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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. +1. Knows the rules well, active and respectful. Good to see you back man!
  2. Really guys? -1 for sure. It seems that every time I see you on there is some kind of problem concerning you. You already had a week server ban on our Jailbreak server, and when I look up your Steam ID, I get a whole page or so of server bans about you. Not how someone should be representing our community. btw this is not movinglikebernie, this is someone else.
  3. diabeetus

    New Server

    1: The iPhone 5s hasn't even come out yet, or even been confirmed. 2: What does that have to do with anything?
  4. This made me cry a little, even if it was a joke.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JWTaaS7LdU
  6. @@CowboyWannaBe I'll refer you to this thread for what constitutes a valid +1 or -1. Member Submission Guidelines. (Read) btw you don't need the Activity and Maturity scale for a vouch to be valid.
  7. +1. Swag. Ginger has been playing on the CS:S jailbreak server for a long time, and knows the rules well. While you seem to have just recently come back after a little bit of inactivity, he definitely deserves to be in xG. Knows the motd well, is respectful and is a pretty chill guy overall. Whitetext?
  8. +1. Very active, and clearly knows the rules well. Mythic has been on the servers for a long time, and I haven't seen him cause a single problem from what I've personally seen. Very respectful also.
  9. This is pretty much what happens on every warday. Most of the CT's aren't even killed by T's that rush the warday area, but ones that are sitting a little behind and pick off stupid CT's, which is usually about 90% of the team. Personally, I don't see a problem with the current system for wardays, and the balance of power between the T's and the CT's feels pretty even, and if anything is tipped to the benefit of the T's, not the CT's.
  10. The only ban that I can find on logs is a 2-day CT-ban from Poncher. If you have another ban then it's not showing up on the logs.
  11. Miss you babeh, hope everything gets fixed up soon.Oh, and drink bleach kid
  12. *phew* thank god you're not dead. Had me worried you were going to pull a JordoZombie.
  13. diabeetus

    yo what the fuck

    Light the bodies on fire, then snort the ashes. Problem solved.
  14. +1. Seen you on jailbreak for the past couple of weeks, and you seem like a cool guy. Knows the rules, respectful, active.
  15. [ATTACH]4321.vB[/ATTACH] Those boxes.
  16. That is a rule just for people applying for CS:S and TF2. And @@WhyJewMad I would suggest filling out the boxes with your age, and if you've donated or not so we can find out if you fit the requirements easily. I would +1, but I've only really started to play on the minecraft server for a couple of days now.
  17. Honestly @@Bigga or @@Mark please just close this thread. Kai hasn't been active on the forums or in-game for over a month, no one even remembers him enough to give him a -1.
  18. Just gonna throw this out there for anyone who will reply to this thread in the future, kai hasn't connected to the server since December 16, 2012, and has about 30 minutes of total time connected to the server.
  19. +1. Been playing on Jailbreak for a long time, knows the rules well and is pretty active.
  20. adios amigo, and have a good time. Try not to get mentally raped too hard by It's a Small World.
  21. -1. You show absolutely nothing to support the possibility of admin abuse. You aren't showing any proof, and you don't even have a real reason for admin abuse.
  22. diabeetus


    @@TheAlpha31 It kinda looks like Alpha set himself on fire, not Drendan.
  23. diabeetus


    I heard that as long as you only use these commands against yourself, and you don't use the commands to your advantage (ex: using low gravity to escape enemies or setting yourself on fire and calling fire-drill freeday) the commands are fine to use. I'm staying at a 0 for now.
  24. -1. From my experience from playing with you, you don't seem to know the rules very well. I also have heard from some people that you threatened to DDOS the minecraft server. EDIT: not only the reasons mentioned above, but you are incredibly annoying. You argue with admins all the time, and you try to play admin all the time, trying to argue that you for some reason know the rules better than us.