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Everything posted by Matsi

  1. Dark narrow streaks, called "recurring slope lineae," emanate from the walls of Garni Crater on Mars, in this view constructed from observations by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The dark streaks here are up to few hundred yards, or meters, long. They are hypothesized to be formed by flow of briny liquid water on Mars. The image was produced by first creating a 3-D computer model (a digital terrain map) of the area based on stereo information from two HiRISE observations, and then draping an image over the land-shape model. The vertical dimension is exaggerated by a factor of 1.5 compared to horizontal dimensions. The draped image is a red waveband (monochrome) product from HiRISE observation ESP_031059_1685, taken on March 12, 2013 at 11.5 degrees south latitude, 290.3 degrees east longitude. Other image products from this observation are at HiRISE | Monitor Slopes of Crater on Floor of Central Valles Marineris (ESP_031059_1685). The University of Arizona, Tucson, operates HiRISE, which was built by Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp., Boulder, Colorado. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Project and Mars Science Laboratory Project for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona
  2. Dark, narrow streaks on Martian slopes such as these at Hale Crater are inferred to be formed by seasonal flow of water on contemporary Mars. The streaks are roughly the length of a football field. The imaging and topographical information in this processed, false-color view come from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. These dark features on the slopes are called "recurring slope lineae" or RSL. Planetary scientists using observations with the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer on the same orbiter detected hydrated salts on these slopes at Hale Crater, corroborating the hypothesis that the streaks are formed by briny liquid water. The image was produced by first creating a 3-D computer model (a digital terrain map) of the area based on stereo information from two HiRISE observations, and then draping a false-color image over the land-shape model. The vertical dimension is exaggerated by a factor of 1.5 compared to horizontal dimensions. The camera records brightness in three wavelength bands: infrared, red and blue-green. The draped image is one product from HiRISE observation ESP_03070_1440. The University of Arizona, Tucson, operates HiRISE, which was built by Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp., Boulder, Colorado. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Project and Mars Science Laboratory Project for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona more here: NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows on Today’s Mars
  3. I am able to bend my elbow again without it hurting now, and I don't have to bandage it anymore... makes it a lot easier to sleep finally... Ya, it did :(
  4. Nice Grave Dig... did this kid ever get banned? @Rejects @Caleb956 @kbraszzz @Ohstopyou @metalslug53
  5. -1 My favorite part was the proof that shows... him getting banned... (y)
  6. So that people don't say NO PROOF! :P They are a lot less bloody than when it happened tho, these are pictures of a day later >.>
  7. Slipped on the tiled stairs coming out of my bathroom wet >.> Landed on the step with my back and hit my elbow hard somewhere along the way so I wont be on much this week while I heal... might be on abit but it's been hard to use my keyboard since typing/wasd usage makes my elbow rest right on the injury My Elbow has a hole about 1/3 inch diameter that broke through nearly the entire skin layer, I finally got it to stop bleeding but if I bend my arm it'll rip the scab and bleed again which also makes it hard to use the keyboard. My back has about a 8 inch wide by 6 inch tall area of deep scratches that aren't as bad as the extremely sore internal muscles when I move the wrong way. @kbraszzz @Ohstopyou
  8. Not 16... @Ohstopyou @kbraszzz
  9. +1 he's more active than the DL(s) (y)
  10. Maybe you could also consider removing ammo, so that it's less combat focused because you can only melee each other... this would also get rid of things like base jumpers, rocket jumping and sticky jumping.... as well as the scout guns that give you multiple double jumping and stuff...
  11. What on earth are you talking about? O_o
  12. +1 for week teamban, cause he got lucky and only freekilled 2 instead of 3, but is full of lame....
  13. Don't put words in my mouth, I never called you incompetent... I said you should be MORE competent(as in, you should have seen in that much time, what I have seen in 1 day) that's not the same thing as calling you INCOMPETENT. You replied to my post calling the entire thing "completely useless" and said that the bigger issue was that you couldn't fucking godmode yourself.... seriously....?! And then you are effectively threatening me saying I need to watch myself... real nice...if you have a problem with me and my (blatant disrespect), maybe you should start a convo with me and talk to me about it instead, isn't that what YOU always tell people to do? Back to the topic of the thread: How is the TF2 Surf different from the CSS Surf?
  14. no, I havn't because the server is nearly always on utopia while people DM in the jail.... that cp plugin should prolly just be removed entirely, it's the lamest thing to have people only have to win once and then tele every round, it's also extremely annoying to have to close the stupid popup every round... But no, you're probably right... the Surf rules that have existed in this clan for 5 years are completely useless... let's just have a surf(deathmatch) server without rules so we can all just fight in the jail... such fun.
  15. Then you should be more competent about the "it's not a combat server" thing.... cause you're soooo wrong, or really high... also... that spawn protection... that explains why I sometimes run into people that are godmode in my spawn with their cptele... lol
  16. Have you even been on the surf server? lol combat is 95% of it and surfing is the other 5%, you start off surfing to get to a good cheap spot like the secret room, set your checkpoint, and thenshoot everyone and when you die, you tele back repeat... IDK what you're thinking. Hell most of the time, people jump out of spawn to tele into the jail and kill everyone else.... it's basically a deathmatch server a majority of the time.
  17. I havn't played enough maps to know if there's actual KILL buttons on any, but it implies spamming the buttons that instantly kill you in jail, most of the TF2 ones seem to have a cooldown built in tho so this prolly isn't an issue Prolly true, like i said it's mostly copied from the CSS rules, and TF2 counts kills differently so it isn't a problem as much. It's nearly impossible to kill a sniper in the glass area, and no... someone will beat the map one time... set their checkpoint to that room and tele to it even if you manage to kill them... It was not allowed on CSS and it should not be allowed on TF2
  18. To clarify: you can't kill yourself while being shot at to avoid the person getting a kill on you.... not really needed I suppose, but it was a rule on CSS surf Yes... you cannot tell people that someone is in the jail, or someone is *here* you can't ghost on nearly every server, so why would you be able to on this one... tho i suppose again it's less of an issue since it's a DM server.... they were all just a rough draft, copied from CSS surf's rules... since TF2 surf had NONE.... and noone bothered to even try...
  19. Can we add a rule where you're not allowed to use !ff2boss to repeatly pick the same boss (specifically things like blitzkrieg) Just played FF2 with only like 5 people and this guy picks him EVERY time.... it's dumb... and I'd prefer just something like a rule against it or maybe if you could config the plugin to not let you pick the same thing repeatedly rather than everyone losing access to the plugin or something due to the abuse of one person :( @Ohstopyou @kbraszzz @Rejects
  20. So... kinda wondering why noone has bothered to make rules for the surf server.... so I went ahead and copied/modified the CSS surf servers for a base to build upon if a DM/DL wants to edit them as needed and make them official(move them to the rules forums and set them to the MOTD on the server.) @Ohstopyou @kbraszzz * NO SPAWN CAMPING/KILLING Under NO circumstance should anybody be in the other teams spawn UNLESS a tele-pad put you there, in which you MUST LEAVE as soon as possible. DO NOT FIRE INTO, AT or CAMP the enemies spawn points -- This includes areas that spawn you above, below or anywhere AROUND the enemies spawn area with intention to kill. Also you are not allowed to camp portals or teleports waiting for enemies to go through them and shoot them as they come out. No matter the location, if you are caught firing at the enemies within there spawn or camp their spawn, you will be slain/kicked/banned accordingly. * DO NOT SPAM KILL BUTTONS These are used to kill players in jail -- spamming them is annoying and causes lag for some players - you will be kicked/banned accordingly. * DO NOT SUICIDING TO AVOID DEATH This is annoying and will get you kick/banned! * NO GHOSTING This is telling other players, while you are dead, who are alive where the opposite team is currently located, doing this is a kickable/bannable offense. * NO TEAMKILLING You cannot use the kill button to kill your own teammates unless there are also opposing members in the jail, if it's just your own team and you teamkill them, you will be slain. * NO CAMPING SECRET/UNFAIR AREAS -- You cannot camp in secret areas that give you an unfair advantage, for example: areas with one way glass. If you camp one of these locations you will be warned/slain/kicked/banned accordingly.
  21. Is csgo adding hub/donator perks again.... and do we get them back if we had them before chrono broke the servers :P
  22. Did you change anything before there error started to happen or is the only differences your router issues? You may want to forward ports and make sure you don't have any firewalls or antivirus that could be blocking stuff. You can also try running steam and/or tf2 as admin, or try reinstalling tf2 entirely.