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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Gkoo

  1. I'll make the vent a bit longer and have the entrance to the left side of the cell, so CT's can't look in. Sorta like Blackops map.
  2. I have the most comfortable seat. A lawn chair.
  3. Gkoo

    See Ya

    If forest ever left, the Goodbye thread would be minimum 3 pages long. Now go serve your queen, Forest.
  4. I really like Ba_jail_Fear. Like a lot. Like I love it. Ba_jail_Fear (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) - GAMEBANANA And for sure no Minecraft maps. I love Minecraft, but no.
  5. As long as he is not tarping I think it's fine the way it currently is.
  6. Gkoo

    Just an Idea

    Gkoo is a hipster. Did this before it was cool.
  7. Very active and has extreme knowledge of rules. Maturity: 9/10 Keeps his cool, does not start or continue arguments, and is well aware of a situation he should not handle with. Activity: 8/10 Very active now but was inactive quite some bit before. +1
  8. Deserves to be moderator again. Still very upstanding of rules and very helpful to the staff. +1
  9. That thread was fucking beautiful. I'm crying. And you're fucking beautiful too aubri. And you doubt it like a motherfucker. haha. I don't really care that your leaving. Because you promised me that we will have sex everynight. And you will walk on the beach with me for hours. And buy me flowers. And bake me a cake. ..Right? RIGHT!? ISN'T THAT RIGHT YOU GORGEOUS HOT SEXY WOMAN!? Oh and @@HighSociety is a poser. Too scared to come down to Wilson or in the city to play skate 1on1. And now blades.
  10. Ah. I hope you get stuff sorted out. Not as great of a terrorist as me. :D I'm waiting for you.
  11. Gkoo


    ١ (Arabic)
  12. Need any help, contact me or Snakeboyeric. We made that new map called jb_parabellum_xg
  13. Maybe we should get better at rebelling.
  14. Very active and very mature. Is extremely helpful to the staff and understands the rules. I have yet to see what is talked about being disrespectful. I myself have seen the up most respect from this guy. +1
  15. Gkoo

    Harlem Shake

    That's so yesterday.
  16. True. Have any ideas to make it harder for the guards?
  17. Please give in your input on each song.
  18. Thank you. Keep the songs coming. The list may be shortened in the future. So be sure to request the ones you really want.