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Posts posted by Pepper

  1. @@diabeetus The arguement between John and shadow is whether or not shadow was actually delaying/detouring. Now John at the time was specing the guy who shot shadow and he beleived shadow was delaying. Shadow on the other hand believed he wasn't delaying and so he slayed the guy that shot him. Now John is also saying the reasoning for the guy shooting Shadow is for delaying, but this is what John thinks. Neither of them asked the guy why he shot shadow so there is nothing to support whether Shadow was actually freeshot or not.


    Now on the topic of freeshooting. It is situational. If it is one freeshot and it does very little damage and does not bring them close to death it is not a big deal, but if it does a lot of damage, brings them close to death, and/or happens multiple times to one or more people then the person should be slayed. This has so much gray area and it is hard to differentiate whether the freeshooting is a slayable offense or not. The reason we have our powers is because we are trusted to make these desicions based on what is given to us. We will not always be perfect, but mistakes make us better mods/admins.


    Just my 2 cents.


    Btw I don't think the guy should have been slayed since Shadow did not ask why he was shot.