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Everything posted by Gkoo

  1. If we have Creative or Vanilla Survival, I'd play a lot.
  2. @DuckiiJr must deliver Forest on cam. He must.
  3. @autumn Request this is posted in Announcements. (Front page)
  4. Gkoo

    Unban from ct

    He killed three. Let us not use biased arguments against him. Three unintentional freekills does not equal a permanent team ban.
  5. M: 8/10 A: 9/10 D: +1 Respectful. Helpful. Fun. Would be a great addition to xG.
  6. +1 A:7 M:9 Very respectful. All around good feel around him. Youngy.
  7. +1 A:7 M:9 Previously in xG and staff. Represented xG very well.
  8. EDIT: I'll kill darkwolf. -.- A: 8/10 Back in action. M: 10/10 He is like a cop. He sounds like a cop too. And a dad. He tickles my tummy. Good representative of xenogamers. +1
  9. Gkoo


    Fragment. Consider Revising. Suggestion(s): I hate all of you.
  10. Gkoo

    Unban from ct

    Honest mistake. Genuinely confused when I tolled him he freekilled. I said Go once. So I bet he missed it. I killed a guy in a cell for not doing orders. He thought it was time to kill, so he killed a couple. +1 for shorter ban time.
  11. I'll get on if Forest shows himself. And we get one more 37 year old to show them mama's.
  12. IEcho, because he doesn't copy people. Does unique things.
  13. Gkoo

    Shout box....

    I got $5 down.
  14. Haha. You're sig is incredible. Can't stop watching.
  15. I've looked at old promo/demo's. And man, you are a true oldie. Very respectful guy. Knows every rule. Always on TS. And chill as fuck. Activity: 9/10 Maturity: 8/10 +1 for that drunk, high, beautiful face.
  16. I love it. How much for the piece?
  17. Gkoo


    We understand Parabellum needs a couple edits. Vent, more rebelling areas, and others. However, me and eric are waiting a couple weeks to find most of the bugs. It's annoying to update the map and find more bugs right after we upload it. I'll discuss it with eric and maybe start a version 2.
  18. He told me via message. It's legit.