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  1. F!$k Off
    mtown81 got a reaction from Enforcer in Inquiry: Re-Admission?   
    He's lying, I am DM
  2. Like
    mtown81 reacted to TheBasedGod in Xeno Gamers YouTube   
    need user submissions of people twerking then eating a bottle of ranch. Get on dat real shit
  3. Agree
    mtown81 got a reaction from LeToucan in Problems?   
    We have a racist DL @@Bleed @@ThePenguin

  4. F!$k Off
    mtown81 got a reaction from arussian in Problems?   
    We should make @@Purple Co-Leader
  5. Agree
    mtown81 reacted to tree in LapisLazuli - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Give Lapis the equal treatment you showed to Obama/Trin whom under a no balls pretense murdered 5 or more Ts. for a week CT ban or some shit. but Lapis won't see this special treatment I predict. nor will Ben Dover who has an open ban protest. Even though these two players last mentioned have been playing xG jailbreak much longer than Trin or any free smiting mod
  6. Like
    mtown81 got a reaction from Ambition in Ambition - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive   
    A 7/10
    M 7/10
  7. Like
    mtown81 reacted to Gawd in Anonymous reporting   
    I made a thread a while ago Suggestion (Anonymous Player Reporting) which outlined the idea of making a system of anonymously reporting rule breakers etc. This as well as other factors led to the creation of the bad idea forum.
    However, the only thing this forum is used for is for troll threads and other random postings. Many are also hate threads and things of that nature etc.
    When I came up w/ the idea I noted the fact that these reports should be a highly regulated type of thing, not like it is today. Instead of allowing people to post random threads I was thinking something along the lines of:

    Choosing Member Protest, Ban Request, Admin Abuse, Anonymous Suggestion, Other.
    Have a forum admin approve each submission. If a user posts a troll thread the forum admin, (although he will not know who posted it) can bar that specific user from posting other troll threads.

    Like I said in my previous thread, this would allow users to be able to post their true feelings about people in an anonymous setting free of ridicule from other members. I think this was an especially good time to resuggest this as it coincides with the monthly cycle of complaining about disrespect/abusers.
    Now I know people may say that you shouldn't be afraid to voice your opinion but let's be honest. A huge number of people don't reply to threads solely because they are afraid of harming friendships or facing ridicule. Thus, the true opinion of the community isn't heard.
    Also, if possible, maybe a way for users to anonymously respond to ban requests/protests/member/admin abuse that are already up. They too would have to go through the approval process to prevent troll threads.
    So, tl;dr :

    In order to actually give use to anonymous posting (bad idea) I suggest (as I did in my first thread) to actually regulate the process and prevent troll threads.
    Anonymous replies to threads that are already up. ( would be regulated in the same way)

    Tell me what you think!
    @@Forest backed up this idea, tell me what you think and any additional things to add
  8. Agree
    mtown81 reacted to House in plug ins   
    Mom give me a condom
  9. Like
    mtown81 reacted to serbiansnaga in Problems?   
    imo, people need to stop being such damn beta pussies, if someones bugging u, either ignore them or tell them to fuck off, it is simple as that, anyone can do it and if that doesnt stop them, then block them on ts/steam/whatever the fuck and ull NEVER HAVE TO HEAR THEM AGAIN EVER unless u decide to unblock them urself, these tools are put in place for that reason yet no one takes the initiative to consider blocking them and instead take the insults and abuse and then ragequit the clan complaining about disrespect yet they did NOTHING to put a stop to it like getting a demo or screenshots.
    you people need to start thinking ffs and half the problems in the css division will disappear instantly
  10. Agree
    mtown81 got a reaction from TurdWig in Problems?   
    We should make @@Purple Co-Leader
  11. Agree
    mtown81 reacted to Jordozombie in Problems?   
    First thing first, members should get admin and mod and even DM by working hard and give help to their division. Not just suck dicks in TS. No offense to anybody, but when I ask people how you get mod,admin or DM, they say "I just active in TS" K das cool. I think this is why most admin are so abusive and think they deserved/permanently gain their power over anybody in the server. And act shit.
    This kind of promotion(active in ts/ not in the div that much) happened after poncher/neo/etc leaves the xG. I think what we need is to get good DL/DM who would really work on the div(ex Chrono). For my opinon, our DL/DM(css) are not that into the division. And just hope that silence do everything for them. I think it would be good idea to choose DM/DL who can really "Manage Division" (knows how to control admins/mods and codes so they can contributes the server). I know there is "nothing" to do at this moment with the div. At least you guys should chose admins and mod carefully by looking at their potential not by just being friendly to you.
    No offense to current admins/mods/DM/DL, but this have to be told by someone.
    P.S. forgive my grammar.
  12. Optimistic
    mtown81 got a reaction from salartarium in QuangTang - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive   
    +1 someone i havent played with in months
    So does that +1 count?
  13. Like
    mtown81 reacted to TheKingBaby in Photoshop Sprays   
    Before I continue with the spray this is what I have. Tell me if you want anything changed, different, or added, don't be afraid to tell me its shitty, I'll redo it if you don't like it. [MEDIA=imgur]C6oEBMQ[/MEDIA]
  14. Agree
    mtown81 got a reaction from LeToucan in QuangTang - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive   
    Earth. He has plenty of hours on csgo, BAM
    the ranking only has him down for less than an hour in the past week on our servers. pls use brain before posting mtown
    Edit: its not just week, apparently hes been so inactive it actually cleared his previous connects
    Implying that I have a brain.
  15. Smelly
    mtown81 got a reaction from MagicalPurple in QuangTang - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive   
    A 9/10
    M 10/10
    Was a mod on CS:GO who did his job well and was friendly with the community. Got demoted due to inactivity. +1
  16. Winner
    mtown81 got a reaction from matteroll in Custom Join messages   
    I wouldn't mind having server access I am fluent in C++, HTTP, Java, www. and many other internetz codez
  17. Winner
    mtown81 got a reaction from TheBasedGod in Custom Join messages   
    I wouldn't mind having server access I am fluent in C++, HTTP, Java, www. and many other internetz codez
  18. Like
    mtown81 got a reaction from Enforcer in QuangTang - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive   
    Earth. He has plenty of hours on csgo, BAM
    the ranking only has him down for less than an hour in the past week on our servers. pls use brain before posting mtown
    Edit: its not just week, apparently hes been so inactive it actually cleared his previous connects
    Implying that I have a brain.
  19. Useful
    mtown81 got a reaction from MagicalPurple in Custom Join messages   
    I wouldn't mind having server access I am fluent in C++, HTTP, Java, www. and many other internetz codez
  20. Like
    mtown81 reacted to SilverHawk in SilverHawk - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive   
    lol I see XD I haven't been on the past 2 days bc im visiting family tho :P
  21. Like
    mtown81 reacted to Rhododendron in Great Job   
    Alright, this is along the same issue with the HG map in jailbreak. First, if it's uploaded anyone can use it, VALVe's ToS states that any map online is fair-game for use. It's only a copyright violation if I were to decompile it and release an edited version (which I have not done).
    Secondly, he compared me to PBFortress owner 'Playboy', claiming I did the exact same thing he did. However, if you were to read over this conversation, you would realize that that his statement is false. 'Playboy' was going to pay someone $300-$800 dollars to edit the map, which is against VALVe's ToS (since he didn't have permission from the author) and illegal since he doesn't own the textures/models ripped from SM64. I have not asked anyone to edit the map, nor have edited it myself. I simply filtered out the map protection so I could use it on our server. This is not violating VALVe's ToS so I see no wrong. Also with mabevillage, I simply renamed it to trade_mabevillage and threw it on the server. It loaded but there were graphical issues. I did not convert it nor decompile it so accusing me of doing so is an extremely rash decision.
    Now, the fact that he is acting extremely immature about the whole situation, blocking any xG members, and posting my IPs on that post he made shows his maturity and how underdeveloped the person we are dealing with is. If you were to look through his posts, he has had issues with many other people in the past. He trashes other map creators on his blog, and complains that nobody plays his maps. I'm not saying his maps are bad (they are amazing) but he was using GameServers as his GSP and complained about them on his blog, citing constant downtime and whatnot. Because of the lack of donations and server downtime, he recently cancelled the server and announced he was done with the Source engine and would not be releasing any content. I contacted him about it and asked if he would be willing to upload the maps, which he refused. I then expressed my condolences and offered him a server to continue his work on, with zero strings attached and no references to xG (I tend to support dev's with servers ranging from time periods of 3-6 months, I like to support the Source community. I've supported maybe 10 projects since the creation of xG) but he humbly declined. I did infact lie that I wouldn't use the maps (I'm Jewish, sue me) and that is the only accusation that is true. The rest are 100% false.
    Some of statements are a bit shocking and tell me the type of person I ticked off. He claims that people take advantage of him, even though he is posting something that is deemed for public use if someone get's the map, and insists that the content he posted for a community (TF2) that is largely based around the Steam Workshop for thousands of custom work is not for other people's use. That's fine, however as soon as he uploaded his files to a public place, according to VALVe's ToS, it is deemed public and no restrictions for standard usage can be placed on it. He claims that you need his permission for standard usage, but that is stated otherwise in VALVe's ToS. The fact that he stated this:

    tells me he simply will not accept this fact and anyone who uses his content is taking advantage of him, which is downright false. Most people would fine comfort in a large amount of people using their creations, and the more people who use it, the more feedback the author will get and recognition. However, with him, it is the exact opposite and he doesn't want his work spread around, nor recognition from the TF2 community, which is completely fine! But inhibiting me for using the content that you uploaded to the internet is crazy, especially since my usage of it is completely legal.
    Finally, although what I did might be frowned upon, I have done nothing illegal or violated VALVe's ToS. The main reason for going out of my to add the map was that I want the best experience for our players, and will achieve it without breaking the law. I have not done that, so I see zero reason to remove the map, other then from the author's moral standpoint and not my own. The only thing I have done was lie, and I apologize for it.
  22. Agree
    mtown81 reacted to diabeetus in Change   
    So in order to solve our problems (one of the largest being adequate finances) we should go and spend even more money on another Division? No thank you. We should focus on improving our already successful divisions, not trying to just churn out as many as possible. Focusing on bringing back hub or coming up with new games for servers like Jaibreak would probably be a better idea. We need to break away from the mold that we've created with our wardens on Jailbreak and try to be more creative and spontaneous. Just playing the same map games and First Reaction; Last Reaction all day gets real boring.
  23. Like
    mtown81 reacted to Forest in Change   
    Did somebody say Community Night???
    .. No? Nevermind then.
  24. Like
    mtown81 reacted to ThePenguin in QuangTang - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive   
    A 3/10
    M 9/10
    Operation Populate CS GO JB
  25. Like
    mtown81 reacted to IAmLegend in QuangTang - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive   
    I don't play cs:go much. I have about 12 hours on all the cs:go servers combined. When I played jailbreak this fellow was always on.
    A: 5/10 (atleast when I played)
    M: 9/10 (very mature, knew rules, and was a pretty decent staff member.)