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Posts posted by Pepper

  1. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

  2. At first I thought it was my monitor because my Xbox woundnt diplay either but then we plugged it in into some other things and the monitor worked fine. Then I took out my videocard and hooked my comp to the monitor using the mother board and that worked. So pretty sure my video card and Xbox pare both busted because of fucking lightning.


  4. I didnt just waltz in and ask for it. I have been an admin in gmod for a while now and I also started to become active in css. Once the whole Charrax thing happened I started playing even more css and I earned mod. Then when the gmod division was restored I recieved admin back so it wasn't just handed to me.

  5. There are many many many many many many people in this clan who have earned powers in multiple divisions that they are active in, and all of these divisions need all the staff they can get. If you make everybody choose a division then all divisions will lack the staff it needs.

  6. I am SUPPOSED mod in CSS and admin in Gmod, but right now I have admin in both.

    No that can't be changed. Honestly you shouldn't have powers in divisions to begin with.

    What do you mean?