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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. Well you did +1 Crabman's mod app, and he only had 80-some posts at the time. Anyway, +1 from me. Shneaky's been part of the clan for a long time, and knows the rules like the back of his hand. I've seen him put some mods in their places. Would make a great mod. EDIT: Upon a little bit more thought, I agree with Lollerskater's opinion. We need to enforce the rules set in place for becoming a mod, and if you don't fit those requirements, you shouldn't be able to get mod via the application process (that doesn't mean that higher-ups won't decide to promote you on their own). This thread should be closed, but I do think that Shneaky should be taken into consideration for a promotion.
  2. -1. Did you really have to make another thread? If you needed to change your Steam ID, you easily could have edited your original post, or simply posted a reply to your original thread. After being able to look up your Steam ID, it appears you've only played on the Jailbreak server for less than an hour, however you are quite active on our Surf Server. However, considering you probably haven't read the requirements/community guidelines, you most likely don't care so much about the clan, as just trying to get the tags. Be a little more active and I'll consider +1-ing.
  3. No, your Steam ID should look something like this: STEAM_0:1:51354336 (that's mine, to find your Steam ID either go to the link McNeo gave you or when you launch CS:S go into console [the ~ key] and type in "status" [without the quotes] and press enter)
  4. -1. When I look up your Steam ID, it shows that you have never connected once to a single one of our TF2 servers (or at least the ones tracked by rank.xenogamers.com) and the only server you've connected to in the CS:S div is Jailbreak, which you've only played on for about an hour-and-a-half. You are no where near enough as active you need to be to become a member, and you haven't played on our servers for nearly long enough to become a member as well. Wait a couple weeks and try to reapply.
  5. -1. You clearly show that you don't know the rules very well, and since you play as a CT 99% I see you on the server, you really should know the rules inside and out. And to everyone else, if someone should "make sure they know the rules" or "be more active" then that's something that should hold them back from getting membership, and at best deserves a 0. Don't +1 someone if they have obvious problems that they should improve on if they ever want to become a member of the community.
  6. -1. You have two different member apps up, the second one you posted within minutes of the first. When I looked you up on rank.xenogamers.com, the only server within our CS:S division that you've connected to is Jailbreak, which you've only played on for about an hour-and-a-half. Please wait a little bit before you apply so the community actually knows you.
  7. Sounds pretty cool to me, and it would help just to make something as simple as getting a kill seem a little bit more fun and satisfying. Personally, I don't see how this could possibly hurt the servers at all, so +1 all the way.
  8. 2 weeks in mexico? Damn, that must have been a ton of fun.
  9. I saw these maps while scourging GameBanana, and they are pretty awesome in my opinion. I downloaded and tested them both, and they fit all the "requirements" to become a map for our Jailbreak server. Both have tons of minigames to play, and each have a couple of valid warday areas. I'll leave a link below so you guys can test out the maps yourselves, and feel free to post any reactions/opinions on the maps. ba_jail_zegossecond_v1 (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) - GAMEBANANA jb_oz (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) - GAMEBANANA
  10. @McNeoWhat the fuck did you just fucking say about this idea, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about this idea over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo. I'm sorry I just couldn't resist.
  11. The thing is, we could tweak the mega-bomb so that it would be much more "fair" (if that's even really possible). For example, the beeping noise that is triggered when a bomb is armed could be significantly different for a mega-bomb/suitcase nuke, basically letting the CT's know to back the hell up. Secondly, we could make it extremely expensive (around 4000-5000 credits) so that no one would really be able to buy one without completely draining their total amount of credits. This would cut down on the number of times it happens, plus, how many times are large bombs used on the server? Most of the time, people won't even cough up 500 credits for a large bomb, and just go with medium bombs, so just think how little the mega-bomb would be bought at around 10 times the price.
  12. Hmmm, I don't really know what to put so I'll stay at a 0 for now. Once again, like every other person above me has said, you need to cut down on the HLDJ spam. You have all the requirements to become a great member of the community, and if you cut down on the arguing and HLDJ spam, I think that you'd be good to go on the road towards membership. EDIT: Changing to a -1. You have several bans for disrespect, free-killing and spam on other servers, which is not how someone should be representing xG. Plus, you have the same problems on our servers, with constant spam of admin chat and HLDJ and regular chat spam.
  13. Give up on life and drink all the Tide that I can find on board until the boat is completely underwater, when I will begin to furiously masterbate until I die of lack of oxygen. #YOLO
  14. This sounds pretty good, but the Mega Bomb sounds INCREDIBLY over-powered. Large bombs currently seem to have a ridiculous range, and if you had something with twice the range, one could easily take out the entire CT team, and if more than one T bought one I think that the universe would implode. Simon Says sounds pretty cool I gotta say, and maybe an addition of my own would be to possibly bring back the rebel option for LR. So +1 to everything besides the Mega-Bomb. EDIT: I change my mind about the whole Suitcase Nuke/Mega-Bomb thing, now that I think about it, it sounds pretty fucking awesome! Please @autumn put that shit in the servers, but then again we should definately raise the price. Somewhere in the 2500-3500 range sounds good.
  15. I definitely would love to see any of these added to the server. Personally I love the idea of !jetpack, but like everything else, we'd have to raise the price significantly. Do that and I'd support those things being added to the server for sure.
  16. I can't get over Sinly's face xD. It's just... perfect!
  17. I honestly think you guys should check out my pool. It's a work in progress, but MAN it is simply amazing. @Sham has seen it and even he agrees that it is FAR superior to his own pool. Check it out righ' herr -->Steam Community :: Diabeetus :: Screenshots Kidding it's actually one of the worst creations that could possibly be made using Source SDK.
  18. +1. Hell yes get this man in xG. Played with you a while back on minigames and you seemed like a pretty chill guy. Knows the rules and is active as well.
  19. You're bad, kid. See you around later buddy, and I hope whatever problems you're having get solved.
  20. +1. Nice, knows the rules, sang me a song (I never thanked you for that and it was pretty awesome).
  21. I'm going to have to -1 for now. Abraham got to it first, but you've been wearing xG tags for a while now, I think since I first saw you in-game. You haven't really made much of an impression on me yet, but once I see you a little more in-game this vote could easily change to a 0 or +1.
  22. Probably my favorite part of the whole Tiny-chat party was when @@Warriorsfury gagged when he tried to deep-throat a popsicle.