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Everything posted by Vector

  1. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: vector Steam ID: idklol Position: Administrator Information: i was demoted for dumb reasons and now like everyone except a few people disagree with the demotion
  2. lmfao no fuck off. you leave after you didn't get DM like a fucking baby, deleted people off your friends list, and proceed to alienate all of xG then come back only when i'm demoted. Holy shit you're pathetic lmfao
  3. Not sure, but wanna know the best part? The moment promo/demo came out they ran into a locked room. I'm not even kidding, the moment it came out. They didn't come out until i left the room and bach refused to communicate with me not even chat, and kbrazzal would only communicate with me through chat box. <--------------------------- THIS IS YOUR UPPER STAFF xG
  4. I have made my decision! i am going to get: thanks @StarmiX @Goblins @denwaotoko
  5. how can one kid be so fucking mad of a 1 day ban, that he has to make a fucking thread on 4chan about hahahahahahaahahaha @NappaClausBloody9 please defend yourself oh my god the embarrassment. Tagging people who will be interested: @Moosty @Ohstopyou @ChickenPanda @kbraszzz @Colorparty @Popcorn @Kypari @Tekage @Nomulous
  7. wow this sure is convenient. also Bronies calling other people faggots. holy shit you're so fucking pathetic hahahaha. @kbraszzz @twozerofour close this joke of a threat please.
  8. you're still insulting the admin for doing his job, also keep in mind people, it says in the ban description that it wasn't for the bad mic, that was part of it, but the part of the problem is that attitude you took to ohstopyou when he did his job. THAT'S another reason why for the day ban. @Barmithian
  9. lmao this unban request. -1 just because you seem like a little shit. @Ohstopyou banned ya.
  10. Vector

    Happy holidays!

    He's doing god's work.
  11. Provoking? i'm giving an honest review of your conduct. Good job taking it seriously and finding ways to improve yourself. lmao
  12. oh, and for the dumb format -1 A: 5 M: 2
  13. -1 nope no,nonononononono in the span of 3 days he has broken multiple rules even going as far as to say fuck this server. there was no disrespect charge, but the fact of the matter is, after i told you to stop abusing hub, you healed a spy which i already warned you about, you then DO IT AGAIN which actually kills a few players. and after that, you blame the server for your own rule breaking, how anyone can +1 this is beyond me, but in my opinion he has proven time and again he isn't ready. you left the server before i could ban you (essentially avoiding ban) so i had to get @kbraszzz to ban you
  14. yeah, i'm rolling with 1920 x 1080 resolution, i don't run the 4k shit cause i don't see much of a point, plus it's a waste of money if you only play games. I play many games and i just recently got dragon age inquisition and it runs like shit on my computer which is very disappointing. thanks for the advice, i used PC part picker, i just picked a few links that happen to be amazon lol.
  15. why couldn't he do it himself? if he really wants to be unbanned he can do it himself.
  16. good to hear! thanks for the advice, yeah cyber monday seemed like a good idea.
  17. ye i know about power supply, everything else seems fine i just want to make sure i don't fuck my self over lol
  18. P.S. i also want to run runescape at 60 fps plz nu haet dun h8 the playr h8 da gam
  19. So i don't know jack shit about graphic cards and stuff and i was hoping to get some advice on what i should upgrade to. I currently have 2x AMD HD 7770 Saphire 1 GB ram this is my set up: I want a graphics card that will last me a few years and these two aren't cutting it. I keep hearing good things about Nvidia Graphics cards (one reconmendation was the 970) Amazon.com: MSI GTX 970 4GD5T OC Graphics Cards GTX 970 4GD5T OC: Computers & Accessories Amazon.com: Zotac Zotac GeForce GTX 970 4GB GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 HDMI DVI DisplayPort SLI Ready Graphics Card ZT-90101-10P Graphics Cards ZT-90101-10P: Computers & Accessories my budget is about $400 dollars so i really need some help tagging people who know computers: @Scootaloo @Nomulous @Rhododendron @anybodyWhoKnowsComputers i need help as soon as possible. (I REALLY REALLY want to play my games at 1920 x 1080 at 60fps or close to)
  20. Division: Teamspeak In-Game Name: vector Steam ID: i don't care Information: unban me from teamspeak. if you seriously wanted me to change my avatar, then just tell me, don't just laugh and be like "vector what's up with your avatar xDDDD change it" and claim that those are warnings when you can't tell if the guy is serious. i was warned by 1 CL and then banned for a week, and when it got reduced i got this : emphasis on : "since your jimmies are clearly rustled" unban me.
  21. you say you're 21, but your huge tits say you're 25