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Everything posted by Pepper

  1. The teamspeak is voice.xenogamers.com
  2. +1 for the guy good player active A: 9 M:9
  3. Pepper


    Who you calling a Soda Can!!!!!!!!!1
  4. @@Jericho This is uncalled for and unwarranted. It is an overreaction to what you call "disrespect". I would like to speak to you to find out what you mean by "disrespect". And "trolling"???? Besides Minecrack who else has come remotely close to trolling. I want to hear this just so I can maybe comprehend what the hell caused you to ban all xG members on site.
  5. I really don't understand this disrepect you keep speaking of. To be quite honest you are lucky you are not server banned too. An almost mass freekill and then leave. I was on at the time and he was standing on the spary that T's were going to and as the T's approached he sprayed into the stack killed two t's and damaged many more until I stabbed him in the back. I was at 14 hp and there is nothing that would change my mind into +1ing a shorten ban request. btw -1
  6. +1 fun guy to play with I think he will make a fine addition to our clan A:8/10 M:7/10
  7. Probably only accessible by DM(s)/DL(s) then. I guess someone will have to edit it for me, lol Hey I have a great idea! Become a DM again!!!! That would solve so many problems.
  8. Lol I thought it was longer. I looked at the forums and there were 10 threads where the last person to post was you and I was like wtf what is sham doing then I saw the copypasta
  9. Hey sham you are unbanned!!
  10. +1 For unban. I don't think that a week is too long. Who did he kill? Nobody. I have seen admins run into a stack too and at most they are slain.
  11. And also Muffin not everyone is unbanned, most arn't maybe if you spent time in our division you would know that, but since you obviously dont you should probably STAY THE FUCK OUT. Btw changing my +1 so it makes more sense +1 because trin is a good ct i've known him for a LOOOOOONG ass time and ik personaly that he will never do it again. Shortned ban Yeah you are right Kirito not everyone is unbanned. Just everyone who has ever made a unban protest is unbanned (for the most part).
  12. -1 I did make a whole long rant about how we need to make perms more perm but like a dumbass I accidentally cleared it so here is the shorter version. A mass is a mass whether it is intentional or not, and should be punish as such. @@Kirito Our community is about fairness but in all honesty we are not being fair. Fairness is treating people the same. So either we unban all or keep them permed and I am for keeping them permed especially if the mass was intentional such as in this case. Now Trin your ban was changed not because of someone thinking it was noballs, it was because it would be more fair to those who are now perm'd for the same offense. Now on to the bullshit +1's. I have been guilty of a few, but seriously I have seen some people who have given a bullshit +1 on almost every single unban/member submission. -1's also need a valid reason too. Not putting a reason is just counter productive and hurts us as a community. I would like to see a change here too. TL;DR : None cause fuck you read it.
  13. Seen this already. Done this already. OLD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. +1 lower the ban to no more than 2 days he kill no t's though he did mass bait and knifed many not much damage was done so I dont think a long ban is needed
  15. Unless you (cough, cough) promote a certain Pepper to DM
  16. I was csgo mod for like 3 days
  17. I didnt like the game before this happened. I have seen times when the whole entire T team is wiped out. It is easy to mass team/freekill.
  18. and @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo and @ShdowSpy I think the trust day that shadow does should be removed because of all of the shit that is caused because of it like this!
  19. -1 WE TOLD YOU BEFORE YOU MADE THE FIRST THREAD TO WAIT AT LEAST 2 WEEKS AND YOU MADE ONE IMMEDIATELY AND IT WAS GETTING DENIED SO YOU MAKE ANOTHER ONE!!!!!!!! I am all for a shorter ban but seriously wait a while before you make another thread. I don't exactly agree with the game shadow was doing but you did cause 4 T's to die 1 of which was a rebel making it 3 freekills which is a perm CT ban. Though under the circumstances I think you should be banned for a month.
  20. I think you posted in the wrong section. This is CS:GO not CSS
  21. As forst has said he cant do shit because he cant edit his post!!!!!!
  22. -1 Just too soon. Happened today.
  23. There is already a deathrun server. Not a lot of people get on it.