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Everything posted by Pepper

  1. -1 No more chances. How many times do you have to be given chances for you to finally learn how to play on the server?
  2. What If I voted for all of them?
  3. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? You are a member already
  5. Sham I will miss you. I was really hoping you would bring Gmod back but I guess my Messiah will come from elsewhere
  6. Pepper

    GGnore eden

    hahahahaha that is so funny
  7. Pepper


    I didnt just waltz in and ask for it. I have been an admin in gmod for a while now and I also started to become active in css. Once the whole Charrax thing happened I started playing even more css and I earned mod. Then when the gmod division was restored I recieved admin back so it wasn't just handed to me.
  8. Pepper


    There are many many many many many many people in this clan who have earned powers in multiple divisions that they are active in, and all of these divisions need all the staff they can get. If you make everybody choose a division then all divisions will lack the staff it needs.
  9. Pepper


    And honestly if we only get powers in one division then we have a total of 1 moderator for gmod.
  10. Pepper


    No that can't be changed. Honestly you shouldn't have powers in divisions to begin with. What do you mean?
  11. Pepper


    @autumn Is there anything that can be done about how the ranks are set up? I am supposed to have powers in CSS and Gmod. I am SUPPOSED mod in CSS and admin in Gmod, but right now I have admin in both.
  12. Wish there was a "High as Fuck" rating
  13. Pepper


    I used to use my dads xbox gamertag Menaces but then I changed my name to this because of a joke with my friends about how everytime I would leave it would be to go get a DrPepper.
  14. Now I do believe this is 10 @@Gkoo @@DarkWolf6052 @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@Forest
  15. Well I guess I will be the 10th Shadow comparing him to what I heard about him before and the way he acts now, the change is amazing. Many people have been given second, third, and even fourth chances, but you have made the most of your chance. I think you are worthy of joining xG. A:9 M:9 +1
  16. bye crabman I will miss you.
  17. Please this is ruining jailbreak +1
  18. Pepper

    A Tribute

    So do you like it Aegean?? haha
  19. Pepper

    A Tribute

    Look what I just happened to find for @pepper
  20. That is not your steam id. www.steamidfinder.com
  21. Pepper


    @@Gawd just making sure lol
  22. Pepper


    @@easy If you know who duplolas is that is him.
  23. You are going down the wrong road if you start disrespecting charrax. He may have left but he still has his friends in xG so I would watch what you say. Also trying to start shit with his new clan is probably the most retarded thing I have ever heard. He has no problems with xG. You are the most retarded member that has ever been scrapped of the bottom of xG shoes. Scumbag is probably the best word to describe you Duplo. So I am going to suggest you refrain from posting on the forums again before you get yourself perm'd again. GG kiddo.