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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. -1. 10 posts doesn't really count as "active on forums" and you haven't donated. You also have only been in the clan 2 weeks, which is only half of the minimum required time to become cs:go moderator (1 month if you didn't know)
  2. It doesn't matter that you bought the channel, it's still part of the xG (that's the keyword towlie) teamspeak server. I honestly am failing to understand why you would even think that this was a good idea in the first place.
  3. diabeetus


    Let's just forum ban anyone that posted on this. Sound good? Wait a minute, that means I'l-- USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST
  4. So, how is this abuse at all?@Chrono or @ serbiansnaga please close this thread.
  5. Fattie. Just kidding, buddy. Sad to see you go, wish I could have gotten to know you better, you seem like a pretty cool kid.
  6. To those who are concerned that it would give away too much money, I believe that the plugin make sure that this doesn't happen. It's difficult to explain but if you want proof, or if you just want to see the plugin in action, check out this server ip: Plus if we wanted to, we could edit the plugin so that you can only win a certain amount of the money that you bet (For example, we could cap it at 5-10% max, so if you bet 1000 credits, you'd only get 50-100 credits)
  7. +1. Fun to play with, active, knows the rules and would make a great addition to the xG community.
  8. Thanks a ton to everyone for the support so far!
  9. Ok, so to help liven up the server a little bit I was thinking that we could try to implement the !pot system. For all those who don't know what it is, you basically bet credits on whichever team you believe is going to win the round (by typing !bet ct <amount> or !bet t <amount>). This system is implemented on a lot of other servers, and doesn't seem like it would be that hard to include in our CS:S servers (I believe that a similar system was in our Jailbreak server a while ago, but I couldn't really find anything on it from a couple of searches throughout the forums). In my opinion it would not only liven up the servers a little bit and make things more interesting, it could help to bring in more donations so people can have more credits to bet with. Post your thoughts below please! AbrahamL was involved, I guess.
  10. +1. Very active, fun to play with, knows the rules.
  11. -1. Like Abraham said, you haven't waited a full month from your last submission, so this thread should be closed asap. If you had waited the full month, I might have 0'd or +1'd you, as I have seen a fair amount of improvement since your last app.
  12. +1. Screenshots prove it 100%. It's kinda pathetic that even after we gave him a second chance after something as severe as hacking, that he just goes and shits all over us. Plus, I heard from @@zackryz that he might have been aimbotting early in the morning as well. Perm him, he went and ruined his second and only chance left.
  13. Well, I've decided to apply for mod. I've been in the clan for nearly 4 months, and I've been playing on the CS:S Jailbreak server for quite some time now (I think since July or August). I feel that since I'm very active during the weekdays and late at night/early in the morning, I would be able to help out more people because for a lot of admins/mods, it's harder to get on during those time frames. I know the rules well, and I try to help people out and catch rule-breakers to the best of my ability. If you could, when you +1 or -1, please leave a reason for the vote, so I know what to keep up with and what I need to improve on for the future. Thanks for reading this over, and I'll see you guys in-game! +1's: -McNeo -Drendan -Startnow -AbrahamL -Lollerskater -Haa-Dron -Lonewolf -Megarobin -BruceWayne -Mark -DarkWolf -Sham -Crabman -TemptedGuy -Gkoo -Pinoy -IU Designs -Speedlimit -Chrono -ShneakySquirrel -DuckiiJr. (Ctrl+A ftw) -Forest -1's: NOBODY, 'CAUSE EVERYONE LOVES ME! WORSHIP ME AS A GOD!
  14. The proof is certainly there, but a perma-ban is a little too harsh in my opinion. +1 for a week-minimum, month-maximum ban.
  15. Personally I find this whole teamspeak/tinychat "abuse" fiasco hilarious. I was going to respond to Digitalhax's thread as well, but I'm deciding to merge my two statements and just post it on this thread. I thought that Duke said it best on Digitalhax's thread, and I don't feel like regurgitating what he said: Secondly, addressing the Teamspeak issue, Abraham and Digital were KICKED, not banned, or anything else. At worst, Chrono caused you a minor inconvience by having to *GASP* click back on the teamspeak channel you were in a second ago. Do you really think he should be stripped of all admin powers because of that? From the quote below (btw this was posted by Digitalhax himself so you can thank him for that) you directly insulted a division of xG, and Chrono punished you accordingly. Regarding the ban, do you really think that it's a good idea to be super annoying at 3 in the morning, cause I don't. From what I'm seeing, you guys are cherry-picking the parts of teamspeak chat to your favor, and in my opinion Chrono handled the situation fine. -1.
  16. +1. Active, friendly. Never seen him cause any problems and seems to know the rules well.
  17. Wow, great job man, it looks great. Keep up the good work, can't wait to see the finished product.
  18. Congrats everyone, especially to my negro Forest! Good work mang!
  19. +1. Very active, friendly, knows the rules.
  20. diabeetus

    Hey guys

    -1. We've given you sooo many chances, and you've gone and blown all of them. How are we supposed to be sure that you'll follow the rules this time? If you somehow manage to get unbanned, you'll probably just go and get yourself banned again, probably for the exact same reason.
  21. diabeetus


    -1. First of all, you purposely opened up the cell doors with the intent of giving the T's an invalid freeday, it was not in any way an accident (not trying to imply that you're saying it was an accident), so the CT ban is justified. Secondly, from what I heard after you were CT banned, you were basically treating breaking the rules as a complete joke, so the server ban is justified imo.
  22. That noise is so horrible, it makes me want to pour gasoline down my ears and light them on fire.
  23. +1. Proof is there, these two clearly broke the rules and got off Scot-free (not trying to blame the admins on at the time as it's probably pretty hard to monitor the whole server with only a few mods/admins on)
  24. There would still be plenty of CT's, as a lot of people only like to play CT, and rarely go T. And we have to remember, @@AbrahamL, people only get auto-switched to CT when there aren't enough CT's currently, and this wouldn't prevent becoming a CT via !guard. I'm assuming that this would be for when people get auto-switched from T to CT correct? +1.