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Posts posted by Pepper

  1. I agree with how we as mods/admins don't really have much say in the rules and what goes on in our division. We don't get to have a say in who gets mod. These people will be on our server representing the clan to people on and not knowing what they are doing. I don't know how much truth there is to this, but apparantly there have been complaints about the newly promoted mods.


    Regarding other threads about mods/admins/DM's not doing their job. I find it rediculous how Jordos thread is open for discussion and people put their input about how Jordo needs to be more serious, but when a thread comes up about a DM then it is closed before a "shit storm" happens. Nothing was really said yet. There was a legitimate arguement that darkwolf messed up. I want to know why it was closed other than "Serbian said so". I will ask Serbian myself once I see him on. I mean if you did mess up then shit own up to it say you messed up and move on. One freesmite on an admin isnt that much of a big deal if it acknowledged, but then ignoring him made it worse.


    In general I would like to see more information coming down the chain of command. I want to know what goes on in my division and feel like more of a part of it and not just sit here and just accept what the DM's say without giving an input.


    PS @@Hidingmaster Im the only Pepper Adict in the clan.

  2. I love to LoL.


    ɯp:פx ʇsǝɹoɟforestxG:dm: Sorry mate, but bans are only warranted for a more serious event.


    So I suppose a serious event would be in terms of Hacking, or Glitching? So, you mean I can act like a complete dick with no repercussions?! Oh my god, is it Christmas?!?! Thanks forest.

    God damn you take things personally. You are twisting his words around. And exploiting the map? Last time I checked throwing a nade in a stack wasnt exploting the map. You really need to calm your shit and cool off and dont make a thread everytime something pisses you off. Shit if we all did that @@Matsi would have 200,000+ posts on here.

  3. Woah bro,


    You were like the first person I met here at Xeno Gamers. Of course Muffin Monster was always trying to destroy whatever relationship I was to build in the TF2 Division, but no worries. Anyways, Don't do anything stupid if you're leaving - leik keep up the good stuff.



    Top lel

  4. I like playing sports. I love going up to the rec or Y and playing a pick up game of basketball. I played football for my school but Im not gonna play in college. I met a lot of my good friends playing sports and I usually hang out with them.

  5. I think the defense fucked their end up. You need facts and evidence to win a case not opinions or specualtion which is what most of there arguement was. They kept saying that zimmerman profiled trayvon as a criminal for being black. What evidence is there to support that. Though I was not happy with the outcome I somewhat expected it. Trayvon deserved a better trial than this. The prosecution made a terrible case and it lost.

  6. Ok @@Matsi yes he pays the bills, yes technically he can do what he want, but that doesn't mean he should. Instead of working on something that will benefit the community (hub) he decides to work on something that pisses off members of the community. One of those people included serbian. It usually takes a lot to piss serb since he usually gives little to no fucks about what people do. I was also there when Brian tried to talk to silence about the problems in the community and for a little bit it was a normal conversation and he tried to talk but then he just became irritable. Brian tried to talk and Silence ignored him and seemed not to give a fuck when Brian was trying to help. Also those fucking screamers Silence does. I am probably gonna go deaf because of those damn things. He makes bots that follow people and is hotmicing a screamer. I have thrown headsets off because of the noise.

    I am getting tired of these childish antics from our leader who is the main representative of xG.

  7. I like factions but the reason that it failed was because people got raided and complained. A factions server would work if people would calm the fuck down and realized that raiding was a main part of the server and grow up.