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Posts posted by Pepper

  1. And also


    For fucks sake CS:S division...stop unbanning people who INTENTIONALLY mass freekill. It doesn't matter if someone does it because another person said "no balls". It doesn't matter if they did it under their free will. They are still mass freekilling. I will be honest and say there is no point to unbanning him. He says he won't do it again, but we don't know that. What's the point of making a mass freekill a permanent ban if more than half of the people who appeal it get unbanned?

    Just my 3 cents.


    Muffin not everyone is unbanned, most arn't maybe if you spent time in our division you would know that, but since you obviously dont you should probably STAY THE FUCK OUT.

    Btw changing my +1 so it makes more sense

    +1 because trin is a good ct i've known him for a LOOOOOONG ass time and ik personaly that he will never do it again.

    Shortned ban


    Yeah you are right Kirito not everyone is unbanned. Just everyone who has ever made a unban protest is unbanned (for the most part).

  2. -1

    I did make a whole long rant about how we need to make perms more perm but like a dumbass I accidentally cleared it so here is the shorter version.


    A mass is a mass whether it is intentional or not, and should be punish as such. @@Kirito Our community is about fairness but in all honesty we are not being fair. Fairness is treating people the same. So either we unban all or keep them permed and I am for keeping them permed especially if the mass was intentional such as in this case. Now Trin your ban was changed not because of someone thinking it was noballs, it was because it would be more fair to those who are now perm'd for the same offense.


    Now on to the bullshit +1's. I have been guilty of a few, but seriously I have seen some people who have given a bullshit +1 on almost every single unban/member submission. -1's also need a valid reason too. Not putting a reason is just counter productive and hurts us as a community. I would like to see a change here too.


    TL;DR : None cause fuck you read it.


    I am all for a shorter ban but seriously wait a while before you make another thread. I don't exactly agree with the game shadow was doing but you did cause 4 T's to die 1 of which was a rebel making it 3 freekills which is a perm CT ban. Though under the circumstances I think you should be banned for a month.

  4. well it would be nice if there was like a different colored text for all chat and admin chat

    it would help mods/admins see complaints better


    I think you posted in the wrong section. This is CS:GO not CSS

  5. I think we should get a new server. As in I think we should get a deathrun server. Change things up a little bit maybe we can get more members and donaters. And even get the hub back up!!!


    There is already a deathrun server. Not a lot of people get on it.

  6. To be honest, I don't think that @@SonicRainbow realizes that some people have a problem with what he says while on css. Now I have talked to you about this already, but lately you have acted like a dick and not representing xG well. Even Jordo knows its been multiple occasions where you have disrepected/said things that bother people. I personally don't wanna see this trend continue because it isnt helping the community.

  7. Remember, everyone has their own opinions. @@diabeetus @@MineCrack

    It's fine by me, not that I really have any say in who gets member or not. He's drastically improved since I made that vouch, and I gotta say I wouldn't really mind seeing him xG. I'm not saying I'd +1 him, but I definitely wouldn't -1. And @@MineCrack go ahead, say I'm retarded for my opinion, but I wrote that after the two last interactions I had with him in-game. One of these was in Jailbreak, where he tarped on many occasions and clearly was pretty cloudy on the motd. Secondly, he came into Sliderace, will me and several other staff were testing out !hub's progress. When we asked him how he got in to the server (as it's password protected) he said he guessed it, which myself and all the other staff on said was highly unlikely. Since I hadn't seen him on recently at the time, I wrote the vouch based on my last few interactions with him, which weren't very positive. ABusinessMan has gotten a lot better recently, as I said before. Also, your picture didn't work, and I wanna see it. Better get meh jimmiez rustled.


    I was trying to point out that you're immature, nothing you said was really relevant as it is old. Also, him getting into slide race doesn't really matter. I don't see how that would be a reason for you to -1 him. You're saying he's not xG material when you spam memes and have #Alcoholism in your name.


    Its his own opinion so don't call him retarded for having a different opinion than you.