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Everything posted by Vector

  1. So what you're saying is, i'm supposed to forget your attitude that happened just YESTERDAY? No, i don't believe you're mature enough for an unban. Also, don't tell me what i should and shouldn't have as a reason for rejecting your application, Wait a month or two before making an application again. You demonstrated lack of maturity when people -1 your stuff, and you are doing the same right now, not accepting my vote and proceeding to say that it isn't valid. You are making yourself look worse.
  2. after that last thread? hell nah -1
  3. oh my god, no one can be this fucking retarded. like, there is stupid, than there is just flat out denial. YOU are not above everyone else and this rule applies to everyone, targeting people through the admin menu is a hassle and often times makes it harder to catch rule breakers. The reason why the 30 minute ban is valid is because it was already delt with first of all, and that's that. It's only a 30 minute ban which is no where near abuse. also "it shouldn't be my problem if he isn't able to target me" He has been on this server longer than you, and is an admin, it is YOUR fault for not changing your name. Because you're breaking rules now, doesn't mean you couldn't in the future, and obviously you were breaking rules since you didn't change your name. Just add a letter or number at the end of your name. It's so dumb because you can't comprehend what we are trying to tell you, just close the thread god damn.
  4. i'm reading this and i have no idea what you're saying. Like grammatically i have no idea what you're trying to prove. also how is my input not valid? there was a 30 minute ban that was already delt, and chicken panda had a reasonable request for you to change your name, as he stated that he kicked you already and refused to acknowledge him. The reason why you needed to change your name is because he can't target you. you both have chicken in your name, if he tries to target you, the message would be that there are multiple people on the server with the same name. This being, we would have to go through the admin menu which takes it a lot longer to deal with problems. lmao this thread is so fucking dumb
  5. You really think chicken panda, an admin known for being incredibly nice, and fair through out all of our TF2 servers, would for some reason target YOU with abusive behavior. No. There is no abuse. If he asked you to change your name then there is a likely reason for him to do so. Also, why not just change your name? why push the admin's buttons further, Also, it's not abuse if you do not hear the Admin, he verbally warned you and you decided to do something else. We can't do anything about that, so it's on your end. The fact you think this is abuse just makes me laugh. @Rejects @kbraszzz close this shit.
  6. It's a 30 minute ban, holy shit. Grow up.
  7. Lmao holy shit. What an angry little boy. -1 cause he seems like a faggot
  8. @FoRgE I call jacket for payday character
  9. we've had our ups and downs but it was good while it lasted. Hope you nothing but good fortune and happiness. pce m8
  10. Post your dankest memes here
  11. pce m8, good luck with all the shit and stuff. payday brah
  12. I knew this would come up, first of all, yes i did do it, second of all this makes you look even worse because you and the admins said "Admins are supposed to be level headed and reasonable ban reasons is required" It makes you look very immature when this topic isn't about me, it's about you. Also perming him was not a suitable punishment as the closest thing you have explained is trolling. For this act, i can understand that a day ban would be fine, but a perm? No. This wasn't even on servers, this was a relationship about you and him, was he trolling you? probably but the fact of the matter is, it's unjust towards him. Also what are you talking about when you say "please show me where it says that" You are a leader of xG your actions speak MUCH louder then others in xG and the fact you try to turn this onto me, trying to instigate a shit storm when i just want to help a player out who feels his ban is unjustice, makes me question your leadership. @Rhododendron
  13. So perming him, renaming him to faggot, and saying no reason needed portrays us in a very positive light? Isn't he technically right in this situation?
  14. @kbraszzz @Nomulous @Rejects @Bach This is VERY concerning because @Bleed and i had a disussions about this when he brought to my attention the ban.
  15. +1 very nice and would be a great addition. m:9.5 a:8
  16. Any sort of exploit is not allowed, the reason for this is because there will people who will mimick this and could potentially use it when there aren't any admins on. (which wouldn't be a problem if we had source tv like we used to....). you are only banned for a day and you can wait for this to end. But if you're really sorry, you will NOT mention this glitch or even acknowledge it. @kbraszzz @Bach Close please
  17. BOOM YEAH NIGGA. Anyway, sad to see you go bro, not surprising, still sad. good luck with everything brah
  18. @Haxx @WhyJewMad @Dethman
  19. My opinion still hasn't changed and i have a feeling @kbraszzz's didn't either