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Everything posted by Charles

  1. +1 ! Edit: I'm just kidding, -1. Jubens, get over it and stop disrespecting and if you do, you're not gonna get kicked or muted for that reason.
  2. You can't prove that you should be in xG over forums to Odyssey when he's rarely seen you on.
  3. Like Alice said, the way you talk to Puppy Luv is immature. The steam messages you've been sending me are rude.
  4. As I said, You we're cool at first, thought you would be a great edition to the community. But your just rude and immature.
  5. This is really disappointing me, He was a cool kid at first, but now, hes very disrespectful and rude.
  6. And pistol, Stop asking for +1's or people that you ask for +1's, will give you -1's...
  7. If you've really played on xG servers for as long as you say you have, you would know its implied. A:9 M:3
  8. Bombs are just what the T's have been waiting for, If you have a real prob with it rainbow, just switch to T and start bombing you're CT comrades and you'll see how much fun it is! Plus: We've been waiting for HUB for a while now, and DarkWolf is putting the CS:S division back on its feet. Bombs are just one step closer to what xG use to be before steam pipe update.
  9. Yeah, I agree with Hidingmaster. P90 swag!
  10. Hopefully, us Prisoners need a way to force a freeday besides opening cells before Out-of-Cell Rebel. Hopefully DarkWolf adds them back. +1
  11. -1 Immature, Rude, disrespectful, and impersonated by wearing xG tags.
  12. +1 Awesome guy, fun to play with, great reboobler, good to talk to. M: 9/10 A: 9/10
  13. +1 Awesome guy, Very funny, hope he gets back in!
  14. I need halp with my spray, eden made me an awesome spray and it wont work cause css says its corrupt. Can someone halp me? Thanks!
  15. +1 Awesome,very active, and cool ;). A great addition to our community!
  16. Charles

    Leotekk's Shop

    Hey, If ur still making sprays, can i have just a cool one, i dont really care on the back ground just make it cool and say xG |BoxMan
  17. +1 Really cool guy, great to play with on JB, knows motd A:8 M:8
  18. +1 An AWESOME guy, really fun to play with, awesome reboobler on jb. Just an awesome guy, A great edition to our community! A:7 M:9
  19. Good player, see on Surf DM alot! Hes alot of fun to play with. :love_heart: Maturity : 8/10 :saturn:
  20. Can anyone make me a spray with a tornado in background and my name "ToRn" on the front? ty :) much appreciated if you do. :highly_amused:
  21. I want to join xG cause it looks like a great clan with great people in it! + It has AMAZING servers!