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Everything posted by Pepper

  1. I believe @@Cristo was on too
  2. Other admins also agreed that it was 2 seconds so its a -1
  3. +1 Active on jb server though he obvs hacks on it I dont really care he will make a great addition to xG since he was a former administrator.
  4. @@Gkoo John was specing the CT that shot shadow and from that CTs perspective John believed Shadow was delaying
  5. @@diabeetus The arguement between John and shadow is whether or not shadow was actually delaying/detouring. Now John at the time was specing the guy who shot shadow and he beleived shadow was delaying. Shadow on the other hand believed he wasn't delaying and so he slayed the guy that shot him. Now John is also saying the reasoning for the guy shooting Shadow is for delaying, but this is what John thinks. Neither of them asked the guy why he shot shadow so there is nothing to support whether Shadow was actually freeshot or not. Now on the topic of freeshooting. It is situational. If it is one freeshot and it does very little damage and does not bring them close to death it is not a big deal, but if it does a lot of damage, brings them close to death, and/or happens multiple times to one or more people then the person should be slayed. This has so much gray area and it is hard to differentiate whether the freeshooting is a slayable offense or not. The reason we have our powers is because we are trusted to make these desicions based on what is given to us. We will not always be perfect, but mistakes make us better mods/admins. Just my 2 cents. Btw I don't think the guy should have been slayed since Shadow did not ask why he was shot.
  6. Retared me also couldnt find out how to edit. But in all seriousness I believe his ban length should be shortened not immediate. His judgement was clouded and lets be honest a lot worse could have been done.
  7. +1 Mythic brainwashed him against his will.
  8. You are only silenced in that room If they wanted to they could blacklist you too
  9. I am the real Pepper
  10. Hello, you may already know me but I am a CSS moderator and I believe I have seen you on before. Hope you have a good time on our servers.
  11. Pepper


    I gave a "fuck you" to balance it out. Hue hue
  12. +1 This sounds fun but easy for Ts to cheat in. If we could find a way to enforce it that would be great.
  13. Pepper


    ^^^^Can I like this more than one time.
  14. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  15. Well you tried to lie and tell us that it had been 5-6 months when really it hadn't even been 3 yet so I am going to -1 for now. You seem like a good guy but the lying and the fact that I think you should wait a while is why I am g -1 this.
  16. At first I thought it was my monitor because my Xbox woundnt diplay either but then we plugged it in into some other things and the monitor worked fine. Then I took out my videocard and hooked my comp to the monitor using the mother board and that worked. So pretty sure my video card and Xbox pare both busted because of fucking lightning.
  17. Well it's not the monitor actually. It might be my video card. I'm not sure yet but it's looking like it.
  18. Hahahaha gotcha. Just gonna be inactive for indefinite period of time. My monitor somehow broke its not displaying anything so I can't play anything. So until I get a new monitor I will be gone.
  19. Thats my favorite breakfast cereal. Fidy Dolla O's