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  1. Funny
    diabeetus got a reaction from DeathGod in Concerning Both Cs:s And Cs:go   
    oh yay this thread again.
  2. Informative
    diabeetus got a reaction from Forest in Hi   
    Kinda realized that I've been pretty damn inactive as of recently.... so yeah. No real excuse, school's fine, family is fine, I'm not riddled with AIDS (just HIV kiddos, don't get excited). Pure, unadulterated laziness is really the only reason I haven't gotten on at all in the past month or two. Since negro kintamis is coming up, that means I'm off from school for two weeks, which also means that I will be spending all of my free time either masturbating, watching boku no pico, or playing video games (mainly club penguin, but maybe I'll hop on CS:S every once and a while). Just stopping bye to let you guys know that I'm not dead yet, and that I'll be improving my completely nonexistent playtime on xG servers. To be honest, I'm surprised the CS:S div isn't dead yet. Good jobs guys.
  3. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from Forest in Shyguy - Counter-strike: Source   
    -1 you intentionally massed and you should stay banned. I don't have anything against you, but everyone who masses intentionally (especially the people who have played on the server for a while) know the rules and know what the consequence is for mass freekilling. You knew the rules, but broke them anyway. People who intentionally mass should stay banned, no matter what. It's kind of disturbing that we constantly say that we're going to be consistent and nonpartisan (for lack of a better word) about these unbans, but then turn around and unban people but keep others banned simply because they weren't as widely-liked by the community. Saying that we're going to do something and actually doing it are two entirely different things, and if we want actually accomplish something (ex: denying all protest like John Wilkes Boothe said we would a couple of threads back) we have to actually follow through on what we say. If I had my way, I would make it so you wouldn't be able to protest your ban if you intentionally massed, but unfortunately I'm not dictator of CS:S (for now).
  4. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from DCook in Shyguy - Counter-strike: Source   
    -1 you intentionally massed and you should stay banned. I don't have anything against you, but everyone who masses intentionally (especially the people who have played on the server for a while) know the rules and know what the consequence is for mass freekilling. You knew the rules, but broke them anyway. People who intentionally mass should stay banned, no matter what. It's kind of disturbing that we constantly say that we're going to be consistent and nonpartisan (for lack of a better word) about these unbans, but then turn around and unban people but keep others banned simply because they weren't as widely-liked by the community. Saying that we're going to do something and actually doing it are two entirely different things, and if we want actually accomplish something (ex: denying all protest like John Wilkes Boothe said we would a couple of threads back) we have to actually follow through on what we say. If I had my way, I would make it so you wouldn't be able to protest your ban if you intentionally massed, but unfortunately I'm not dictator of CS:S (for now).
  5. Bad Spelling
    diabeetus reacted to MagicalPurple in Magicalpurple   
  6. Bad Spelling
    diabeetus reacted to MagicalPurple in Magicalpurple   
  7. Smelly
    diabeetus reacted to MinerTeddy in Bayd Cee Tees   
    Srsly, does DAE remember the rule about NOT SHOOTING INTO FUCKING STACKS OR FOLLOWING PREVIOUS WARDEN'S ORDERS FOR 15 SECONDS AFTER DEATH. We need to really get some cts who ACTUALLY know the rules, I've seen countless freekilling, baiting, and other retarded CTs. Mods and adamunz be too lazy to bayn anyone, we have to clean up the server. Idea = Have a little quiz thing about the rules that can take like 5 minutes.
  8. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Who Wants To Wow   
    c9 master race
  9. Winner
    diabeetus reacted to Vector in Hello All!   
    so they are power hungry because they want to help out our server and wish to join the community and work their way to staff powers?
    you're an idiot.
  10. Smelly
    diabeetus reacted to DaddioDoug in Hello All!   
  11. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Who Wants To Wow   
    c9 master race
  12. Bad Spelling
    diabeetus reacted to Temptedguy in Today Marks A Milestone   
    What the fuck just happen....
  13. Disagree
    diabeetus reacted to DaddioDoug in Over And Out   
    GG xG is done
  14. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Vector in Sparky (yifferz) - Counter-strike: Source   
    You seem to look like you're bugging him. Regardless of minecrack's attitude, he has every right to be upset. Do you really need to say yiff every 2 seconds for people to realize you're a furry? shoving it down people's throat that you're a furry or anything for that matter is annoying as hell. Now warrior, if you have a problem with Minecrack you know the drill, make a valid thread with the proof. if you are really having problems with Minecrack then get better proof, not something that makes you look worse.
  15. Friendly
    diabeetus reacted to MineCrack in Sparky (yifferz) - Counter-strike: Source   
    Kill yourself.
  16. Winner
    diabeetus reacted to Rabid in The Hero Xenogamers Needs   
    Hello xG it's been a while! But I'm here to march us out of the hole we've dug ourselves into.
    First off i would like to introduce my self to some of those who might not know me. The name is Rabid I've been around xG for around 3 years now. I've been here during the ups and the downs (Serbians co-leading) Lots has happened over these years and i can say we are in the darkest depths we've been in. Have no fear I rabid am here to lead us out! i will bring xG back to it's shining glory if you vote me as co-leader.
    Some of the things that i have planned for xG
    Community nights | We have had these in the past lead by Rpgeesus, These have failed very badly before but! I have good ideas to make these much more interactive for the community members to enjoy!
    Disrespecting and the clan | We have had many posts of disrespecting within the clan ranks over the year, But i have the solution to fix this! take a second and listen how. Target the groups that cause the most ruckus @bronies @furries By eliminating these two groups of people we can move forward as a mature gaming group and look forward to a right future!
    Eradicate everything! | By eradicating everything i mean get rid of the mods and admins and start by fresh look for people who will actually commit and help this community grow not just people who are active in the servers but are looking out of the clans best interest. Also get rid of @@serbiansnaga
    Well there you go xG just a few upcoming things that will happen if i'm the next Co-leader.
    "Losers lose winners win my names rabid and I'm a winner" -Rabid
    R.i.p @@Forest
    @@serbiansnaga @@Link! @@Rhododendron @@JakeEnglish @anyotherretardinpower
    Most autism post 2013
    In no way was this post ment to troll or to hurt any ones feelings if you have been butt hurt by this post i am sorry it was a funsies post
  17. Winner
    diabeetus reacted to MuffinMonster in Come Check Out My Edits/fragshows   
    Guys check out my solitaire frag video. It's better than Daddiodougs
  18. Funny
    diabeetus got a reaction from SuperMaddud in Darkrp Job Ideas   
  19. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to MuffinMonster in Xg|m Origins - Team Fortress 2   
    I don't see a reason to demote over this
  20. Smelly
    diabeetus reacted to Lemons in Over And Out   
  21. Smelly
    diabeetus got a reaction from Lemons in Over And Out   
  22. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Forest in Hexx   
    The lazy vouches are strong in this one.
    Got tagged and was never notified, gg. From what I am aware of, the rule applies to anyone who leaves xG. It is how it has always been enforced, regardless of being kicked, leaving, joining another clan, etc. If clarification is needed, it can be added. Now, pertaining to the thread:
    +/-0. This is solely based on the attitude given when the applicant left xG. Instead of taking time away from xG to cool off, he jumped the gun and went straight for a resignation. This alone isn't enough to warrant a negative vouch, but I won't provide a positive one due to it as well simply because I lack the proper information on the player (I'm inactive, remember)
    A: ?/10
    - Again, no way of telling whether or not the applicant is active in the Division being applied for. Because of that, this field will remain blank until further notice.
    M: 6/10
    - Once more, based on the attitude and behaviour demonstrated when the applicant left. I've known this nigguh for a while, and he was enjoyable to be around back in the "before time", but the tone when leaving (even if it was warranted behaviour due to the circumstances) was still uncalled for. Maturity could be better
    D: Look above. +/-0 for the reasons presented above.
  23. Winner
    diabeetus reacted to Vector in Down With Forest   
    God, why don't you two just fuck already.
  24. Not Funny
    diabeetus reacted to Forest in Down With Forest   
    Don't worry ladies, I won't be around much longer ;)
  25. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to ForestFire in Hexx   
    @@IAmLegend gave a invalid reason perm kick off forums. GG no RE RE