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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. +1. Very helpful and friendly, plus respectful. Pretty active as well. Would make an excellent member.
  2. +1. Active, friendly. Overall, she'd make a good addition to xG.
  3. I tested the map, and it is pretty good. No one takes the time to explore it and see the rest of the map, as there really is a ton to do on this map. The only real downside is that loud door-opening noise, which could be edited out. -1.
  4. I'm going to -1 for now, at least until I see you on more. You've only connected to the JB server (which is what I'm assuming that you're applying for) a total of 3 times, and you have less than an hour of total time on the server. Try to get on more and I'll probably change my vote.
  5. Oh my god. WHY BABY WHY? I can't believe that we lost another one. I saw the whitetext, but Chrono showed up outside my house with a crowbar so I was forced to edit my post into falling for his trick.
  6. +1. Cool guy, knows the rules, and active too.
  7. -1. I've only seen you in-game a handful of times, so I would normally just make this a 0 because I barely know who you are. However when you were playing today you were wearing [xG] tags and telling people you were in xG when they questioned you.
  8. diabeetus

    Fucking cops #2

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQKSQBJ58rY What a bitch.
  9. Similar to what McNeo said, the fact that other people weren't following rules and that mods/admins weren't able to do their jobs isn't an excuse to break the rules as well. It doesn't matter how crazy things got, you broke the rules, and you were punished accordingly. Dura lex sed lex. -1.
  10. Looks pretty good so far. Can't wait to see the finished product. Hope that the rest of the map-making goes smoothly from here on out.
  11. @ImmortalUnleas Text: xG | Diabeetus Picture: Surprise me Color: Blue and white Extra Info: Make this one a full-sized spray please :D. Doesn't have to include my forum avatar though, I'd actually prefer that it isn't in the spray.
  12. Personally I think we should wait and see how the Zombie Mod server goes, and then start to consider a rotation/pub server. If the ZM server ends up failing, then we can shut that down and implement something like a rotation server, but until then I don't think we should put up a rotation server.
  13. ^ Pretty much what I was thinking. Putting in lots of little touches and additions can really make the server more enjoyable overall, and should help to keep the server from getting dry after many hours of play.
  14. I'd personally like to see a long death run/obstacle course. Things like Couch Game and Jump Rope aren't very fun and just take up a lot of time, where as in a race you're involved much more in it, and more is put to the test, rather than your fate being decided by sheer luck or your ability to time jumps. Just my $0.02.
  15. -1. I understand that I don't play CS:GO a lot, in fact I've never once played on the scrim server, but the only way to get unbanned something as serious as hacking is through the thread that Akio linked. This is even worse considering you're mod, and as you knew better and were fully aware of the consequences.
  16. diabeetus

    Major Aboose

    Ok, so apparently the Jailbreak Club can't handle me, because I was recently banned from the server for a minute for "penis". I believe that all mods and admins involved should be immediately stripped of powers, kicked out of the clan, banned and impregnated. I cannot believe that this atrocity can go by for a single moment unnoticed. Admin Names: @Sham, McNeo, Alpha, Hidingmaster, Unit12. Steam ID's: STEAM_0:1:6969696, and some more.
  17. You should really just stay T and help me fail at rebelling. That and hold my stomach pump after I down a couple shots of bleach.
  18. Here are a couple that will help you make friends fast on the server: 1. Baby-Justin Bieber 2. Friday-Rebecca Black 3. I Want it That Way-Backstreet Boys @@Lollerskater should have some more similar to these if you need more.
  19. diabeetus

    COD or Halo?

    I have to give it to Halo. CoD nowadays is just utter shit, with completely unbalanced and sometimes frustruating gameplay. Halo is probably the best balanced of all FPS's, and when you die it actually seems fair, because in Halo you can put up a fight. In CoD, it's simply a "who has a better reaction time" contest.
  20. KOTO (King of the Ocelots) seemed to be poised to possibly become xG's mapmaker, until he decided to leave the clan for some dumb reason.
  21. +1. It would be awesome to see a KF division for xG. The game is still pretty well populated and with the recent twisted Christmas update there's been a slight influx of new players. This could be a great oppurtunity for xG to expand.
  22. @@Gkoo are you able to fix the disco music on carceris? Whenever you press the button in the DJ booth nothing happens and a bunch of "failure to load" errors come up in console.
  23. We did just get a bunch of maps added to the server, but I do like these ones. +1.