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Everything posted by Vector

  1. Vector

    The Cringe Thead!

  2. Vector

    The Cringe Thead!

  3. but moosty doesn't do anything... Anyway congrats @metalslug53 @hinawhatever
  4. The random silence you gave me was more than enough of a reason for me to be happy that you're leaving
  5. So yeah, i've been playing the shit out of this game for a couple months now and i want to create a guild for xG and encourage others to join in! If you've heard of the game and wish to try it out go to the link down bellow Refer a Friend | Star Wars: The Old Republic ^ the link there will be a referral which gives you a mini package and a i believe a free 7 day subscription trial! Right now @lieutenantdan and i are regular players. If you are interested, message me and we can help get this going! If you wish to play with me, we can make new characters/i can use my main to help you out with some quests to help you finish quests faster and level faster. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMNm3SCLfN4 Being a part of the guild gives loads of benefits, for starters, You get a 5% exp boost, You can have a guild stronghold in which people can contribute and customize if they wish, a guild bank for all players to help each other. For example, maybe every now and again i will donate 100k credtis, and each guild member is allowed to take 5000 of those credits. or i put in some EXP boosts and others can take it to help. You may also help donate to the guild bank, so if you find some sweet gear one of your fellow xG members might find useful, you can put it into the bank! This is going to be an Empire guild, meaning your characters must be part of the empire faction to join (Sith Warrior, Sith inquisitor, Imperial Agent, and Bounty Hunter)
  6. nice to see tega taking this seriously Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History
  7. you were insulting everyone on the server who were using any sort of weapon you didn't like. Also massive amounts of disrespect Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History
  8. Also sorry for the grammar im on my phone
  9. Seriously though, gayporeon should actuallu give some sort of explanation, like dont be some damn coward and man up. If ypu said it come out and apologise or give a response. And if you didnt then just say so. I hate when the accused doesnt respond it only makes him look bad/guilty. Also remember people silence himself +1 the thread so his jurisdiction is above all else (this blatant dick sucking). Im neutral cause i just dont give a fuck and shouldnt let my obvious bias be apart of it. Good luck to the accused and hachi.
  10. But guys lets be super legit right now Its gayporeon. If we ban him, do we lose anything Of value? Nahh. :^)
  11. Damn, another great member/admin leaves. Jesus. Please tell me you're still gonna be on teamspeak/servers?
  12. close @Rejects he has 2 threads open.
  13. Become a member first and work your way up to a moderator position. close @Rejects
  14. that's not the point though the fact you did it after i told you to not do it multiple times? "oh i have buddha so i don't need to anymore" you shouldn't have done it at all, especially when i TALKED to you about it. You also did it when you had admin when people would keep shooting you even though you have buddha on saying "oh these dumb asses keep shooting me even though i'm in buddha mode" or "can you like not? i'm in god mode" also, it appears i struck a nerve. Also no? you always shat on speed runner's mic and tails told me you and bonfire and a few others made him feel upset.
  15. @Gwoash no, i genuinely don't know who this person was. Who are these idiots that keep saying "WHEN U ASK WHO ARE YOU U MEAN THEIR OPINION DOESN'T MATTER" are you kids serious? Asking someone who they are is trying to figure out WHO THEY ARE. i do not know this person because i haven't seen him on the servers, which doesn't mean he isn't active, nor have i seen him on the forums. The fact you guys honestly think i'm just trying to BM him now when you guys didn't even read what i said later when i complimented him and really wanted him to stay in xG? It's like you people don't think i have a single form of empathy or care. People who obviously didn't read the thread, let me get you the post i made cause obviously your fingers are to crippled to do it themselves.
  16. this is literally the dumbest sentence i read this whole thread. i can see "who the hell is this kid" But asking someone who are they? and finding it offensive? is the dumbest thing any of you people have said. You guys are bringing it up again and again after the individual left the thread and isn't even responding anymore. You guys are always saying "ugh more xg drama" but you guys keep bringing it up.
  17. or what about all the squeakers you guys butt fudge on all the time making kids like speed runner and tails feel like they can't come back and aren't welcomed?* why can't we edit posts here?
  18. or what about all the squeakers you guys shit on all the time making kids like smee figures you couldn't answer some of the biggest questions.
  19. when you're trying to be friendly*
  20. that's funny, because all those times i tell you to stop insulting kids for killing you when you're in friendly mode is fine then? you mean to tell me that you and other admins not telling people use the friendly plugin, resulting in people insulting each other left and right and is not a problem? you mean to tell me that i am the only problem in the server? also, you still haven't addressed the whole encouragement thing you guys did. bunch of fucking hypocrites
  21. Hub was an xG idea because you tf2 kids didn't understand how much fun it was in CSS, and people complained and complained when nomulous worked very hard on the plugin, throwing a temper-tantrum about abuse and such. Around the time, maymalays got moderator and bonfire got moderator, it WAS at an all time high. Also, Hyrule was African's idea, i'm flattered you think i did all this, but in reality somethings were out of my hands.
  22. no, hub wasn't my idea, the reason why people left was because of the donator commands came in and people were upset about the abuse that could come about. Also, don't lie? except it's true, the fact we got around 28 people on daily after i became a regular, adding maps and such with other people's suggestions accumulated in the growth, before there were no admins. Also keep in mind, of my time as moderator is still an admin title, it started dying out late into my admin career, so again, you're wrong.
  23. so it's never because i'm right? oh. also keep in mind, TGH was at an all time HIGH when i was admin, and you and others kept pushing the same attitude. And don't deny it because it was the same group of people who encouraged it.