you fired the gun, in the video, your mouse was twitching around, thats I believe nospread turned to an odd level. Obvious hacks are obvious. +1 Edited: Go to fullscreen and watch the timer as he speeds up. The timer is normal, hes using speed hacks @@TheseWetNuts -Added tag so maybe he can have a chance to explain himself?
  15. Its true that knifing a vent is auto-rebelling. But I wouldn't have tried to break the vent to show, I'm sure there was somewhere else to get to the rebel.
  16. +1 Very fun player, active on the servers, fun CT. M: 9/10 A: 9/10
  17. Okay so I'm going to make an attempt at applying for Minecraft moderator. I've been a CS:S admin for a while, and wanted to expand to some other of our divisions; and started playing Minecraft. I'm not sure how well this will go, and about my non-donator status, I do plan on donating, but I will have to wait on that, I'm getting finished paying off my court fees(From my paper, $571.85 left, very easily might be paid off by the end of next month if things go well.) but will be donating very soon after that. My in game name on Minecraft is Ice_Rage(CaSeS aRe ThE sAmE) and I normally play on the Faction server, haven't done too much on the Towny server recently, but will get back to that too. -DarkWolf
  18. I didn't see this thread yet? Wow, +1 for sure. Active, a very good warden M: 9/10 A: 9.5/10(Has been very active recently)
  19. Yeah, there is no favoritism, and he explained that he killed the one who was rebelling, instead of the non-rebelling T. Here is something to think about. If he says one was rebelling, the other wasn't, then he must have known where the non-rebelling T and rebelling T both were. That means he saw one of them and didn't kill them. Do you get what I'm saying?
  20. Kid, you even said, over your mic to me, that you saw both of them, but only wanted to kill the one who was rebelling. You explained it was last CT, both of them were there, and wanted to kill the rebel, instead of the clearly visible non-rebelling T, and then told me "Slay me if you want to". I got SEVERAL complaints about you while playing Minecraft, so I got on to check what was going on. No other admins were on, which was why I got on. How about you not jump to conclusions on why you were slain. You have to kill every T you see while last CT, no favoritism allowed. You killed one of the Ts because the other wasn't rebelling.
  21. +1 Been a good friend of mine for a while, very nice, fun to play with, mature, active. M: 9/10 A: 8.5/10
  22. +1 for unban, looked it up in the logs, @Jak3 (Korean?) perm banned him for "mass fk". Xeno Gamers Maybe Korean can give his input?