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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. I've edited the list so it only has the maps that we don't currently have on the server. Personally, I give this a +1, it'd be nice to see some more new maps. The two that I've highlighted are essentially electric razor, but slightly different. Hopefully, they don't suffer from the same glitch with screamers, and if they don't then they'll be excellent replacements.
  2. diabeetus

    Cars similar to

    You should actually check out the Ferd F-teenthousand. Hell, it's the only truck on the market to carry a beard in the glovebox, just in-case you lose your's. Check out the video below for more: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8P5vGcf-NU
  3. Wow, I was gonna post earlier, but holy crap this has dissolved into one massive shitstorm against you pal. I can see that you're already forum banned (hoping that it's a perm because honestly I don't ever want to hear from or about you ever, ever again). First of all, you pretty much have admitted to breaking rules, basically negating any argument anyone makes on behalf of you at any point in the future. Secondly, : I would quote your entire post, however I'm having trouble because the amount of retardation emitting from you is so strong, that it has horribly mutated my genome, giving me about 8 extra chromosomes. +1, to a server and forum ban. If someone is going to disrespect us and break rules to the extent he did, he doesn't deserve to be apart of our community in any way, shape, or form, even if it's as minor as just joining our servers.
  4. Why stop at just Co-Leader? #PuppyLuvForSupremeOverlord2013
  5. -1. Honestly, I doubt that you read the rules that well, because over this past weekend alone I saw a ton of rulebreaking out of you. While I can see the potential for you to become a member of xG, you have to improve a lot to get to that goal. While you don't argue with admins, you seem to flood admin chat every single time that you're killed, claiming that it was a freekill, only for me or another one of the admins/mods on to explain that is was fine. Just brush up on the rules and try not to argue as much, and I think you'll do fine.
  6. dat reason. Anyways, +1 for sure. Knows the rules well, is very active, and is very mature and respectful. Saint would make an excellent addition to xG.
  8. Holy shit you got me scared for a second JewMad. See you later, and good luck with school!
  9. Ehhh, I really want to +1 you, but I feel like I can't. You're a good player, and you're active, but I still feel unsure on how well you know rules. And btw, you have 10 +1's, and 1 -1, so you only need one more vouch to into xG. 0 for now. A: 8/10 M: 7.5/10
  10. Lemon Party - A game of bingo gone horribly wrong LOLShock: Shock Sites Network (with 2 Girls 1 Cup) Holy fuck, I thought this was a joke. +1 for sure. Fairly active on CS:S, and knows the rules (obviously). Please come back babe.
  11. Another thing that we have to address is when the original warden is killed, and someone else tries to call warden. Usually, once the first warden dies, the next person will immediately just bark out orders, usually something along the lines of "all T's freeze". However, they technically never physically called warden, and without the plugin there is really no way to distinguish who the new warden is, especially if multiple people are vying for control. In my opinion, (until a new plugin is found/updated) to call warden and start giving orders after the previous warden has been killed, is to literally say "I call warden" , or something else along those lines. This way, people know exactly who the warden is, and it avoids confusion when people flood admin chat when a situation like this happens, claiming that they were freekilled because technically, the new warden never physically said "I call warden". Just my opinion.
  12. +1. Clearly knows the rules, very active on Jailbreak. Super chill and funny, and would make a great mod for CS:S.
  13. Overall, I'd say that the map is pretty good. However, T's can rebel pretty easily, and I think there's a grenade in practically every cell. That and the secret pit should be made a little more obvious (something like a warning sign or traffic cone would work).
  14. +1. Pretty active, knows the rules fairly well, and it a good player on the server. Respectful and mature as well.
  15. If something ain't broke, don't try and fix it! Honestly, this almost never happens, and it really even isn't against the rules. While I don't think that Loller should be saying "go in there or you'll be slayed", this really doesn't seem to be a problem whatsoever. At the very least, adding this rule would only delay a round where something like this happens further. -1.
  16. +1. Really annoying, and it really just seems unnecessary.
  17. +1. Seems like a pretty cool and simple addition to the hub. Just remember guys, once you go black, you never go back.
  18. [ATTACH]4382.vB[/ATTACH] That's where it is, even though for me it only shows up when it wants to.
  19. Thank god, I couldn't go much longer without hearing your voice.
  20. Congrats to all, especially to Poncher, Darkwolf, and Forest! Great job guys, and keep up the good work!
  21. diabeetus


    -1 faith in humanity.
  22. diabeetus

    BF3 Division?

    -1. As like many of the people above me said, we already have too many divs as it is. In my opinion, we should be removing divs, instead of adding new ones. We're getting stretched out too far between the different divs, and too many people will get power.