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Everything posted by Pepper

  1. I have banned him before for this a few days ago. It is getting obnoxious. I dont think a ban is needed at this point he just needs to stop. Xeno Gamers
  2. +1 He helped quite a bit with the "remodeling" of the Gmod div and he is a fun guy to play with. A: 7 M:8
  3. +1 Not a squeeker like he used to be. The gg clan was a mistake and he should be let back in.
  4. +1 I love this man (no homo) and he is a very respectable person who should be a part of this clan.
  5. +1 for Lemons. Good member of the Gmod community and got caught up in the GG cluster fuck and wants to seek refuge here in my arms. A: 8 M: 9
  6. +1 I love this man (no homo) and he is a very respectable person who should be a part of this clan.
  7. +1 You fucking idiot you didnt put your steam id in right! STEAM_0:1:28643018
  8. He's not saying that you cant play on other servers. He said you are also annoying on other servers.
  9. He said that it should be denied for being open to long. tldr
  10. If anybody doesnt realize he is already banned.
  11. Im gonna be at a 0 too. Though your activity isnt bad it isnt good enough, and as Turd said you can get annoying too so maturity is an issue. A: 5 M: 3
  12. American football sux cock man... I love all sports but football is the best.
  13. Serbian was the first to +1 gg I definitely don't see his post, I may be crazy. Nvm I thought this was a differeent thread for some reason gg.
  14. Football (American) > All other sports
  15. +1 for the g wiz former coleader/div leader can do thingz like... like... like... Im not quite sure but there are assets he has I believe.
  16. +1 Very active and respectful player. I see him in teamspeak all the time and always enjoy talking to him. A: 9 M:9
  17. -1 Lapis you know I like you but you fucked up. There may be a point where I would consider giving a +1 to this but that is not anytime soon. You did this with the intention of breaking rules and then you left. The punishment is just and should not be altered at all any time soon.