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Everything posted by kbraszzz

  1. Sounds like you would really hate ammo drops.
  2. Try again on. 08/06/14 -Closed
  3. kbraszzz

    S> Conga

    Love you too. -Closed
  4. That was some great mass freekilling you did.
  5. kbraszzz

    S> Rancho Relaxo

    Wow that was fast. -Closed
  6. CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click Updated Staff Roster | Xeno Gamers WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY! -Closed
  7. Closed due to OP's request. -Closed
  8. OP is not being unbanned, -Closed
  9. OP and Qwerty have been known to troll. Qwerty knew how to play First Reaction Last Reaction. Even if he did not, it's in the MOTD. No punishment is needed. -Closed
  10. Hello man made of snow.
  11. OP is In a different clan. -Closed
  12. +1 A: 7/10 M:8/10 I asked you a thousand times to come back and you refused. But Forge asked you once and you listened. You love Forge more then me. :(
  13. Game is over now. -Closed
  14. Class: Sniper Preferred Team: Idc green team? Steam URL: Steam Community :: [xG:DM] Kbraszzle Dazzle Hours Played in TF2: 2354 Hours Played as Class: 142.3 Willing to sub: Yes Time Zone: CDT
  15. OP will have to wait out the ban. -Closed
  16. Oh thank god I thought you left.
  17. kbraszzz

    Ski Runner

    I got Pookie if that matters. Far to much forest for one day.
  18. And before he is gone for 6 months.