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Everything posted by Pepper

  1. -1 how about we start making those perms more permanent
  2. To be honest, I don't think that @@SonicRainbow realizes that some people have a problem with what he says while on css. Now I have talked to you about this already, but lately you have acted like a dick and not representing xG well. Even Jordo knows its been multiple occasions where you have disrepected/said things that bother people. I personally don't wanna see this trend continue because it isnt helping the community.
  3. Pepper

    I don't even...

  4. Well looks like I got to meet you in minecraft when we ran into each other lol
  5. Hey welcome to xG. I am a moderator on CSS and I hope you reconsider and give it a chance. I might see you on minecraft from time to time too.
  6. It's fine by me, not that I really have any say in who gets member or not. He's drastically improved since I made that vouch, and I gotta say I wouldn't really mind seeing him xG. I'm not saying I'd +1 him, but I definitely wouldn't -1. And @@MineCrack go ahead, say I'm retarded for my opinion, but I wrote that after the two last interactions I had with him in-game. One of these was in Jailbreak, where he tarped on many occasions and clearly was pretty cloudy on the motd. Secondly, he came into Sliderace, will me and several other staff were testing out !hub's progress. When we asked him how he got in to the server (as it's password protected) he said he guessed it, which myself and all the other staff on said was highly unlikely. Since I hadn't seen him on recently at the time, I wrote the vouch based on my last few interactions with him, which weren't very positive. ABusinessMan has gotten a lot better recently, as I said before. Also, your picture didn't work, and I wanna see it. Better get meh jimmiez rustled. I was trying to point out that you're immature, nothing you said was really relevant as it is old. Also, him getting into slide race doesn't really matter. I don't see how that would be a reason for you to -1 him. You're saying he's not xG material when you spam memes and have #Alcoholism in your name. Its his own opinion so don't call him retarded for having a different opinion than you.
  7. -1 Why do you think you should be unbanned. Have Aegean tell you his SWAT experience. Things could escalate and banning you is preventing it from escalating so stay banned.
  8. +1 has played on the server for the last week and I have talked to him on teamspeak and he seems like xG material. He was a former xG member and I think he should be let back in.
  9. @@Gkoo @@Gkoo @@Gkoo I believe this has 10 so can this be closed? Only tagged gkoo because he wants to close a thread for once!!! lel
  10. Well +1 I think some attitude changes are needed but I fell as though you could fix this. A: 8/10 M: 8/10
  11. I would like my name to be DrPepper red.
  12. Pepper


    Sex from @@daddiodoug and lots of it. Interested??
  13. Pepper


    #Aegean4Co #Pepper4Co #WhiskeyDick4Co #Link4Co #CumlessWonder4Co #Gaygean4Co #GayBoiAegean4Co #DrPepperJr4Co #FakePepper4Co @@Link!
  14. ^^^^^Like this about 500 times plox
  15. -1 Nope only reason why you didnt kill all t's is bc diabeetus had it binded to slay you
  16. Serbian is a better co serbian is the only co gg Better co than you were gg top lel
  17. top lel Coke is better Serbian is a better co
  18. -1 because he is bugging me in teamspeak
  19. Id +1 and unban but not immediate
  20. I knew it @@serbiansnaga
  21. No he said "squidward" then gave a time of two seconds to do the order.
  22. roflmao gave and order and gave the t's two seconds to do the order and killed at least 3 t's I forgot exactly how many he killed. @@Warriorsfury