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Everything posted by Matsi

  1. worst promo since promote/demote entire minecraft server 2015.... RIP TF2 respawn
  2. Matsi

    I'm Back!

    It doubles as a quarter! Heads/Tails :P
  3. that would be pointless... since you could do a vote to abuse any cmd anyways.... what would be the point of doing it for LR at that point? Perhaps remove the option from the menu, so it's picked less because it's ust not there, but it can be done via custom LR if staff online agrees... and go easy on things so you dont crash it.... things like bind mwheeldown "sm_smash @all" are bad :P
  4. Going to use this to announce/keep track of changes made to the server, changes will be listed by date+summary in spoilers to make it more organized. Please feel free to suggest things in reply posts on this thread :) [spoiler=20150810 - Making maps change more] Set map timer to 30 minutes Set frag limit to 50 [spoiler=20150811 - Added Features] Set MOTD to General Server MOTD/Community Rules. Increased maxplayers from 16 to 20 Added automatic updating [spoiler=20150818 - Radio] Added !radio plugin
  5. The server has gone from 471st to 223rd in ranking We have had 93 different players join An average of 3 players over the past month(not sure if this means 3 of the past week, or a month, since the server hasn't existed for a month) Keep populating the server and let me know if you have any suggestions for things to add or change :) Please keep replies relevant to suggestions and questions for the server...
  6. Furcon was fun.... surprisingly I was offered less pot this year than previous years... I guess when it's legal noone cares to sneak some in since everyone just has some.... I got a cool Zippo that was custom engraved by hand by one of my favorite artists.... I learned how to make sugar cookies with pot... might post recipe later :P And had fun doing all sorts of stuff including watching a pack of furries dive into a pile of balloons in suit xD
  7. correct me if I am mistaken... but only 7 of those 11 events are crashes, and they appear to be 1 per server.... not 1 server 7 times.... ??
  8. I have not seen the server crash during my admin abusing in over two months.... and that was when i spawned a ton of bosses....which i don't do anymore.... so.... ya.... :)
  9. That's dumb... maps last a very long time... how about we don't fuck with something that isn't a problem apart from people not overdoing it and crashing the server... I've learned where this happens and avoid doing too much all at once... but there was nothing bad about the day that happened in the youtube. :)
  10. The fuck you talking about??? Never heard of any of those people.
  11. Thank goodness he wasn't recording for one of the pumpkin bridge days ;)
  12. Are you seriously quoting the guy that also said in the same post that admin abuse day gave his computer a virus..... gg
  13. Forgive me if I don't give a shit what people (aka the one guy that said that) thinks of a server they have never been to and are basing their opinion from a 15 second clip... not to mention he was prolly joking. Egossi your single vote, which was prolly a lot of 1spam means Jack shit considering I have had votes for abuse days outside of lr on a server of 20+ people have vote 95% or more yes for the days The solution is simple if you don't like abuse days for lr don't ducking pick it for your lr... and try harder to win lr so someone else doesn't :)
  14. Out of all the recording he took on our server the admin abuse day was the only thing that made it into the video implying it was the funnest thing that happened while he was on the server.... I have seen none of these alleged complaints on the forums... don't pull shit out of your ass @Egossi unless you have proof to back it up... I have never seen anyone legit complain about abuse days... I've only had them ask for more and more.
  15. Lol awesome... I remember him saying that that day too "your breaking the map" haha good times... Don't see how that was bad rep... he seemed to be having a laugh... it was great... Also @Moosty yes it was abuse :p lots of it hehe It was abuse day which is why there were hammers and godmode on everyone too :)
  16. Matsi

    50$ Game Giveaway

    Dumbest riddle evah... won't even be trying in the next one, would have more luck randomly guessing objects without the horribly bad riddle :/ Firstly... unless your ac runs on like.. gasoline... it doesn't produce greenhouse gases...lol it's even stretching it quite a bit to say that running it in fan mode is green. Secondly... it's not consuming anything but electricity.... I'd wtf you are talking about with hydro.... and it's not consuming space... it's occupying it... consume means it's continuing to use something.. like power, so unless your ac is also a black hole.... /end rant
  17. +1 was a good mod from back in the old times... deserves it far more than the current nonmembers that have it...
  18. +1 awesome guy, always around and helpful A:9.6 M:6.9
  19. Matsi


    Going to be gone for the next 4 or 5 days for Furry Convention Going to be in Denver where people will be offering me pot every 20 minutes :P
  20. Matsi

    50$ Game Giveaway

    My guess is the chameleon looking thing in the picture frame, but then I see that everyone else is guessing that to... so this just became pointless to even try :( I don't even have a second guess, cause i am pretty sure it's that... specially since I am fairly sure you PSed the window white so that he could only be seen in the reflection.... so tricky.
  21. cheese with your whine As in, "You want some cheese with your whine?" Said to people who whine excessively about some otherwise trivial bit of drama. Has a sort of you-had-it-coming flavor to it, and a strong implication from the speaker to the subject that now would be a really good time to shut up, because the whining is rally annoying the speaker. Comes from that cheese is popular with wine, a beverage made of fermented fruit, and that whine is a homonym of wine. "Oh, poor me, my steak arrived with not enough salt!" "Well, then, you want some cheese with your whine?"
  22. Would you like some cheese with your whine?
  23. WHAT THE HELL IS A ME ME?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A36qTv3K7Gk
  24. My opinion is that you're both dumbfucks... :) Don't have an aneurysm about it.... (y)