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Everything posted by Matsi

  1. I just made this delicious shake about 5 scoops of chocolate ice cream roughly 7oz of Baileys roughly 7oz of Khalua I didn't really measure :P I blended these together in the blender until it was a nice thick but runny consistancy and then topped with Whip cream, some moonshine from a jar full of cherries drizzled onto the whip cream, and one of the cherries on top :) It's really yummy!
  2. You CAN'T say no to Michael Bay, the sequel is already in production, bb!
  3. ^ this xD I do it all the time for AA days, it never crashes :)
  4. So this special day is where you: /rof @all 10 /giveweapon @all 8018 and sorta have a warday where everyone shoots each other :) +1
  5. My shadowplay causes all my games to crash when opening on Windows 10 :( Also if someone does something like mass free kill and you weren't recording, hit f6 and it'll save a replay of the entire round... doesn't always work tho :(
  6. Wireless AC3200 Tri Band Gigabit Cloud Router DIR-890L | D-Link Thing looks like a UFO xD Just got it and set it up last night, been working extremely well so far :) And who doesn't love 1300MB wifi connections...my wifi is faster than my ethernet connection... :o
  7. Simple script I use to start and stop demos at the press of a button: Just copy this into your autoexec.cfg files that is in TF/cfg/ and press f4 to start and stop recording, I suggest binding another key like f5 to status(bind f5 status) as well and hit it after recording to get steam IDs in console in the demo. If you do not have an autoexec file in that location, you can make one using notepad. This script will allow up to 50 demos NOTE: if you close and reopen TF2 the script will begin at 1 again, overwriting any previous demos, so rename or move any important ones before that happens. >///START DEMO RECORDER SCRIPT/// alias demo1 "record demo1; alias demo demo2" alias demo2 "stop; alias demo demo3" alias demo3 "record demo2; alias demo demo4" alias demo4 "stop; alias demo demo5" alias demo5 "record demo3; alias demo demo6" alias demo6 "stop; alias demo demo7" alias demo7 "record demo4; alias demo demo8" alias demo8 "stop; alias demo demo9" alias demo9 "record demo5; alias demo demo10" alias demo10 "stop; alias demo demo11" alias demo11 "record demo6; alias demo demo12" alias demo12 "stop; alias demo demo13" alias demo13 "record demo7; alias demo demo14" alias demo14 "stop; alias demo demo15" alias demo15 "record demo8; alias demo demo16" alias demo16 "stop; alias demo demo17" alias demo17 "record demo9; alias demo demo18" alias demo18 "stop; alias demo demo19" alias demo19 "record demo10; alias demo demo20" alias demo20 "stop; alias demo demo21" alias demo21 "record demo11; alias demo demo22" alias demo22 "stop; alias demo demo23" alias demo23 "record demo12; alias demo demo24" alias demo24 "stop; alias demo demo25" alias demo25 "record demo13; alias demo demo26" alias demo26 "stop; alias demo demo27" alias demo27 "record demo14; alias demo demo28" alias demo28 "stop; alias demo demo29" alias demo29 "record demo15; alias demo demo30" alias demo30 "stop; alias demo demo31" alias demo31 "record demo16; alias demo demo32" alias demo32 "stop; alias demo demo33" alias demo33 "record demo17; alias demo demo34" alias demo34 "stop; alias demo demo35" alias demo35 "record demo18; alias demo demo36" alias demo36 "stop; alias demo demo37" alias demo37 "record demo19; alias demo demo38" alias demo38 "stop; alias demo demo39" alias demo39 "record demo20; alias demo demo40" alias demo40 "stop; alias demo demo41" alias demo41 "record demo21; alias demo demo42" alias demo42 "stop; alias demo demo43" alias demo43 "record demo22; alias demo demo44" alias demo44 "stop; alias demo demo45" alias demo45 "record demo23; alias demo demo46" alias demo46 "stop; alias demo demo47" alias demo47 "record demo24; alias demo demo48" alias demo48 "stop; alias demo demo49" alias demo49 "record demo25; alias demo demo50" alias demo50 "stop; alias demo demo51" alias demo51 "record demo26; alias demo demo52" alias demo52 "stop; alias demo demo53" alias demo53 "record demo27; alias demo demo54" alias demo54 "stop; alias demo demo55" alias demo55 "record demo28; alias demo demo56" alias demo56 "stop; alias demo demo57" alias demo57 "record demo29; alias demo demo58" alias demo58 "stop; alias demo demo59" alias demo59 "record demo30; alias demo demo60" alias demo60 "stop; alias demo demo61" alias demo61 "record demo31; alias demo demo62" alias demo62 "stop; alias demo demo63" alias demo63 "record demo32; alias demo demo64" alias demo64 "stop; alias demo demo65" alias demo65 "record demo33; alias demo demo66" alias demo66 "stop; alias demo demo67" alias demo67 "record demo34; alias demo demo68" alias demo68 "stop; alias demo demo69" alias demo69 "record demo35; alias demo demo70" alias demo70 "stop; alias demo demo71" alias demo71 "record demo36; alias demo demo72" alias demo72 "stop; alias demo demo73" alias demo73 "record demo37; alias demo demo74" alias demo74 "stop; alias demo demo75" alias demo75 "record demo38; alias demo demo76" alias demo76 "stop; alias demo demo77" alias demo77 "record demo39; alias demo demo78" alias demo78 "stop; alias demo demo79" alias demo79 "record demo40; alias demo demo80" alias demo80 "stop; alias demo demo81" alias demo81 "record demo41; alias demo demo82" alias demo82 "stop; alias demo demo83" alias demo83 "record demo42; alias demo demo84" alias demo84 "stop; alias demo demo85" alias demo85 "record demo43; alias demo demo86" alias demo86 "stop; alias demo demo87" alias demo87 "record demo44; alias demo demo88" alias demo88 "stop; alias demo demo89" alias demo89 "record demo45; alias demo demo90" alias demo90 "stop; alias demo demo91" alias demo91 "record demo46; alias demo demo92" alias demo92 "stop; alias demo demo93" alias demo93 "record demo47; alias demo demo94" alias demo94 "stop; alias demo demo95" alias demo95 "record demo48; alias demo demo96" alias demo96 "stop; alias demo demo97" alias demo97 "record demo49; alias demo demo98" alias demo98 "stop; alias demo demo99" alias demo99 "record demo50; alias demo demo100" alias demo100 "stop; alias demo demo1" alias demo "demo1" bind f4 "demo" ///END DEMO RECORDER SCRIPT///
  8. That's the idea ;) I like the idea of this game just remember not to bait too much...
  9. His idea of quickscoping was to have us afk freeze while he spent 5 to 10 seconds scoping in at us and usually he still missed....lol It was kinda funny up to the point where he would just leave the cells closed while shooting into them
  10. -1 Account says 16, he says 15, but sounds somewhere around 12 on mic.... has 2 forum posts.... previously in xG? I don't believe it...
  11. Division: Counter-Strike In-Game Name: DeathRewind Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:94262233 Rules Broken: Mass Freekilling/Doesn't know the rules Ban Type: Team Ban Evidence: Kid kept doing orders like... afk freeze on the line while I quickscope you Hide in your cells while I quickscope you and then eventually he just killed all 3 of us in our cells because he was salty that we kept rebeling... Dropbox - matsi0004.dem
  12. Division: Counter-Strike In-Game Name: ClassyPenguin Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:48914640 Rules Broken: Mic Spam/Racism Ban Type: Server Ban Evidence: Kept playing his HLDJ with some racist ass song, the following demo is only one round where he did it Happens in the second rounf in the demo Dropbox - matsi0003.dem
  13. So many things wrong with your facts, it's almost as bad as Fox News... Bestiality isn't a federal crime anywhere in the USA That's not even my IP... lol Good luck getting a conviction with the comment of "I stroked a dog once" Not even against the law where I live (as long as you aren't doing it for money....lol idk why that's a thing but I've looked it up before) The most you can get charged with is animal cruelty if they can prove you harmed the animal.... and I am pretty sure petting a dog isn't harmful. :) Not even my current states jurisdiction Statute of limitations You'd get in more trouble for something like piracy, which I am certain a lot of you prolly commit all the time To clarify since you're making such a big deal out of it, I like the idea bestiality, I think people should be able to fuck however they want as long as they aren't harming the animal, some people might have a difference of opinion of what constitutes harm but w/e, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it the only opinion that matters is the judge/jury if it ever went that far... That being said, I have never actually had sex with an animal, I've never even owned something that I would have sex with the stroking a dog comment was because I used to work in the grooming dept of a pet store, giving dogs baths... and you were supposed to scrub them everywhere including their buttholes and sheaths, and while sure I might have enjoyed having to touch certain areas of the dogs while bathing them more than other people might, that's nowhere near the same thing as having sex with them. Also, sure I'm a furry, I find people and roleplay things like anthropomorphic animals in sexual and non sexual roleplays, I also pretend to be an elf, a jedi, a drawf, a dragon, wizard, and many other things. Sometimes I even pretend to be a female human! Get over it... Just because you may or may not be insecure about your sexuality and/or kinks doesn't give you a right to judge me on mine and it definitely doesn't give you the right to complain about me replying to a question I am being asked... I didn't come into that channel and just randomly start talking about fucking dogs... other people brought the subject up and asked me things, I replied.... and then I stopped talking about it when @Snackbar asked and we continued talking about other things. as for this.... the comment actually was something more like "I don't play CS:GO because rapid is annoying" the thread was about that FF crap where I instantly die when it's activated is bullshit one of those things changed and I continued to play :P If you're saying I am not active with the "seen matsi play once" I would like to point out that I am ranked 9th in points, and 14th in time played on the server Xeno Gamers - Players There's people in every division that don't get along with other people in the division.... I used to dislike Demonic, and now we're friends.... lol There's half a dozen people that I don't like/get along with that spam lenny faces, and I always give them more than enough warnings to stop before using any powers on them, just like I would with people I do like... I think that my having staff for several years now in multiple divisions of this clan have proven that I am predictable and that I am a very unbiased admin when it comes to using powers I know the rules(not perfectly but still ok enough) of multiple divisions and multiple gamemodes of this clan... and if given the chance I can prove that I am a good CS:GO mod as well.
  14. Division: Counter-Strike In-Game Name: Matsi Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:18865285 Position: Moderator Time Active: about 3 years except while there wasn't a server Age: 26 Experience: Was an admin for CSS div and current admin for TF2... Information: I found this clan and became a member through the CS:GO div back in 2012, always played on the CSGO JB until the update broke it and it just died, moved to CSS for a year or so and then to TF2 when CSS died... lol I am not really looking to advance in CSGO, merely to help out while it gets back on it's feet, Would prolly step down/be demoted after enough time has gone by that the div has found enough staff to keep the servers free of stupidity and LQ Days. :)
  15. +1 I remember him from CSS, he'd make a great addition to CSGO if he's active :)
  16. Alternatively... could you guys add vote kick, votemute, and vote ban to the server? That way the players can at least do something when something like mass fk happens instead of us having to sit through it until someone finally gets on or the server dies.... and please don't give me that whole it gets abused thing... if that happens people can report it and you can ban abusers Maybe a votectban?
  17. I'm not complaining about BAD admins... I'm complaining about INACTIVE admins or admins that wont come save the population of the server in an hours time... TBH the comment someone said that you should ban me from the channel for trying to get someone's attention was really the lamest thing. Why not? At least for major things like massing and all that kind of stuff that's no different from TF2... There's some people like myself that have years of experience in both divs... What the hell are you talking about... "petty little arguments"??? How is this stupid?
  18. You can certainly have it both ways.... I understand that there are times when a staff member can't come help instantly but I tried for almost an hour to get the same people to come help.... and as a result of noone coming, the server population died.... from ~20 players to 0 I also think that if the leadership of this division aren't even going to play in the division for over a month like... @Bleed then they should be demoted! I would get demoted if I just stopped playing TF2 for 2 weeks, bleed hasn't even launched the game since Sept 7 according to his profile.... that's just ONE example that I bothered to look up. Then there's the fact that for the passed 4 promo/demos the only CSGO promotion has been Snackbar.... it looks to me like the csgo leaders aren't even bothered to play on the servers to see who would be a good staff. These guys were able to keep global DM/DL powers for years without there EVEN BEING A SERVER.... now that bleed finally got a server up, they don't fucking play on it or anything... HELL my ban request got solved by a fucking moderator! find someone like snackbar to be the DL and get this div off its feet with someone who's actually going to play in it and shit. Plus if the reason there aren't mods for CSGO is that there's not enough people to choose from, make some of the TF2 staff...staff... so that there are at least people that can be called in to help when needed.
  19. so... today I joined the CSGO JB server and played with the ~20 people on there... no staff at all.... the 30-45 minutes I stayed consisted of about 4 or 5 people spamming soundboards and freekilling all over the place. This of course after so much time without any staff joining and no access to any sort of votekick/voteban cause the server pop to die to about 5 people and I assume eventually 0, I left when it got done to 5 and STILL had the mass freekillers on CT... I attempted to find every CSGO staff I could and asked them to come help with the server, out of the 3 people I found 2 ignored me and the third said he was in the middle of something.... I think xG needs to get rid of staff that aren't going to actively play on the servers or that refuse to come help during something as shitfesty as a bunch of mass freekilling that has gone on for half an hour... I get that you might be busy but shit... at least try to help or help find someone that can get on.... Also, I think we need to promote more people so that there's most oftenly staff on the CSGO server(s) The only staff I can even think of that exist for the div are cristo, jubens, bleed, and megarobin? You all complain that this clan is tf2 oriented but it doesnt seem like anyone is bothering to try and help the CSGO div be less shity.... there's some good people who have made mod apps for CSGO and it's like the DLs aren't replying or promoting anyone? The server has been up for a couple months and there haven't been any promo/demos for the div.... get your shit together please.... make CSGO good again.... @Bleed @Chrono @Rhododendron
  20. Division: Counter-Strike In-Game Name: See Below Offender's Steam ID: See Below Rules Broken: See Below Ban Type: Server Ban Evidence: Listed most of what I saw, but there was so much shitfest.... and @Bleed and @jubens45 both wouldn't come help when I asked... There's several demos attached if you want to look through and find the rest of the rulebreakers and do something about them too... "MobyTheMadCow" STEAM_1:0:49040669 Mass Freekilling "maj" STEAM_1:0:49329382 Micspam Gunplanting "SpawnOfSatan" STEAM_1:1:109185153 Mass Freekilling Baiting Dropbox - CSGO Rulebreaking
  21. I think we need more DMs and staff for the trade servers cause you know... there's so much rulebreaking that goes on there! #promotemore please!