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Everything posted by Superkiller67

  1. @@Forest would. Hey Forest no balls go mass 3 times. :) lol eden +1 for shorten ban its been long enough. 1 month or more
  2. lol daeth god lol you want one?
  3. ccm RBZ 85 flex. its to easy to flex for me. so going for 1o2 or 95 flex.
  4. Superkiller67


  5. @@Forest, @@Hidingmaster 20+1s and co leader approval :) @@Snoopy
  6. Yolo lol Do i care how i still didnt drop it. :)
  7. First one me taking a slap shot this year in hockey. (almost broke my hockey stick. Second one was 2 years ago at my cousins 18th birthday party. Man first time i Got drunk was that day. :) only 12 years old at the time :P. man I was on my 3rd breezer. I had one more after that and then wine and champions
  8. Sure can we get panda also? for team 2 ill be on a team.
  9. LAst postes please lol. rainbow you got mad when someone freekilled you lol. yeah its a game. i love you.
  10. +1 if you see i was on at the time. i told him to take the tags off. He then changed his tags to ex:g and then he said and i qoute. ex:g>xG.
  11. @@Rhoukar @@Warriorsfury @everyone else stop arguing @@Superkiller67 also. Lets have only the higher ups deal with it. OMG we just need to relax and enjoy our life. stop making excuse ect. @@Forest @@serbiansnaga @@Forest @@Hidingmaster @@serbiansnaga @@DarkWolf6052 HAve a discussion in ts or something this is 7 pages of arguing and making up excuses. only 1 page has given proof.
  12. @@Rhoukar everyone spams like shit when there is a tarp. so we should just kick them? no half the time there arent even warned or gagged.
  13. Okay so i was in the server today snoopy was on. snoopy got freekilled but this person, and snoopy forgave him and right away, mistakes happen. I slayed him for it lol. I just wanted to say im a so proud of you snoopy. We need people like snoopy who dont go crazy at the person who freekilled him :) good job snoopy. @@Snoopy
  14. @@Warriorsfury darkwolf didnt say it was disrespect he said it was spamming stop bring in disrespect.
  15. Can i be a sub @@MineCrack Tell me what to play and i will play it :)
  16. @@IAmLegend but did you not see the mute? you did,i did, mrawesome did. It might have not worked but it went to logs. but now saying something 2 times is not spamming. people spam tarp way more then what jacob did.@Hidingmaster i never see someone gaged after saying something twice. also he stated i must have not type it out properly, why would you kick him if you notice him saying it again OMG. This is excuse is worse than my dog ate my homework or my cat jumped on my screen and press smite @all or what ever... No more warnings should be given. also you are saying you want to Quit, thats a pussy way out. did @@xShadowSpyx leave after he got demoted. did @@arvelez leave after getting demoted. NO THE DIDNT... no the love xG and wants to help out with the community and make it grow like it was before.
  17. Nope it was north korea anthom and none said turn it off. mods of your channel asked me to play it. and you sound was mute. Gyazo - a0fe1990d6f74ff58094ab8094fb65e8.png here are your rules. idk how you can't even follow your own rules. :$
  18. exactly... @@Forest @@serbiansnaga clean this up. Now darkwolf blacklisting me in your channel because what i posted is really immature.
  19. @@Hidingmaster it went through the system it state he was mute but didnt work. no where in that demo did it say he was gagged. Leged you saw it go through so it should have work it might have been a little glitch. but if darkwolf did then he would have to ungag him also. which he didnt. he said it 2 times and thats not spamming so it shouldnt have been a gag then he said it 2 more times once again not spaming and you kick him. that abuse im sorry to say. @@Hidingmaster @@IAmLegend
  20. no it didnt work put it went in the system lol @@IAmLegend
  21. A:8 M:8 very active deserves membership. He learnt rules really fast :) D: +1 Good Luck buddy
  22. azmatic we need rages steam id also please unless that is in another thread? Other than that those were intentional freekills.@Hidingmaster for a ban on dirt and maybe if we get rages id. him to