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Posts posted by Pepper

  1. Warroir, HG crackhouse isnt xG server sooo that should not be a problem. If im on a diffrent server and you are also on it I can play and your not the boss of me on a diffrent server.....


    He's not saying that you cant play on other servers. He said you are also annoying on other servers.

  2. @@serbiansnaga for the tie breaker as both Gkoo and Darkwolf are locking swords. Time to reach a verdict, n'ah mean?


    Serbian was the first to +1 gg



    I definitely don't see his post, I may be crazy.


    Nvm I thought this was a differeent thread for some reason gg.

  3. Ah, you're from the clan led or CoLed by by soda can, who threatens to demote people if they do bad in a scrim, anyways you could add one of the DMs+, ill help you get their attention. Since this is off my tablet, I hope the tagging is right, @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo


    Who you calling a Soda Can!!!!!!!!!1

  4. @@Jericho This is uncalled for and unwarranted. It is an overreaction to what you call "disrespect". I would like to speak to you to find out what you mean by "disrespect". And "trolling"???? Besides Minecrack who else has come remotely close to trolling. I want to hear this just so I can maybe comprehend what the hell caused you to ban all xG members on site.

  5. Wow.. Ok you know what.. Fine you can keep the ban Idc any more.. I am not appreciating the disrespect this clan brings to XEC and my members, especially me as their Leader! I am officially Banning all XEC members from xG. I actually thought that I found a reasonable clan to be with, but it turns out that you are no better the PlagueFest who screwed me over 3 years ago...


    I really don't understand this disrepect you keep speaking of. To be quite honest you are lucky you are not server banned too. An almost mass freekill and then leave. I was on at the time and he was standing on the spary that T's were going to and as the T's approached he sprayed into the stack killed two t's and damaged many more until I stabbed him in the back. I was at 14 hp and there is nothing that would change my mind into +1ing a shorten ban request.


    btw -1

  6. :/ idk, I can see edit under your posts again... :/ maybe he forgot to enable member edit their own posts then... :/

    Probably only accessible by DM(s)/DL(s) then. I guess someone will have to edit it for me, lol


    Hey I have a great idea! Become a DM again!!!! That would solve so many problems.