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Everything posted by Matsi

  1. Congrats.... you're annoying enough to have a rule made specifically for you....
  2. no, mass freekilling is lame.
  3. INB4 Spiderman version of Surf mod.....
  4. lol what? How is JB... the 3rd most populated server in the entire clan.... dead?
  5. i'm complaining.... I'm not going to play VSH while that shit is there.... just spent my entire turn as hale chasing people across the map while they graply to a tower and shoot me 5 times while im running over towards them... only to have them grapple away as soon as I get there.... this... times 30 players.... it's the most stupid thing since flyro
  6. If you can give it a cooldown or something that would be decent... but right now you can just infinately grapply yourself to the top of the map/buildings.... not to mention fly across the map if hale gets near you.... like a 30 second CD or a charge time would make this far less shitty
  7. cause they totally aren't abusing the fuck out of the grappling.... It's like a really bad spiderman game now...
  8. Why would you do this @Ohstopyou FF2 has turned into grappling engys that fly out of spawn early.... and just... holy shit.... everyone is flying all over the place and the hale can doit too sometimes, or at least the hale minions...... what in the unholy fuuuck?! Dropbox - VSH.dem
  9. Week 3 Rank 157th Now 455 unique players The server was completely full a little less this week, but was 1/3 full a lot more often :)
  10. Active in the clan for 5 years yet I have never heard of you or seen you.... must be from the league div....
  11. You sound like one of those people that say the rape victim was "asking for it" because they dressed sexily :(
  12. +1 for ban, sexism and "kill yourself" comments along with excessive shittalking/disrespect
  13. RIP @Jevs gonna -1 this... I suggest Want To Get Unbanned? if you REALLY want to get unbanned... :)
  14. I honestly cannot tell if that entire website is just a mock of real christians... or if it's really christians because I know they can actually BE THAT STUPID...
  15. the protest form says to put either your steamid or link to your profile here's his steam STEAM_0:0:120854086 Also... if all he did was the "easter egg" why is that a ban? even if he "evaded" shouldn't it just be a ban for the same amount of time via the menu?
  16. "taken away" what is she... 12? :(
  17. I do it for every LCT when the timer is low, to give a better chance of LR.... LAst CT gives you an advantage over the reds already... lol I just made the advantage higher... why the fuck do you care so much... the guy I was shooting the rockets at didn't he was laughing his ass off... Loop holing....
  18. hahahahahahahahahah, the guy I used the rof rockets on was laughing.... so bullshit... Sirflash should have been slayed... I just was doing it in a fun semi leniant way.... but thanks for your opinion I value it highly.
  19. GG not having any proof... but I'll man up to what I did, because I don't think it was "Abuse" You're right... I should have just slayed him for doing back to back LRs instead.... wont happen again. (He did Obby for his LR like 3 times in a row... I told him he was doing back to back LRs.... he said some smartass thing like "no, last time I said obby tomorrow, this time I said Obby today so GG matsi get rekt" so I felt like being a smartass too and trying to make him fall in the lava by slapping him randomly and making him fatter :) ) lol wut I didn't give myself a valve rocket... I did however turn my rate of fire up during LCT just having fun because he was on the other side of the map and so that there could be an LR because there was like 20 seconds left... I do it to some of other LCTs randomly too so that they have a chance of getting to LR...and because a solid stream of rockets is amusing looking... it was all in fun and to try and help the round end... As for the other stuff you guys went to people with about me and Whyte not doing anything about the guy reentering armory... If you were paying attention while looking for reasons to complain about us you would have seen that whyte did in fact slay him the first time, and the second time I slayed him and teamswitched him.... perhaps you couldn't see that through all your lenny face spam tho...
  20. This is what I assume they are talking about: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JntVJg_NXjM
  21. Division: Counter-Strike In-Game Name: Hero :3 Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:120308301 Rules Broken: Racism Evidence: Guy continuously calls people the Nigger-Word @DrLee same guy you warned/gagged for it not even 15 minutes earlier. @Bleed
  22. well derp on the FR/LR.... tho he also almost killed everyone doing the "face cells at all times followed by follow me" thing.... you may want to clarify that somewhere like it was before... apart from that, I take back the mod being badness of my OP and idk what his name was something like reload or repeat or some shit.... never seen him before, he was mostly just annoying me when he was doing the friendly fire days while being aimed at my head with no warning... it was fucking lame. I guess ti could have been every 3 days... idk... seemed more regular than that tho.... I appreciate the quick action to make the !days thing better, I do believe a 5 second delay will help greatly.... I guess I am also just more used to it on TF2 where the CTs/Blues aren't allowed to kill each other during it.... The guns thing is weird, because I get my knife and my USP skins, but not my M4... I understand why I wouldn't get my skins when i picked up guns int he armory but I wanted my spawned guns to all have skins... :(
  23. ... and it was the most horrid thing I have ever seen. First off... for some reason my primaries don't apply my skins... which is fucking lame. I got on guard so that I could do something besides freeze staring at the cells every round for trivia or my favorite... First Reaction Last reaction... before tarping is allowed.... with a so called MOD as the warden... but meh... The worse thing tho... was that this same mod, along with other people would enable friendly fire literally EVERY OTHER ROUND.... with no warning... so the round would start.... they say out of cell rebel... then the next thing I know I get shot in the head with an awp by my own team... so ya... after playing for about 10 rounds, 5 of which I got killed by my own team because they were already scoped in on my head while they pulled up the days menu and enabling FF.... I left... the new CS:GO is worse than it was before it died the first time... with mods that don't even know the rules and wardens that do the lamest things ever. No thank you... @Bleed @Chrono