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  1. Winner
    kbraszzz reacted to Vector in Xxxalexjxxx3   
    He is the hero xG needs.
  2. Agree
    kbraszzz got a reaction from John_Madden in <apk> Thereaper51 - Team Fortress 2   
    Not enough evidence to justify a ban.
  3. Winner
    kbraszzz reacted to Haruka in <apk> Thereaper51 - Team Fortress 2   
    I don't think intentions to mass is bannable. If meezle had better evidence of him attempting to mass, but failing miserably or sucssufully doing the deed (hue), then that's bannable (idk @kbraszzz send help)
    Also take my phone from me. It auto corrects when I spell hue wrong. What am I doing with my life.
  4. Like
    kbraszzz got a reaction from John_Madden in Adamstoe And Bonfire Centipede - Team Fortress 2   
    OP has no proof.
  5. Winner
    kbraszzz reacted to Fiery8022 in Adamstoe And Bonfire Centipede - Team Fortress 2   
    this is some hardcore shit get the DM
  6. Smelly
    kbraszzz reacted to KendrickLlama in Bye Guys I'm Done With Xenogamers   
    @kingme111 why dont you just leave holy shitt dude JUST LEAVE. you keep saying shitt and its annoying. So leave and just delete this shitttttt pls
  7. Winner
    kbraszzz reacted to Brian in Broken Servers   
    "Well if it's broken, don't fix it"
    - @Rhododendron
  8. Like
    kbraszzz reacted to DrLee in New.exe   
    Dun maek fun of kwbrassel's accent or you wun't get moderwaiter
  9. Like
    kbraszzz reacted to AdamStoe98 in New.exe   
    Don't make fun of Kbraszz'z accent.
  10. Agree
    kbraszzz reacted to KendrickLlama in Fink's Jb Tips   
    The easiest way to get into xG
    1. Play on the server maybe 3 times so that everyone knows who you are
    2. When Kbrasszzle gets on friend him so he knows its real
    3. Now its time to make your member app
    4. When you sign up for the site put the tags in your name right away
    5. Now wait till someone tells you to make an app cause you arnt actually in xG
    6. After 20 min you find the member app
    7. Put in your name WITH THE TAGS IN IT
    8. Mess up the steam id (Its makes it easier for everyone)
    9. Please say you are active on teamspeak even tho you have no idea what it is
    10. Pls say you are 18 or older (only if you are younger) because no one likes when people put their actual age
    11. Also if you are banned make a unban request so people know you are dedicated to being active on the forums
    12. Insta +1 from everyone because you are the greatest
    13. Now after being accepted and being "active" for 1 week ask @kbraszzz about becoming mod
    14. After your promotion abuse your powers because thats what every good mod does
    15. Lose mod do to kbraszz being jealous of how cool you are
    16. Make a goodbye thread and leave xG
    17. 2 weeks later make another member app and repeat at step 3
  11. Agree
    kbraszzz got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Forge   
    M 9/10
    A 6/10
    He's quite active, very mature player, EU,never hurt anybody. +1
    @Goblin @LeApplePie5 @BANGINONATRASHCAN Fix your vouches please.
  12. Not Funny
    kbraszzz got a reaction from John_Madden in Jailbreak Pokemon Rules.   
    Pokemon/Knife Pit – The warden asks a trivia question. The red that answers it first becomes the "Pokemon Master" or “Team Master”. Master must pick a red and the warden will pick a blue then the said red and blue will try to kill each other using melee weapons only.Pokemon/Knife Pit cannot be played with 7 or more reds. If playing for LR the Master must fight at least once.
    Using melee weapons only.
  13. Not Funny
    kbraszzz got a reaction from Gwoash in Jailbreak Pokemon Rules.   
    Pokemon/Knife Pit – The warden asks a trivia question. The red that answers it first becomes the "Pokemon Master" or “Team Master”. Master must pick a red and the warden will pick a blue then the said red and blue will try to kill each other using melee weapons only.Pokemon/Knife Pit cannot be played with 7 or more reds. If playing for LR the Master must fight at least once.
    Using melee weapons only.
  14. Drunk
    kbraszzz reacted to Charing in Jailbreak Pokemon Rules.   
    Hello all!
    On JB 1, we have been playing a lot of Pokemon (as usual), but there are a couple of inconsistencies I have noticed with the rules. The major thing I would like to bring up is this: Blus lethal taunting (ie Holiday Punch) at reds to win the round.
    While there is nothing inherently wrong with this situation, when you zoom out a little, the problem, in my opinion, becomes very clear. If a Red were to do the same thing, he would be killed. I ask you how is it fair that in an 1v1 supposedly "fair" match, that one player be allowed to do something that the other is not.
    What if I extend that same principle. Could Blu Scout not use his Sandman ball? Or Wrap Assassin? What if we take it even further, couldn't I just pull out my gun and start shooting. I think we can all see the problems with having that be allowed, but why can't we just finish the job and equalize Red and Blu for Pokemon?
    I know what some of you will say, "those are ranged attacks, and all ranged attacks are banned" and my counter to that ill-thought out argument is as follows. Do you have to be in melee range for a Holiday Punch taunt kill? (psst, the answer is no) I agree, that if a blu successfully tickles a red, the he will probably win, but what IF he were to fuck up, the red could still be in the fight, but we won't know because blus have an unfair advantage.
  15. Disagree
    kbraszzz got a reaction from Redheards in Too Much Potato Day?   
    RIP in peace potato day.
  16. Sad
    kbraszzz got a reaction from John_Madden in Knightmare   
    Come back when you're 14.
  17. Like
    kbraszzz reacted to Kittylicious in Kittylicious   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    ♥ Kittylicious ♥ Steam ID:

    Steam Community :: ♥ Kitty ♥ #Birthday! Banned:

    No Previously in xG:

    No Active on Teamspeak:

    No Age:

    14 today :D Further Information:

    I made an app 2 months ago but I had to wait until I was 14 to apply so I just my kept forum activity up and it's my birthday today so here I am :p
    about me
    I'm active on the forums daily. 162 posts atm :)
    I'm active on the servers mainly Gaming History and Pokemon Trade
    I'm friendly and helpful
    I already got lots of friends in xG

  18. Agree
    kbraszzz got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Iceslice - Mmo   
    +1 I hate him more then hexx and that's saying something.
  19. Winner
    kbraszzz reacted to diabeetus in Iceslice - Mmo   
    I may or may not have forgotten to close this thread yesterday...
    Considering the overwhelming majority of people are in favor of a permanent ban I'll just go ahead and close the thread now. If anyone has any objections to this, feel free to message me on steam, PM me on forums, or post a ban protest a later time (I would suggest waiting a while). Iceslice has been permanently banned.
  20. Agree
    kbraszzz got a reaction from Goblin in Too Much Potato Day?   
    RIP in peace potato day.
  21. Winner
    kbraszzz got a reaction from John_Madden in Too Much Potato Day?   
    RIP in peace potato day.
  22. Winner
    kbraszzz reacted to diabeetus in Iceslice - Mmo   
    +1. This thread might as well be closed (or is it "mind as well" @Warriorsfury?). The only reason that this is staying open (for now) is that I'd like to see what the opinions of the other Community Leaders are on this matter. The last time I banned you, I gave you a very explicit warning: come back with an improved attitude or you're getting permed. From all the evidence I've seen so far (including this thread, which was the very first thing you did after being unbanned) you have gone right back to your usual awful behavior. Considering the fact that you immediately returned to behaving in the exact same way that got you banned numerous times, I think a ban will most likely be in order.
  23. Friendly
    kbraszzz got a reaction from Haxx in Iceslice - Mmo   
    +1 I hate him more then hexx and that's saying something.
  24. Funny
    kbraszzz reacted to Rfivealive555 in Iceslice - Mmo   
    10/10 still spamming the chat box even with a ban request open complaining about this.
  25. Friendly
    kbraszzz got a reaction from Muzzle in Iceslice - Mmo   
    +1 I hate him more then hexx and that's saying something.