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Friend of xG
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Posts posted by xGStumpy

  1. For the people saying I negatively represent xG, at the time this incident occurred, there were 4 people online. Myself, matsi, Snakeboyeric and someone else i forget who, It's not like any people quit playing xG servers because of disrespectful I was, and realistically if this occurred during the day when there were 20+ people on including staff members, I would have been gagged/kicked/banned way faster than I actually was.

  2. +1 xG doesnt need people that disrespect representing them and personally, I would like to see him go.

    I've literally never played with you in any Cs;s servers before, and I can honestly say, when I disrespect someone, I'm usually kidding. Obviously when I was disrespecting Matsi, I wasn't really kidding around, but I've never really went off on him and disrespected him that hard.

  3. I did not "spam" you with negative ratings. I was going through a thread in the management section of forums which I do regularly and giving my ratings (aka letting the poster know what I legitimately thought about their posts which the ratings are for). If you look at other posts besides yours you will find I also rated those. You happened to post more than three times, all of which I disagreed with.


    What you did was go back a week to various posts in threads you hadn't been active in to give me negative ratings simply in retaliation. Hence the trolling.

    I was literally doing the same thing. I like to look through old ban protests and member submissions to see which ones were successful and which ones were not. I also tend to leave feedback, and your posts happen to be in some of the threads I was going through. Unfortunately, I could not bring myself to agree or like any of your posts, so most of the ratings I gave you were negative.

  4. The point was to say you arent a constant rule breaker, showing that it was in fact trolling towards matsi and completely uncalled for. If you know the rules then you are not a constant rule breaker (so im saying you know the rules and normally dont break them).


    Thus knowing rules means you shouldnt have done what you did. You disregarded said rules and broke them in an effort to troll.

    Alright then your first post there bud didnt make sense at all really but I understand the message now. Also I really wouldnt consider what I did trolling, more just expressing my dislike of matsi

  5. You say he isn't a constant rule breaker, then why did he all of a sudden intentionally freekill and troll? If you are a long time player of the server, a member, and somebody who doesn't break rules then it is pretty obvious you shouldnt be doing what he did. Everyone knows he did it on purpose to troll and we take trolling seriously.

    You kinda contradicted yourself there bud. "all of a sudden" generally means its out of the blue, which is very rarely. Thanks for proving I'm not a constant rule breaker.

  6. Impersonating staff >

    Jan 11, 2014 11:44:16 pmAlright gonna have to ban you Spy Ball, youre welcome to come back tomorrow when your ban is over

    Jan 11, 2014 11:43:21 pmspyball lie again and im banning you,.

    Jan 3, 2014 11:39:58 pmor im banning

    Jan 3, 2014 11:39:54 pmgive orders

    Jan 3, 2014 2:13:31 amGonna have to ban you

    Jan 3, 2014 2:11:21 amEither you have a massive lisp, or you have a cock in your mouth

    Jan 3, 2014 2:11:09 amI cant understand you

    Not impersonating at all, LOL. As a joke, I threatened to ban someone for "lying". Also @@Hidingmaster the rating spam was instigated by cookie after she spammed me with negative ratings. Lastly, why do you assume my status post was about Matsi? For all you know, I could be talking about a my highschool principal, who can actually be refered to as an administrative staff member.

  7. Even if they are friends, where did Minecrack, Adam, Paulie or any of the others come into this?




    Please tell me how my post was biased in any way.




    And yet you don't take any of this seriously. As HidingMaster said, you are risking a harsher punishment, which may include a forum ban if you continue to troll on the forums. As Forest said, you should not troll a Staff Member, and move over to the forums posting a Ban Protest where you start right up trolling again.


    -Dat furfag DarkWolf6052

    Im not friends with minecrack adam or paulie.

    It's biased because you and matsi both have the same views on animal abuse, obviously you are going to agree with him

    Why would i take any of this seriously?

  8. If you hadn't have let your ignorance and temper get the best of you, I probably would have been for an unban at a shorter time


    If you were banned for disrespect toward a Staff Member, and you proceed to post a Ban Protest where you still ridicule said Staff Member, you aren't helping your cause at all. In fact, you're making it much worse. If you can't take the time to cool off without resorting back to disrespecting, then the appropriate punishment would be for you to take some time away, which is exactly what should happen. A few days of reflection on your poor attitude and behaviour.


    However, I also do not condone 'jumping the gun' by warranting a lengthy ban without warnings or prior action (gag, kick, ban for pre-determined amount of time), this is especially so when it is a Server ban. After looking at the ban reason, along with the context of this ban, it seems to me that this ban was dealt with a deeper intention. Why include that the offending player was freekilling as the reason? That has little to no relevance to a Server ban unless they fled to evade a ban. With that said, Staff (in general) should remember to keep their feelings from hindering the proper course of action in these sort of situations. It's easy to let your judgement be clouded by it, but just try to remember to follow the appropriate steps in dealing with these situations. If you want to extend a ban, or if you still have problems with that player, don't forget that we do have Member Protest and Ban Request sections on the forums.


    I'm going to remain at a +/-0 for this Ban Protest because the player does not have the decency to demonstrate a humble and civil behaviour and continues to escalate the situation in his own Ban Protest (as well as in ShoutBox and Status Message). However, I do suggest that the ban be shortened to a few days since there were no prior actions taken before the week ban was given. As ShadowSpy mentioned, if an extension is needed, a Ban Request should be posted.


    - Dat guy, Forest

    lold irl


    -dat guy stumpy

  9. Division:

    Counter-Strike: Source

    In-Game Name:

    new player3456

    Steam ID:



    Was banned without warning for 1 week for "trolling/freekilling" by matsi, we were playfully jousting each other and apparently I went to fur by calling him a "furryfaggot" +4 times


    Appealing because I was not warned that I would be banned for a week if I continued my "trolling" as matsi called it. I was not trolling, just playfully jousting as friends do, but I get that it was hard for matsi to understand this form of humor as he does not have any friends.


    - Stumpy 11/24/11---01/18/2014

    Banned by: Matsi. Also known as: Furfaggot2013, SquirrelLuver1998, Dogs4Life