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Reputation Activity

  1. Smelly
    Kyoko got a reaction from DrLee in Lcs (eu, if you're a scrub) predictions   
    1 C9
    2-8 idrc
    9 tsm
  2. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Mrjeeblez - mmo   
    +1 went positive on garen support
  3. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to Yu_Narukami in Weabookirito - teamspeak   
    +1 , He put his peepee in his kittens kittycat
  4. Not Funny
    Kyoko got a reaction from Barmithian in Hey guys   
    Eeeeewww, It's Celestial, Luna is clearly better :P
  5. Smelly
    Kyoko reacted to Rabid in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Boy if that is what you kids call bullying you kids are messed up in the head, It's the internet who the fuck cares, QQ u fat mother fucker.
  6. Friendly
    Kyoko got a reaction from Ribbit in Ribbit - counter-strike: source   
    +1 cool story
  7. Smelly
    Kyoko got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Who is your hero   
    I can't really think of someone who greatly influenced me. Besides @Chrono who made me start thinking logically
  8. Smelly
    Kyoko reacted to xGShadowSpy in Inactivity   
    One less smelly person in xG, One more to go(We all know who that is.)
  9. Sad
    Kyoko got a reaction from Haruka in Inactivity   
    Probably should have posted this earlier this week but my laptop got a fucking super virus or something and I can't connect to the Internet and ship so I'm stuck on a fuckin shitty iPad. I expect to be back by next week at the latest
    Also reinstalling the OS so. Yay I get to that...
  10. Informative
    Kyoko got a reaction from RichKnight in Inactivity   
    Probably should have posted this earlier this week but my laptop got a fucking super virus or something and I can't connect to the Internet and ship so I'm stuck on a fuckin shitty iPad. I expect to be back by next week at the latest
    Also reinstalling the OS so. Yay I get to that...
  11. Winner
    Kyoko reacted to denwaotoko in Good starter champions for each role (need suggestions)   

    But really, play something like Nasus in top and win everytime
    For bot lane, Lucian Thresh never goes wrong
    Mid lane, someone like Syndra with decent poke and all in
  12. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to Jaybreeze in Yu_narukami - Teamspeak   
    Give me admin and all your problems will disappear.
  13. Drunk
    Kyoko reacted to Forest in Yu_narukami - Teamspeak   
    Rules are put in place to maintain order m8. I'm not "suddenly enforcing rules", I always have. However, I'm never on TS3 (let alone Steam nowadays) nor am I in any position to be enforcing them with an iron fist #Member. With that said, I'm not being a tight-wad or anything, if there aren't any complaints then so be it, let it happen. But the moment someone has a complaint, then it needs to be addressed.
    As for NSFW pics, my understanding is that so long as they don't consist of nudity/gore/offensive material/etc then they pass. This includes (what I assume most amine people have) chicks in frilly underwear or whatever the hell else you people have. If need be, I suggest the rules be altered to reflect this as I'm not sure anyone will be using TS3 during work hours (let alone be thinking of xG). And by altered I mean the removal of the whole "anything you would not want your boss to see on his history" as this is very broad.
    In regards to this whole 'abuse' thing, I'm getting two separate statements claiming that both parties (Rabid and Naru) were equally on each other's asses. Given the nice explanation by Chrono, there are instances of abuse, and whether or not this warrants removal of powers or a stern talking to is reliant on how the Higher-Ups want to deal with it.
    With that said, if you're [Rabid] going to stoke a fire by poking at someone's buttons, you better prepare for something to happen (especially if it is within a channel they are in control of). If told to stop, you should most likely stop.
    And if someone is getting on your nerves, deal with the situation in a delicate manner, don't let your anger/frustration get the best of you [Naru]. All that needs to be said is a simple "What you're saying is bothering me, could you stop". Should it continue, then you give him a warning. Should it continue still, you kick him from your channel. If he returns and refuses to stop, add him to the blacklist and then let him know that he is now on it before telling him to leave (if he doesn't, kick again, but from your channel). Is he still harassing you? Alert a Higher-Up.
    Nigguhs need to learn a little thing called empathy.
    TL;DR - Don't instigate something and then further poke at it when it is clearly escalating [Rabid]. Don't over react to something that was to be taken as a joke [Naru]. Rules is rules [Mega].
  14. Disagree
    Kyoko reacted to Voly in Good animes?   
    Naruto definitely. It has a bad take, but the story is very interesting to look in to.
  15. Winner
    Kyoko reacted to Rhododendron in Cleverbot   
  16. Drunk
    Kyoko reacted to MuffinMonster in The Future Of Cs:s   
    Who are you though, seriously?
  17. Funny
    Kyoko reacted to Chrono in Urgent Bad   
    atleast he didn't try to delete the server when he wasn't DL anymore. :coffee:
  18. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to Barmithian in Add Me Plz   
  19. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from John_Madden in Forest   
    Our lord and savior is back. @Forest forever co
  20. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to Kittylicious in Question Game   
    A: Pepsi
    Q: If you could have the ability to fly like a bird or the ability to swim deep in the sea without needing air like a fish which would you choose and why?
  21. Friendly
    Kyoko got a reaction from Hidingmaster in So...   
    bby, i missed you
  22. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from DCook in It's Time To Go   
    dude, do what i did and go inactive for x amount of months then come back and be like, "yo bitches waz up."
    i'm still waiting for my time to come back
  23. Like
    Kyoko got a reaction from GanjaMonster in Rip Css   
    I would come back but, paging @DrLee #populatepls
  24. Winner
    Kyoko got a reaction from Drendan in By   
    bi sexual homophobic niggar. </3
  25. Dislike
    Kyoko got a reaction from AdamStoe98 in Competition Time   
    winner was chosen it's Kendrick.
    Message me on here or steam
    ~sealed away in my soul gem