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Everything posted by Scootaloo

  1. Who in the hell is this kid? Does anyone actually know? AFAIK Tirisgarde has NEVER been on Teamspeak, only has 8 Forum messages, and I personally have NEVER seen him in game. How in the hell is he able to push a -1 on Vector when he hasn't even been a member long enough to remember when Vector was actually an Admin? Tirisgarde - team fortress 2 | Xeno Gamers Literally only been a member for a month and a half. Vector was demoted in December. And for the record, I +1 reinstating him to at least Mod. (Just in case my butt tacos post was unclear.)
  2. -1 for Butt Tacos. +1 for Ass Cheese. Let it ride.
  3. So, I'm going to be taking a bit of a hiatus from the division for a bit. I'm not leaving permanently or anything like that. I can just slowly feel myself being sucked away from TF2 by the sloppy wet lips of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. I'm a bit of a MH whore, and since I recently purchased a New 3DS, I have had a hard time doing much of anything else, such as caring for my daughter or tending to my marriage, or showing up for work and teaching my little demons. My wife probably left already. I'm not sure. I also may or may not have a job anymore. Who knows. So, gimme a few days to get this out of my system and I'll be back. Hate you all. You won't be missed.
  4. Thanks for tagging me to let me know you're leaving. T.T Anywho, it's been great man. Take care out there in the real world!
  5. Ninten > Ness Just sayin'.
  6. Can confirm. I put too much effort into my tower for it to be taken away from me. All of my shit is in there and I don't want it lost. If possible, can I please have it removed from the plot so I can town it myself? Also, I recently changed my in-game name to xG_Scootaloo, and now I am no longer a town member. Any way to have that fixed? Thanks.
  7. This isn't Alcoholics Anonymous. There's no excuse for being a dick on our servers. You want to blame your life problems on alcoholism, you go right ahead. But continue to antagonize our patrons and you'll eventually find yourself banned, and nobody will miss you. Nobody really cares what your in-life personality acts like, because we don't see the in-life personality. We see the online personality. And if your online personality generates a dickish reputation, it's nobody's fault but your own. I have very little contact with you personally, which hasn't been too good. I hear nothing but complaints about you from the other staff, to the point where my higher ups have given me permission to Perma you on your next offense. You're already on a thin line as it is, so my advice to you would be to stop toeing the line and straighten the fuck up, because it's no hair off of my chest if you can't come to our servers anymore. Just another troll banned because he's an immature asshole who likes to "push buttons." Your actions reflect on you, no matter if you think it's an online personality that doesn't matter in the real world. How you treat others is a reflection on your own merit, even if you don't think it's serious. Truth be told, others do, and your childish actions are not going unnoticed.
  8. I'm in the same boat as Moosty. No tag. T.T Either way, Bach, you seem like a pretty kickass dude, and I'll miss you most. Have a good life man. I'll catch up with you in TS!
  9. Soooo, over the course of about the past week, Hub has been a real assbutt lately. Things have reset, trails are gone, name tags are no longer there, weapon colors aren't showing, and all sorts of nonsense is going on. I'm not sure what caused it, but it'd be swell if it could be fixed. Perhaps we could try resetting the servers that have been affected, I dunno. At the time of writing this, the following servers are affected: -Trade Gaming History -Pokemon Trade -Saxton Hale -Jailbreak -Deathrun Strangely enough, the Unusual Server, Surf, and Deathrun are all unaffected. It'd be cool if it could be fixed! :D @kbraszzz
  10. I mean, there isn't much else to say. Things have been great in the past. But now, I just find myself hungry for something more. I'm parched and famished at this point. So...I'm headed to McDonalds. You guys want anything? Be back in about 20 minutes.
  11. But....but I wasn't tagged and/or didn't get a fudge you. I thought we had something magical, Iggy. T.T
  12. @Kart may be interested in this thread as well.
  13. Funny story about me and Shrodu. I was dicking about last night on a random trade server, trying to pick up a key, when all of a sudden I see someone type in chat "Scootaloo? That name seems awfully familiar." It was our dear sweet friend Shrodu here. Shrodu and I have a bit of a history. Back in the days of oldfaggotry here on xG, Shrodu and I stomped about the Nintendo Sixty Fortress server a bunch with Moosty, Armin, and a few others. However, for some reason, we didn't see eye to eye on something and we ended up blocking each other. (He says it was something about a story where I shit myself. I wouldn't be surprised.) Anyway, we never really spoke much after that, and I didn't exactly have the highest opinion of him. But, last night, our paths crossed once again, we chatted for a bit, caught up, and eventually unblocked each other and friended one another. That's when he asked about possibly getting unbanned so he could frequent the servers once again. I spoke to a few of the higher ups and they said to have him submit a ban protest, so here we are. I know Shrodu has been in the sour end of things a few times, but this is ANCIENT history and I honestly feel like he has matured and changed, just as I have. I say we give him another shot. +1 to the unbanning. It's good to have you back, brother. =)
  14. Grats @all promos! Welcome aboard! :D
  15. Congrats to the promos, but.... Where did Cold go? T.T
  16. Oh hell yeah! Welcome back! +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
  17. Yep, Scoots plays LoL. My in-game summoner name is metalslug53, just like here. You should send me a F/R. If you do, please post and let me know that you sent me a request!
  18. #ImGonnaBeADaddyAgain
  19. Happy Anniversary with the clan, Hachi. We've had to deal with your nonsense for a year. What a joy.
  20. But then again, I don't know the whole story. Maybe communication WAS made. Maybe improvements WEREN'T achieved. I can't be sure. I can't make the judgment call, as it wasn't my place to ask. Like I said, I want to remain neutral, but I don't have the full story.