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Everything posted by Matsi

  1. I would go with an Asus ROG like Ohstopyou suggested, I have a motherboard from them and it's beast. The specs on the one he linked are great too
  2. Just gonna leave this here: Dropbox - sorbcubed.dem Even got multiple angles from Replay: Dropbox - sorbcubed.wmv Ignoring the armory camping and the people he killed that came through the vent, he also killed 3 people that never entered armory, one of which was me because I was there trying to see who was camping armory. To be clear, you were not banned for killing the people that came in, you were banned because you also killed 3 people standing outside the door, and it didn't look accidental either, you actually came at us after you lit us on fire the first time. I suggest this: Want To Get Unbanned?
  3. Matsi

    Jb Rules

    I suggest adding that you have to type trivia questions and answers. As an issue with that came up a few days ago when someone answered over the mic.
  4. France has been launching airstrikes against ISIS, this is just ISIS retaliating by killing citizens because they are too pusseh to attack the military.
  5. For anyone that hasn't heard yet... Paris attacks: Bataclan and other assaults leave many dead - BBC News Over 150 people dead, and the attacks are still happening. France has locked it's borders! Possibly ISIS related
  6. +1 why did you leave in the first place you bitch!
  7. Right, I even try and switch them off, I was only asking because yesterday someone glitched on and then someone died and sirflash got LCT and started killing everyone and everyone yelled at him that he wasn't LCT. He slayed himself and I was like... I'm pretty sure it's LCT any time the plugin activates. Thanks for clarifying :)
  8. Matsi


    I would like to add to this that, while I admit I have talked about my cum cookbook and also said the phrase "Sorry my words are so salty because of all the cum I swallow" and similar things, I rarely talk about sexual furry stuff or anything related to bestiality without someone else bringing it up, which I can't even remember happening in the TF servers, on the servers. And while sure... you guys say that kind of thing should not be talked about on the servers I see many of you talking about similar sexual things like today @NotKoala hit his bind a few times which said something like "I'm so fresh you could suck my nuts" and while some people say "oh it's a song tho so it's ok" I would like to point out an example that Blink182 has a song about fucking a dog.... so..... ya there's that. I would also like to add that @Owl and/or @Duke have stated that this is a pg13 forum or w/e and that me talking about storking a dog isn't allowed here.... yet the both of them are the ones that took that comment from a private TS3 channel and made it their sig here on the forums, for all the minors to read. The only time I've talked about such things here on the forums was in reply to posts like @ASock bringing it up in my mod app. I admit this is a problem, and it's something I have been trying to work on ever since having sorta fights with both @Ohstopyou and @Rejects about rules. I think I have improved on it since then.
  9. First app he said he was 16, this one says 15, his profile says 20..... I'm gonna go with 0 until that's cleared up about what age he actually is...
  10. ok so.... it seems like... if there were 4 blus at the start, and 1 leaves... people don't get LCT. but at the same time... some times there's 3 blus... and someone glitches on, and LCT activates... Is it still LCT when the plugin activates when there weren't 4+ at the start? Is it basically just "fuck the rules" it's LCT if the plugin activates and that's that? @Ohstopyou @metalslug53 @Moosty @Rejects
  11. haha that sucks, cause I am sure he falls a lot too :P ya tag @Ohstopyou and @metalslug53 maybe @kbraszzz too for good measure
  12. Matsi


    I blacklisted you from my channel because you put that earrape bot in there >.< I honestly forgot it was there I'll remove it...
  13. Matsi


    That's quite a bit different wording... lol
  14. Matsi


    Because my love of the clan exceeds my care of what random people on the internet think of me, not that I don't care what people think of me.... but let's be honest... most of you have played in game with me for what... a month(adding all time together) the rest of your opinions of me come from the forums, TS, or what YOUR friends think.... it's nothing new, it was the same in high school, most people would hate me and my group of friends because we would play MTG at lunch.... I have several friends in this clan, even some like Demonic, who I used to be enemies with.... maybe someday you might become a friend too, the world is a crazy place. I like the gamemodes and the plugins, along with some regulars and people that I get to have fun with, I am not going to just leave because some people don't like me, you'll never make EVERYONE like you, unless you lie to everyone... and eventually it'll catch up to you... I don't hide my ideas or opinions, I am sorry that offends you, but at the same time I know people that agree with my ideas and opinions. I am trying to avoid conflicts with you and the others who dislike me, if you guys did the same thing, I don't see why we all can't just be happy and have fun.
  15. Matsi


    but I DIDN'T.... I said I inhaled booze as I was swallowing it, and that it was a great way to get drunk probally.... I really do not see how any of the rest of that wouldn't make the rest make sense.... unless everyone just read "I was doing a blowjob" and then got upset.... A Blow Job is a shooter mixed drink made by slowly pouring Baileys Irish Cream and Kahlúa and Amaretto and topping with whipped cream without mixing. It dates back to at least the early 1990s. It is usually consumed without using one's hands. It is important to be cautious not to get it in one's eyes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uv1pljs4sqg
  16. Matsi


    I STILL do not see how talking about choking on my shot caused this.... I think it's a misunderstanding....
  17. Matsi


    I miss the archive, but... perhaps it was while I had you blocked? I mean... it's just a spray can of whip cream... I guess it's kinda suggestive, but it's been my avatar since like.... 2012 and no one has ever complained to me about it.
  18. Matsi


    I don't remember you ever once asking me what it was a picture of.... I am sorry you've never heard of it, it's an awesome shot.... but I even talked about inhaling booze and getting drunk in the same comment.... were you thinking I was sucking someone's dick and they came booze or something? I don't quite understand...
  19. Matsi


    I do not see how failing to notice something is the same thing as abuse, but I am fairly certain I actually take action on a lot of things, not to mention I respond to calladmins even while I am playing other games, I really do care a lot about this clan and I have put both money and a shitload of time into trying to help it, I have purchased donator perks on CSGO, CSS, and TF2, and even given money for no reward when it was needed most. and I will say this again because it seems to be one of the biggest issues: I do not randomly start talking about bestiality and dogs unless someone else brings it up or asks me specific questions about it. So it a bit hypocritical to be pissed off that I talk about it and at the same time randomly ask me in teamspeak "So Matsi, have you ever actually had sex with a dog"
  20. Matsi


    It's not harmless fun when you do it to someone you are in conflict with... I went to silence and anyone else online that had powers to make you stop after you kept calling me faggot... so don't think I just went to silence. Really not going to address most of this, it's from a long time ago, and a lot of it is stuff I already have been punished for, all I am going to say is that since my last warning, I stayed away from all CSGO threads and topics and even ones not CSGO specific but created BY anyone that doesn't like me IE the thread vector made about free games or w/e. I've been staying away from channels with you guys in it and trying not to provoke you. I was, admitedly drunk, and made the comment about the shooter in shoutbox because it really did happen and it really was a totally sucky experience.... but it was a comment about an alcoholic beverage.... at what like 1 am? there shouldn't have been ANY children online at that time, if talking about drinking is even not allowed. Really wasn't expecting anyone to get upset over it, TBH I didn't expect anyone to even care or reply to it.
  21. Matsi


    If you guys don't want me talking about dogs, then don't fucking ask me about it.... that comment in TS3 was a direct response to being asked a question.... I can't even remember the last time I talked about anything related to bestiality without someone else bringing it up or asking me a question about it. The Blow Job comment was talking about a fucking drink, read the rest of it: "inhaled booze" "good way to get drunk" and learn grammar, I said Blow Job, not blowjob Blow Job (cocktail) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia My avatar is my fursona with a spray can of whip cream LOL @Snackbar you say you try not to provoke me but then you do things like randomly ban me from teamspeak and when I tell you to stop you called me a faggot.... that seem pretty provoking to me....