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Posts posted by Gkoo

  1. Community College atm. I am terrified of taking out loans and having debts.


    Life question here.

    I am interested in Architecture, but the job market is low.

    Civil Engineering is the closest to architecture, but it doesn't interest me at all. But it pays.

    And also Video Game Level design, but the unemployment rate on that is high high.


    What should I go into?


    And also, do people still dorm 3rd, 4th and 5th years? Or just find an apartment?

  2. Doesn't anyone seem to realize that this is supposed to be a Prison RP?.


    I'm pretty sure if this was prison we wouldn't have freedays, murdering people for jumping last, forcing other prisoners to kill each other in death soccer, etc.


    or is it....





  3. I'll update parabellum to fix that if that is such a problem. (sarcasm look below)


    I like the idea. It's only 1 person that can get LR. It's a fight to the death.


    And also, props to the guy who managed to press the button in the toilet to kill all those prisoners. Perfect moment. I don't see why that would be a problem. The guy is a genius.


    So, I fully agree to remove this rule. +1. And I will not stand til it is removed. lol