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Everything posted by Vector

  1. I recommend closing the thread on the grounds that sylux was instigated and or green eevee took part in the disrespect which means that they should both get a talking to. that's what i recommend but you can leave it open if you want. @Moosty @metalslug53
  2. Also next time people, get the chat logs of the pers then maybe you shouldn't insult others then cry when someone is mean to you. also i noticed the eevolutions love their: maymay
  3. lol really? you can't just ignore/mute him? first of all, you didn't show your own chat logs and from what i'm looking at, you aren't any better. You need to provide your own chat logs to show that you took the necessary steps and did not instigate anything but from what i see calling people the ultimate fucking try hard (lmao jesus). I see nothing wrong with what sylux did. and if you wanna call disrespect, i can only see like 2-3 lines where he's actually insulting. Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History why are all the xg eevolutions dumb?
  4. Vector

    Summer Antics.

    "i got high this summer" repent kids or else this is what happens when you smoke weed.
  5. boot sur u r on dere survers so it dun mutter. i'm sowie plz dun be angwy :(
  6. but sur ur nat in exgee so ye u r brakin duh rools
  7. Also people I'm not permed from the servers I'm going to be unbanned September 26th but for some reason someone changed my ban back to a perm and I'm still waiting on diabeetus and Lee for an answer
  8. Obviously some people didn't read the WHOLE thread and only read the first page and skimmed through the rest. I'm going to respond to forest and banana shoes after work today. But I want to direct attention to when I said I guess I'll be less hostile to people but won't be straight up with them. People seem to think that because I won't apologized for what happened before means I won't change. That's a hunk of bull shi. It just means I don't think I did really anything wrong in my views. Your views can be different. Also banana shoes Obviously you don't know what I'm talking about when I mean when was the last time I chewed someone out? I mentioned that in regards of after being banned. So that whole "doesn't want to a knowledge the past" is complete utter nonsense. Also banana shoes do you understand what I am even typing? In the second quote I was talking about when was I ever a " problem" before tf2? Hidingmaster said years and I was questioning why he thought CSS was apart of it when nothing happened in that time. Your misinterpretation of my comments generates negative views when you say you will give me the benefit of the doubt when you obviously didn't. Like I said before I'll give a more analytic response to both when I get back from work.
  9. Christ, I am getting really fed up with you flareon. The moment someone doesn't agree with you, you proceed to claim major bias and proceed to insult the CLs because they do not agree with a view point of your own. What about hidingmaster? He's a CL who was CS and doesn't want me unbanned. Why are you straight up not looking at the TF2 people who actually wish to reduce my ban? it's not bias because they are in tf2? The fact you are so immature (called me immature lol) in not accepting other opinions and claim bias while insulting the CLs makes me fully understand why you were demoted. This is also coming from the same person who straight up said, xG should use fear to bring order into the servers, but doesn't like it when someone is mean to him. everyone has some hypocrisy in them but for god sakes, try not to make it so obvious. PUPPET MASTERS UNITE
  10. Did you really think i sent a picture of my balls? Are you really this naive? Do you really think nobody would just go to google and type in a couple words and boom their search comes up? You can't be serious. Half the people who +1 aren't even from CSS you dunce. You can't accept that people don't agree with your opinion so you find something and automatically assume bias? What about the bias shown on the people who -1? I've still play with people from old CSS in games like GTA and hang out in their teamspeak room. and even then they still don't agree with you. I'm reading your comment over again and i honestly can't believe someone believes this.
  11. I want to see oh stop you answer the questions he has been asked i think i'm black listed or at least silenced in all of those channels.
  12. And when i mean CLs i mean, penguin diabeetus, lee too
  13. are you serious? this right here is actually offensive. If you don't read my posts how can you tell if i have changed or not? And to assume all of my posts are bitchy and moaning is even more immature. I actually made a thread about a rule you guys had that i didn't agree with, and the fact you admit that you didn't even read it shows that you aren't taking everyone's opinion into account. What do you even mean when you say Are you saying you talked to the CLs yourself and they thought that the ban was fine? That the CLs had a voice in this?
  14. uh? when was the last time i chewed someone out for not knowing the rules? if you're talking about the suicide thread, i was polite to people and where have i been rude for no sharing the same opinion as me lately? This isn't fair, the fact there are people who are supporting my unban from higher ups (with some others disagree). You didn't see an improvement on the suicide thread? you didn't see the politeness of the thread i made when kart YOUR MODERATOR cried to other members to defend my self? No, you are infact holding a grudge and only wish to see the negatives of a person's personality which is a problem with xG. I haven't even done anything wrong in past months. Absolute embarrassment.
  15. i haven't been warned/reprehended for really anything until i joined tf2*
  16. years? what? are you serious? i haven't been warned about jack shit since i started playing in tf2. Are you CLs actually straight up lying now?
  17. It's up to you to decide if i have or not. I guess i'll be less hostile but that doesn't mean i'm not gonna be firm and straight forward with someone and not sugar what is wrong.
  18. no? All i said was i felt the ban wasn't fair and i didn't agree with it and i'm not gonna lie to you guys and say i changed because 9/10 people who say that are so full of it. I never said i was either gonna stay the same or try and be nicer. Don't misinterpret what i say.
  19. Trying to make a serious thread and tf2 kids, immaturity shows up. Good to know as a MODERATOR who was SUPPOSED to be MORE MATURE then ME, represents xg so well.
  20. Also keep in mind this isn't just for TF2, it's for the rest of the divisions. i wanna help @Bleed with csgo and see if i can bug stickz about gmod. This isn't just a tf2 thing it's an xg thing so people from other divs can shit post if they want.
  21. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Tom Brady Steam ID: It's on bans list, forums, and i have 100 friends in xg so u can find it. Information: I wanna be unbanned. it's obvious regardless if i'm in tf2 or not, shit will continue to happen. I kinda wanna play on servers again to give me a reason to play tf2. I'm not gonna lie and say i'm sorry for what i did/said because i'm not a chicken shit and i won't tell you what you want to hear. I still to this day think i "din do nuffin" but that's up to you to decide. This is a serious ban protest and should be treated as such. Also if i see another child say something along the lines of "if vector gets unbanned i'm leaving xG" i'm gonna scream. It's obvious you don't care about xg if you act in such a immature mannor. Also i don't want to see any more of instances like gwoash's (create a fake account, join xg, act as a different player to have another opinion on the forums"). I still care about xG believe it or not and i want it thrive. Regardless of who is in xg is irrelevant because i actually like the servers. go crazy on this ban protest. @Chrono
  22. I can already tell this is gonna end in a nice polite manner with no shit posting, arguments, insults, crying, and everyone being happy. good luck.
  24. Vector

    Yo Coleader Or Dls

    Ayyy turdwig @Hidingmaster @diabeetus @DrLee @ThePenguin